
  1. 晚上,年轻人喜欢聚集在放映美国电影的电影院外面。

    Youngsters love to congregate here in the evenings outside cinemas showing American films

  2. 美国电影正在莫斯科各影院上映。

    American films are showing at Moscow 's cinemas .

  3. 你看过的第一部美国电影是什么?

    What 's the first American film that you have ever seen ?

  4. 使迷恋他疯狂的迷上了美国电影。

    He was obsessed with the American films .

  5. 美国电影《双面女蝎星》(PointofNoReturn)和USA电视网1997年的一部电视剧也是自《尼基塔女郎》改编而来。

    S.movie'Point of No Return'and a1997 series on the USA network .

  6. PBS的“越南战争”赢得美国电影学会颁发的特别奖。

    PBS ' ' Vietnam War ' series receives a special award .

  7. 从X级到NC-17级&谈美国电影分级制度的发展变化

    From X to NC-17 & On the Development of the Movie-Grading System in the U.S.A

  8. 美国电影行业游说人士此前曾一直向中国施压,要求其遵守世界贸易组织(WorldTradeOrganization)2009年做出的一项裁决。当时世贸组织裁定,中国规定每年进口影片不得超过20部的政策违反了国际贸易规定。

    U.S. film-industry lobbyists had been pressuring China to resolve a standoff dating back to 2009 , when the World Trade Organization ruled that China 's policy of limiting foreign films to 20 a year violated international trade rules .

  9. 从荷莱坞、荷来胡特、花坞到好莱坞,中国人心目中的Hollywood逐渐演变成美国电影的代名词和一个流光溢彩的梦幻天堂。

    With the forming of Hollywood in Chinese version , this term becomes a synonym of American films , a dreamlike heaven of flittering light .

  10. 他表示,进一步放宽对美国电影和合法DVD的引进限制,有助于改善中国在知识产权方面的记录。

    Greater access to US films in cinemas and on legitimate DVDs would help improve China 's record on intellectual property , he said .

  11. 此外,中国的盗版问题也不再是美国电影公司的重大威胁。例如,《变形金刚:绝迹重生》(Transformers:TheAgeofExtinction)在中国的票房收入就超过了美国。

    And Chinese piracy is no longer such a significant threat to American studios ; for example , Transformers : The Age of Extinction made more money in China than in the United States .

  12. 我们很高兴世贸组织针对中国对美国电影、音乐、DVD和出版物的进口及分销限制,作出对中国不利的裁决。

    We are very pleased that the WTO has found against China 's import and distribution restrictions on US movies , music , DVDs and publications .

  13. 据美国电影协会(MotionPictureAssociationofAmerica)的数据显示,虽然今年的票房开局强势,但美国和加拿大去年的票房收入与2002年相比下降了19%,跌至13亿美元。

    Box offices have started off strong this year , but the number of tickets sold in the U.S. and Canada slumped 19 % to 1.3 billion last year from 2002 , Motion Picture Association of America data show .

  14. 《美国电影摄影师》(AmericanCinematographer)杂志上个月的封面故事刊载了关于《地心引力》制作过程的文章,对电影技术感兴趣的读者可以一探究竟。读者们可以在网上阅读该杂志。

    Readers with an interest in technology can get a sense of their extraordinary achievements from last month 's cover story of American Cinematographer , which is available online .

  15. 但是,中国野心勃勃的新电影企业家仍在寻找一样很难找到的东西:中国自制的国际大片。本周,数十名这样的企业家聚在洛杉矶参加此次峰会、美国电影市场大会(AmericanFilmMarket)和其他活动。

    But China 's ambitious new film entrepreneurs , dozens of whom gathered in the Los Angeles area this week for the summit meeting , the American Film Market and other events , are still searching for something that has largely eluded them : a homemade global hit .

  16. 该联合会称,非法将影视剧复制成DVD和其它媒介的行为使得美国电影业2005年的收入损失超过61亿美元。

    S.movie studios in government and legal affairs , claims the illegal copying of movies and television shows on DVDs and other media cost them more than $ 6.1 billion in lost revenues in2005 .

  17. 本月,谷歌的总法律顾问肯特·沃克(KentWalker)对美国电影协会(MotionPictureAssociationofAmerica)进行了谴责,因为此前,被黑客窃取的索尼的电子邮件显示,协会打算重新推动一部反盗版提案。

    This month , Google 's general counsel , Kent Walker , criticized the Motion Picture Association of America after the disclosure - in Sony emails that the hackers stole - of a plan by the association to revive an antipiracy bill .

