
  • 网络golden gate park;gold gate park
  1. 漫步于金门公园(GoldenGatePark),体会大自然的乐趣。

    the meandering natural pleasures of Golden Gate Park .

  2. 72岁的比尔·梅尔泽(BillMelzer)是债券经纪人,一个阳光明媚的上午,他在旧金山的金门公园遛狗。梅尔泽表示,他很担心干旱,担心以后用水过多会被处以更高的罚款,担心农业可能会发生哪些变化。

    Bill Melzer , 72 , a bond broker walking his dog on a sunny morning in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco , said he was worried about the drought , about the prospect of higher fines for using too much water and about what might happen to the agriculture industry .

  3. 接着我去了金门公园

    Then , I went out to Golden Gate Park

  4. 在我在金门公园下车前还有多少站?

    How many stops are there before I get off for Golden Gate park ?

  5. 接着我去了金门公园,去了野牛帕多克。

    Then , I went out to Golden Gate Park and I went to the Bison Paddock .

  6. 他们在日落区买下了一套公寓,地处金门公园南端,面朝太平洋。

    They got an apartment in the Sunset District facing the Pacific , just south of Golden Gate Park ,

  7. 我写出了一封邮件说,我在金门公园看野牛

    And I typed out an email that said ," I 'm at Golden Gate Park watching the bison . "

  8. 挂了电话,我离开家门,到金门公园北边的斯普瑞柯湖边散步。

    After I hung up , I went for a walk along Spreckels Lake on the northern edge of Golden Gate Park .

  9. 上午的半日游倒是渔民码头,但我们的半日游都不包括金门公园。

    The morning tour does include a stop at fisherman 's wharf , but I 'm afraid our tours don 't include the park .

  10. 甲:有两个地方我是要看看的,一个是渔夫码头,一个是金门公园。

    A : There are two places I really want to see & one is Fisherman 's Wharf and the other is Golden Gate Park .

  11. 去年开放以来,新的加州科学院在旧金山的金门公园建设已经吸引了其在科学的关注。

    Since opening last year , the new California Academy of Sciences building in San Francisco 's Golden Gate Park has attracted attention for its commitment to science .

  12. 每逢星期天,家长们往往带着孩子去参观金门公园占很大面积的美丽的日本茶场,观赏茶场里那些稀奇古怪的树木。

    On Sundays parents often take their children to look at the strange trees in the pretty Japanese Tea Garden in the huge spaces of Golden Gate Park .

  13. 今天,这座门已经成为金门大桥公园里用来纪念地震的纪念物。

    Today , that arch is a memorial of the quake in Golden Gate park .

  14. 没有任何来自政府的资金。但她与负责监管阿尔卡特拉斯的美国国家公园管理局与非盈利组织金门国家公园管理处密切合作,进行研究工作和游客接待工作。

    No government money was provided , but she worked closely on research and visitor logistics with the National Park Service , which oversees Alcatraz , and the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy , a nonprofit group .