
  • 网络FOMC;Federal Open Market Committee;open market committee;Federal Reserve's Open Market Committee
  1. 在美国联邦公开市场委员会发表声明之后,美国股市和美元继续上涨,国债和黄金则延续了早先的跌势。

    US equities and the dollar remained buoyant after the FOMC statement , while government bonds and gold extended their early losses .

  2. 由于美国联邦公开市场委员会未能发出关于进一步宽松政策的强烈信号,黄金在重压之下下跌了1%,10年期美国国债收益率则大涨8个基点,至2.11%,创下本年高点。

    The lack of a strong signal from the FOMC on further easing weighed on gold , which dropped 1 per cent , while the yield on 10-year Treasury notes jumped 8 basis points to 2.11 per cent , a high for the year .

  3. 美国联邦公开市场委员会(FederalOpenMarketCommittee)周二放出消息,政府计划大幅降低利率。

    The Federal Open Market Committee today signaled plans to keep interest rates exceptionally low .

  4. 美国联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)成员尤其关注的是,如果银行将这些准备金转化为贷款和存款,将有潜在通胀效应。

    Of particular concern to members of the Federal Open Market Committee is the inflationary potential of these reserves if the banks turn them into loans and deposits .

  5. 但其它市场所关注的,与其说是这项新行动可能达到什么效果,不如说是美国联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)为证明行动合理而再度展现的悲观论调。

    But other markets paid less attention to what the new action may achieve than to the renewed pessimism by which the Federal Open Market Committee justified it .

  6. 美联储政策小组,即美国联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)公布将利率下降到历史最低记录0~0.25%;

    The Fed 's policy panel , the Federal Open Market Committee ( FOMC ), announced that it had cut its target for the federal funds rate to between zero and0.25 % , the lowest on record ;

  7. 纽约联储选出一批精英机构作为一级交易商,来执行货币政策,分销美国国债后者是联邦公开市场委员会(fomc)操作的一部分。

    The New York Fed selects an elite group of primary dealers to carry out monetary policy , distributing US debt as part of its Federal Open Market Committee operations .

  8. 消费与批发价格双双放缓,支持了美国利率决策机构联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)的观点,增加了委员会继续暂停升息的几率。联邦公开市场委员会认为,美国经济在降温。

    The slowing of both consumer and wholesale price rises supports the view of the Federal Open Market Committee , the US interest rate setting body , that the economy is cooling , and increases the chances that the pause in the two-year cycle of interest rate rises may continue .