
  • 网络Patriot Act;The USA Patriot Act;US Patriot Act
  1. 欧洲长期以来一直不满森森布伦纳支持《美国爱国者法案》,但现在这种情绪被美国国安局监听欧洲市民和领导人的愤怒所代替。

    Long held European discomfort with the Sensenbrenner sponsor Patriot Act has healing comparison to the outraged over alleged NSA spying on European citizens and leaders .

  2. 对于金融机构来说,为了符合《美国爱国者法案》的规定,就必须证实自己流入、流出的每笔资金只来自或流向大型货币中心银行。

    In order for a financial institution to be in compliance with the Patriot Act , it must verify that all funds transferred in or out only come from or go to a major money center bank .