
  • 网络aia;American International Assurance;American International Assurance Company,Ltd
  1. 知情人士预计,当第一轮投标截止日于今日到期时,不会有中国集团对美国友邦保险有限公司(AIA)提交投标书。

    People familiar with the matter do not expect any Chinese group to launch a bid for American International Assurance when the first-round deadline expires today .

  2. 据知情人士称,AIG上月向一批美国友邦保险有限公司(AIA)的潜在竞购者递送了一份销售备忘录。

    Last month , the US insurer sent a sales memorandum for American International Assurance to a group of potential bidders , according to people close to the situation .

  3. 麦智信表示,自母公司上周五在纽约宣布将启动大规模资产剥离计划以来,逾12家集团已经接洽过美国友邦保险有限公司(AIA)。

    Mr Wilson said that more than a dozen groups had approached the company after the announcement in New York on Friday that the parent would launch a mammoth divestment programme .

  4. 知情人士表示,aig已开始接洽美国友邦保险有限公司(aia)的潜在竞购者,之前,约有40家企业、私人股本集团和主权财富基金(swf)对此表示过兴趣。

    People close to the situation said that AIG had begun contacting potential bidders for American International Assurance ( AIA ) , after receiving expressions of interest from around 40 companies , private equity groups and sovereign wealth funds .

  5. 总部位于香港的美国友邦保险有限公司(AIA)此次上市,将成为过去两年来全球规模最大的IPO之一,在支付给顾问机构的数亿美元佣金中,上述两家投行将拿走最大一块。

    The listing of Hong Kong-based American International Assurance is set to be one the world 's largest listings for the past two years and the investment banks will pocket the largest share of the hundreds of millions of dollars in fees that will be paid to advisers .

  6. 美国友邦保险有限公司深圳分公司发展战略研究

    Study on Development of Shenzhen Branch of American International Assurance Co. , Ltd