
shǎn běi
  • Northern Shaanxi
  1. 他从上海辗转到达陕北。

    He left Shanghai and finally reached northern Shaanxi after passing through many places .

  2. 基于GIS的陕北景观结构

    Landscape Pattern of Northern Shaanxi Based on GIS

  3. 农民出身的李春林以前住在陕北的一个贫困村。

    Li Chunlin , a farmer , used to live in a poor village in the north of Shaanxi .

  4. n级倒立摆系统建模陕北石油秩序

    Modeling of n - order inverted pendulum

  5. 基于DEA方法的陕北退耕还林(草)模式研究

    Research on the grain for green in Shan-bei district based on data envelopment analysis

  6. TM影像在陕北地区生态环境本底调查中的应用

    Base situation investigation of ecological environment in North Shaanxi Province with the data of TM images

  7. 陕北胃癌高危人群胃粘膜组织中突变型p53蛋白的表达与Hp感染的关系

    The relationship between the expression of mutable p53 protein in the population at high risk gastric cancer and helicobacter pylori infection

  8. 陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区NDVI与气象因子的相关性分析

    The Correlations Between Climatic Factors and NDVI in Hilly and Gully Area of Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi

  9. 运用数据包络分析方法研究陕北退耕还林的运作模式,建立了陕北退耕还林(草)的DEA模型。

    The DEA model is set up after the data envelopment analysis ( DEA ) was applied to grain for green in Shan-bei district .

  10. 使用载有粒子测量系统(PMS)、卫星全球定位系统(GPS)的飞机对2002年9月13日陕北地区一次降水性层状云系进行了有设计的催化、探测飞行。

    Precipitation stratiform cloud systems were detected and catalyzed by using airplane with airborne Particle Measuring Systems ( PMS ) and satellite Global Position System ( GPS ) in September 13 , 2002 in the Northern Shaanxi Province .

  11. 陕北黄土丘陵区旱地春谷200~250kg/亩稳产栽培问题的研究

    Research on Stable-Yielding Cultivation of Rainfed Land Spring Millet with Yield or 200 ~ 250kg / mu in Loess Hilly Regions In Northern Shaanxi

  12. 连续3a试验研究结果表明,陕北丘陵沟壑区旱梯田采取双料沟垄组合覆盖,可明显改善土壤水、气、热环境状况。

    Results from the 3 years of field experiment indicate , that the mulching measure with plastic film on the ridge and straw in the ditch in the dry terraced land in North Shaanxi Loess Plateau hilly and gully region could improve the soil water , air and temperature condition .

  13. 天然羧酸盐驱油剂ZY5在高温高盐高钙镁条件下的界面活性与岩心驱油能力陕北石油秩序

    Natural Carboxylate Based Surfactant System ZY5 : Interfacially Active Properties and Oil Displacing Capacity at Conditions of High Temperature , Salinity and Ca ~ ( 2 + ) + Mg ~ ( 2 + ) Contents

  14. 陕北子长县自然条件与经济发展

    Natural Conditions and Economic Development in Zichang County , North Shaanxi

  15. 陕北奥陶系钾盐层位的发现与研究

    Discovery and Study on Ordovician Potash Salt Horizons in Northern Shaanxi

  16. 陕北石油秩序柴油在海洋底栖围隔生态系中的分布及其变化

    Distribution and change of diesel oil in enclosed marine benthic ecosystem

  17. 陕北石油秩序蛋白抽提率与脂肪抽提率极显著正相关;

    Extractability of protein was correlated positively with that of oil .

  18. 陕北植被生态环境变化对气候的影响

    The Effecting Vegetation Ecosystem Changes on Climate in the North Shaanxi

  19. 陕北石油秩序油类助剂在除草剂中应用及开发前景

    Oil - based Adjuvants for Herbicides : Application and Development Trend

  20. 乐平煤系树皮煤生油研究陕北石油秩序

    Research on bark coal - formed oil in Leping coal measures

  21. 陕北地区可持续发展战略研究

    Study on strategy of The north of Shanxi province sustainable development

  22. 陕北地区的垮坝与洪水分析

    Analysis of Dam - Break and Flood in Shaanxi Northern Region

  23. 陕北天然草场的类型研究

    Studies on the types of natural grassland in North Shaanxi province

  24. 陕北油田烃类微渗漏遥感化探特征

    Study on hydrocarbon feeble seepage characteristics in North Shanxi oil area

  25. 陕北石油秩序河南油田地层可钻性测定及应用研究

    On the Application of the Formation Drillability in Henan Oil Field

  26. 陕北石油秩序松节油在农药增效剂及杀虫剂中的应用与进展

    Application of Turpentine Oil in Synergist and Pesticide and Its Progress

  27. 陕北石油秩序聚合物/表活剂二元复合驱室内驱油实验研究

    The Laboratory Experiment of Surfactant-polymer System in Enhancing Producible Oil Index

  28. 陕北石油秩序机电一体化钢带式撇油机的研制开发

    The Research and Development of Electromechanical Integration Steel Band Oil Skimmer

  29. 适合陕北枣区的良种选择研究

    Selective Breeding of Jujube Varieties Suitable for Northern Shaanxi Province

  30. 陕北黄土高原近42年气候变化分析

    Analysis of Climate Change in Northern Shaanxi Plateau in Recent 42 Years