  18. 在奥斯卡战线上,两部影片的支持者们都在努力争取美国电影艺术与科学学院中亲英国团体的支持,它过去更加倾向于英国电影,如《国王的演讲》(TheKing’sSpeech)。

    As the Oscars approach , backers of both will be wrangling for votes from the British contingent of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences , which has leaned toward the United Kingdom ( " The King 's Speech " ) in the past .

  19. IMAX娱乐的首席执行官格雷格·福斯特表示,在某种程度上,中国市场是许多美国电影成功的关键。

    Greg Foster , CEO of IMAX Entertainment , says to some extent the Chinese market is the key to success for many US movies .

  20. 中国电商巨头阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)与狮门娱乐(LionsGateEntertainment)达成合作,为中国的阿里巴巴机顶盒用户提供独家订购类影视娱乐服务。狮门娱乐为美国电影制片厂,曾出品过《饥饿游戏》(TheHungerGames)等电影。

    Chinese ecommerce giant Alibaba Group is teaming up with Lions Gate Entertainment , the US studio that produced The Hunger Games films , to offer Chinese owners of Alibaba 's set-top box a subscription TV service , write Charles Clover and Shannon Bond .

  21. 长期以来Leo被认为是最佳女配角人选中“独孤求败者”,她已经获得了几乎所有的重要奖项,包括美国电影电视金球奖、演员工会奖、广播影评人协会电影奖和纽约影评人协会奖。

    Long heralded the " one to beat " in this category , Leo has won practically every precursor including the Golden Globes , SAGs , Broadcast Film Awards and New York Film Critics to name a few .

  22. 正如美国电影协会(MotionPictureAssociationofAmerica)首席执行官克里斯托弗•J•多德(ChristopherJ.Dodd)在为青岛影都录制的视频中所说,“每当观众人数出现增长,所有人都会受益。”

    As the Motion Picture Association of America 's chief executive , Christopher J. Dodd , said in a video infomercial for the Qingdao complex that played as part of the event , " Any time an audience grows , everyone benefits . "

  23. 该片入围美国电影学会AFIPROJECT:20/20项目,该项目在世界范围内通过推介电影人才推动文化交流。

    Icons was chosen to be part of the prestigious AFI PROJECT : 20 / 20 program , which promotes cultural exchange by showcasing cinematic talent from around the world .

  24. 当危机发生时,代表电影业的美国电影协会仿佛进入了证人保护计划,12月11日,它的一位发言人对商业网站截稿日(Deadline)说,目前我们无可奉告,我们没被卷入。

    The Motion Picture Association of America , which represents the film industry , went into witness protection when the crisis erupted , with a spokeswoman telling Deadline , a trade website , on Dec. 11 , We have no comment at this time . We are not involved .

  25. 北京奥运会组织者昨日表示,任何将体育与政治联系在一起的行为都有违奥林匹克精神。此前,美国电影导演史蒂文•斯皮尔伯格(StevenSpielberg)辞去了北京奥运会开闭幕式艺术顾问一职。

    Organisers of the Beijing Olympics yesterday denounced any linking of sport and politics as a contravention of the Olympic Spirit following the resignation of Steven Spielberg , the US film director , as an artistic adviser for the Games ' opening and closing ceremonies .

  26. 结论:高脂饮食可诱导大鼠肥胖伴胰岛素抵抗,其胰岛素抵抗的形成可能与VF增多及TNF鄄α、FFAs水平的升高有关。关键词:胰岛素抵抗;鼠(美国电影故事)

    Conclusion : In this study , obesity rat with insulin resistance has induced successfully with high-fat diet , and the state of insulin resistance of the rats has correlation with the increased mass of visceral fat and concentration of fasting plasma FFAs and TNF ,α .

  27. 美国电影制片场每年都制作成百部电影作品。

    American film studios turn out hundreds of films every year .

  28. 这部电影是最受欢迎的独立制作的美国电影。

    It is the most popular independent American movie ever made .

  29. 我要把英语说得和美国电影演员一样!

    I will speak English as well as American movie stars .

  30. 万达目前正在打造一个强大的美国电影业帝国。

    Wanda , which is building a formidable US film empire ,