
  • 网络continental island
  1. 传统上将岛屿分为大陆岛、海洋岛(火山岛与珊瑚岛)和冲积岛。

    Traditionally , islands are divided into continental island , oceanic island ( volcanic island , coral island ) and alluvial island in the ocean .

  2. 在大陆和各岛之间有轮渡服务。

    Ferry services operate between the islands and the mainland .

  3. 从塔斯马尼亚大陆到弗兰得斯岛的旅行。

    To journey from the Tasmanian mainland to Flinders island .

  4. 分布于欧亚大陆、格陵兰岛和北美洲。

    Of Eurasia and Greenland and North America .

  5. 獐所分布的岛屿随着离大陆和本岛距离的增加而减少。

    The number of islands that the deer distributed declines with increase of the distance from the mainland and main island .

  6. 马英九保证,不让中国大陆工人入岛,并且保留对中国大陆农产品进口的禁令。

    Mr Ma has pledged not to allow Chinese workers in and to keep an import ban on Chinese agricultural products .

  7. 联邦制国家,由澳洲大陆塔斯马尼亚州岛,两块外部疆域及几个附属岛屿组成。

    A commonwealth comprising the continent of Australia , the island state of Tasmania , two external territories , and several dependencies .

  8. 这些体积庞大的冰川正从南极大陆和格陵兰岛漂向海洋,它们漂移的速度直接决定了海平面升高的速度。

    How quickly these huge bodies of ice slide off the Antarctic and Greenland land masses into the ocean help determine the speed at which sea levels rise .

  9. 南海北靠中国大陆和台湾岛,南接加里曼丹岛和苏门答腊岛,东临菲律宾群岛,西接中南半岛和马来半岛。

    To its north are the mainland and Taiwan Dao of China , to its south Kalimantan Island and Sumatra Island , to its east the Philippine Islands , and to its west the Indo-China Peninsula and the Malay Peninsula .

  10. 主要的岛屿(有时指的是主岛屿)从北向南依次是北海道(Hokkaido),本州(Honshu)(或称大陆),四国岛(Shikoku),和九州(Kyushu)。

    The main islands ( sometimes referred to as the Home Islands ), running from north to south , are Hokkaido , Honshu ( or the mainland ), Shikoku , and Kyushu .

  11. 远离大陆辐射沙洲人工岛建设关键技术的探讨

    Key technologies of artificial island construction on offshore radiating sandbar

  12. 但实际上它是一种真正的有袋类动物,是靠近澳洲大陆南岛的塔斯马尼亚岛上的原生物种。

    But it 's actually a real animal , Sarcophilus harrisii , which is indigenous to Tasmania , an island to the south of the Australian mainland .

  13. 陈文政表示,大陆根本没有理由减少针对台湾的秘密行动,而台湾政府允许大陆居民在岛上自由行走,正使得大陆方面的这种行动变得更加容易。

    China has no reason at all to reduce its covert operations against Taiwan , and now the [ Taiwan ] government is making such operations easier by allowing Chinese citizens to roam freely on the island , he said .