
  1. 陕北高原蝗虫资源调查及区系分析

    Resource Investigation and Fauna Analysis of grasshoppers from North Shaanxi Plateau

  2. 而陕北高原扑下来了,倾斜下来,潜入它的怀抱。

    And the Northern Shaanxi Plateau jumps down , spills down into its embrace .

  3. 黄土丘陵沟壑地区(陕北高原、陇东高原、宁夏南部黄土高原区等)交便不便,晴通雨阻,易守难攻。

    Loess hills zone ( Shaanbei Plateau , Longdong Plateau , Loess Plateau in South Ningxia , etc. )

  4. 鄂尔多斯高原植被稀少,蝗虫物种却较陕北高原丰富。

    The vegetation of the Ordos Plateau is rare , but the species of grasshopper is higher than Shaanbei Plateau .

  5. 多级地貌结构反映了新构造时期陕北高原阶段性抬升与渭河谷地阶段性断陷的构造活动历史。

    Multistage geomorphology structure reflects the new tectonic period in Northern Shaanxi plateau phase of uplift and Weihe Valley stage rift tectonic activity history .

  6. 瞧,这些山沟和老黄土帽,朝着黄河倾斜下去啦,朝着黄河,整个陕北高原都在倾斜。

    Look at these ravines and loess caps , he thought , the entire plateau of northern Shaanxi slopes towards the Yellow River at this point .

  7. 沉入陕北高原侧后的夕阳先点燃了一条长云,红霞又撒向河谷。

    The evening sun , now sunk behind the Northern Shaanxi Plateau , had ignited a strip of clouds , which now scattered over the canyon .

  8. 他出神地想,这陕北高原对黄河的倾斜是默默的,不露痕迹的,就像红脸后生对他的蓝花花婆姨一样。

    Absently , he thought to himself : this sloping is silent and scarless ; it 's just the way that red-faced lad is to his wife .

  9. 对陕北高原、关中盆地、陕南山地三大地区1986-2002年的生态足迹动态变化进行了计算。

    The paper selected Shaanxi Province for research , calculating ecological footprints from 1986 to 2002 of north of Shaanxi Province , Guan zhong , south of Shaanxi Province .

  10. 陕西现存古戏楼按地域主要分布于汉江、嘉陵江、丹江沿岸、关中平原及陕北高原。

    Existing ancient Opera Theaters in Shaanxi province mainly distribute in the Han River , Jialing River , both sides of the Danjiang , Guanzhong plain and the northern plateau of Shaanxi province .

  11. GIS支持下的土地利用与土壤侵蚀强度相关性研究&以陕北黄土高原为例

    Correlation between land use and soil erosion intensities based on GIS : Taking Loess Plateau in North Shaanxi Province as an example

  12. GIS支持下陕北黄土高原土地利用动态变化及驱动机制分析

    The Analyses of Land Use Change and Driving Mechanism in the Loess Plateau in the North of Shanxi Province in Support of GIS

  13. 利用DEM提取陕北黄土高原沟谷网络的汇流阈值研究

    Conflux Threshold of Extracting Stream Networks from DEMs in North Shaanxi Province of Loess Plateau

  14. 基于MODIS影像数据的陕北黄土高原植被区划研究

    Vegetation Division of Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi Based on MODIS Image Data

  15. 基于DEM的陕北黄土高原多地形因子空间关联特征研究

    The Correlation and Its Variance Principle among Multiple Terrain Factors Derived from DEM in the Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi

  16. 依托GIS软件作为技术平台,采用网格地图与数学分析方法,研究了陕北黄土高原土地利用强度与土壤侵蚀强度之间的相互关系。

    Employing GIS , grid-maps and order correlation analysis , this paper studied the correlation between land use-and soil erosion intensity on the Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi Province .

  17. F/C<1,说明其生产效率较典型草原低,而高于同地区的芦苇种群及陕北黄土高原的禾草群落;

    F / C < 1 implied that its production efficiency was lower than that in typical grassland , but higher than that of Phragmites communis population in the same area and that of grass communty on Yellow Plateau in the north of Shannxi ;

  18. 以陕北黄土高原多地貌类型样区为实验样区,采用5m分辨率的DEM为基本信息源,构建不同汇流阈值与所提取沟壑密度量化关系。

    By taking 5 m grid cell DEMs as an experiment basis , the relation between flow accumulation threshold and gully density in the Loess Plateau area , Northern Shaanxi , China , is investigated quantitatively and statistically .

  19. 运用中尺度气象模式MM5,模拟了陕北黄土高原地区一次区域性降雨过程及局地环境要素对两种不同的退耕还林方案的敏感性。

    In this paper , we use MM5V3 to investigate the sensitivity of local rainfall and environmental conditions to two different vegetation development schemes in northern Shaanxi Province .

  20. 本文在总结前人关于地形信息问题研究成果的基础上,提出了栅格DEM数据的地形信息容量的概念,并以陕北黄土高原为实验样区,探讨有关DEM数据地形信息容量的问题。

    Based on the summaries of former researches on topographic information and DEMs of Loess Plateau in North Shaanxi , This thesis comp up with a new concept , Terrain Information Parameters ( TIPs ) of DEMs , and explain the relations between TIPs and real landform .

  21. 利用环境放射性核素铯-137技术定量评价了陕北黄土高原典型山坡地顺坡断面(240m)土壤重新分布的空间变化及其影响因素。

    The spatial redistribution and the effective factors of soil erosion were examined on a hillslope of 240m long in the Loess Plateau in the downslope direction by Caesium-137 technique .

  22. 陕北黄土高原土壤有机质分布研究

    Distribution of soil organic matters on loess plateau of Northern Shaanxi

  23. 安哥拉山羊对陕北黄土高原环境适应情况观测研究报告

    On Adaptability of Angora Goat in Loess Plateau of North Shaanxi

  24. 陕北黄土高原的生态建设实践给我们提供了一个研究的典型样本。

    Loess Plateau Ecological improvement Practice provides us a representative sample .

  25. 陕北黄土高原可持续发展评价研究

    Studies on Sustainable Development Evaluation of Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi

  26. 陕北黄土高原近42年气候变化分析

    Analysis of Climate Change in Northern Shaanxi Plateau in Recent 42 Years

  27. 陕北黄土高原退化生态系统的恢复与重建

    Ecosystem Restoration and Reconstruction on the Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi Province

  28. 陕北黄土高原县域水土保持治理的适宜性评价

    Suitability evaluation of soil and water conservation of counties in Loess Plateau

  29. 陕北黄土高原的土地类型及其评价

    Land types and their assessment on the Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi Province

  30. 陕北黄土高原灌木林的类型及其动态特性

    The types and dynamic characteristics of shrubs on Loess Plateau in North Shaanxi