
  • 网络The National Park Service;US National Park Service;United States National Park Service
  1. 美国国家公园管理局计划出台政策限制在迈阿密海湾附近的比斯坎湾国家公园里的商业捕鱼行为。

    And the National Park Service is proposing a ban on commercial fishing in Biscayne Bay National Park off the coast of Miami .

  2. 没有任何来自政府的资金。但她与负责监管阿尔卡特拉斯的美国国家公园管理局与非盈利组织金门国家公园管理处密切合作,进行研究工作和游客接待工作。

    No government money was provided , but she worked closely on research and visitor logistics with the National Park Service , which oversees Alcatraz , and the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy , a nonprofit group .

  3. 遗产区域管理规划是美国国家公园管理局要求每一个国家遗产区域在获得提名的三年内所必须完成的一项重要工作。

    National Heritage Area Management plan is a basic work required by the National Park Service to all proposed national heritage areas .