
  • 网络Priorities USA Action;American Action
  1. 美国国会预算局前主管道格霍尔茨-埃金说:希腊经济遭重创,美国经济没有。霍尔茨-埃金是美国行动网络的主管。

    The Greek economy is broken . The US economy is not broken , said former Congressional Budget Office Director Doug Holtz-Eakin , head of American Action Network .

  2. 有些偶然性因为美国行动的不确定性。

    Somewhat haphazard due to uncertainty of us actions .

  3. “优先美国行动”为广告内容负责。

    Priorities U.S.A Action is responsible for the content .

  4. “优先美国行动”的共同创始人比尔·伯顿称,该广告将在七个“战场州”进行放送。

    Priorities co-founder Bill Burton says the ad will start airing in seven battleground states .

  5. 早在2001年,国会就已经授权任何总统有权使用武力打击参与911袭击美国行动的团体组织。

    In 2001 , Congress authorized any U.S. president to use military force against groups that participated in the September 11 attacks on America .

  6. 他对政策制定者的指责也很准确:如果美国行动迅速,并且其它国家也随之维持国内需求,那么这场危机就可以控制。

    And he was spot-on with his strictures to policymakers : the crisis could be managed provided the US acted quickly and others followed suit to sustain domestic demand .

  7. 九月,由于七位捐赠者捐赠了至少100万美元,“优先美国行动”筹得1530万美元,比“重整未来”的筹款多400000美元。

    Priorities U. S. A. action took in $ 15.3 million in September , 4 00000 more than restore our future , thanks to seven donations of at least $ 1 million .

  8. 讽刺得很,在布什时代屡次抱怨美国行动过于激进的欧洲领导人,如今却在担心相反的问题美国隔岸观火,坐视问题恶化。

    European leaders , who spent much of the Bush years complaining about American activism are now , ironically enough , worrying about the opposite problem a us that sits on the sidelines and lets problems fester .

  9. 美国DNA行动计划对我国的启示

    The Enlightenment of the American " President DNA Initiative "

  10. 外交事务秘书长B对M说,美国的行动是对国家安全及主权的侵犯。

    Foreign Affairs Secretary Salman Bashir told Munter that the US operation was an attack on the country 's security and sovereignty .

  11. 去年,国会通过了支持“提高美国竞争力行动计划”(AmericanCompetitivenessInitiative)的法案,但一直未能提供资金。

    Last year , the Congress passed legislation supporting the American Competitiveness Initiative , but never followed through with the funding .

  12. 去年,一个名为美国原则行动(AmericanPrinciplesinAction)的组织创建了一个金本位2012平台,目前正积极努力让这些问题成为明年的竞选话题。

    A group called American Principles in Action created a Gold Standard 2012 platform last year and is now fighting to make these issues an election issue next year .

  13. 了解“11Main”成立过程的一位人士警告说,不宜将其描述为阿里巴巴进军美国的行动,他表示,尽管新网站由阿里巴巴全资所有,但将由其两家子公司独立运营。

    A person with knowledge of the 11 Main launch cautioned against portraying it as a foray by Alibaba into the US , saying that despite having full ownership the venture wouild be run independently by its two subsidiaries .

  14. 在宣战发生时,海军谜机的破译表明,有15艘U型潜艇正在美国海岸行动,但美军对此不屑一顾。

    Naval Enigma information had indicated the operation of fifteen U-boats off the American coast at the declaration of war , but the warning had been spurned , and no precautions taken .

  15. CindyLewis是美国残疾人行动国际组织的项目主任。CindyLewis表示,残疾人士为这份报告的撰写作出了贡献。

    Cindy Lewis is the director of programs for an organization called Mobility International USA. Ms. Lewis says people with disabilities helped write the new report .

  16. 据NPR新闻的拉里·艾布拉姆森报道,今天早些时候,国务卿在国会山申明了美国采取行动的理由。

    NPR 's Larry Abramson reports the secretary of state made the case for US action earlier today on Capitol Hill .

  17. 亚裔美国演员行动联合会(AsianAmericanPerformersActionCoalition,它是一个倡议组织)最新的一次研究表明,在2006-2007和2012-13演出季,亚裔美国人在百老汇和主要的外百老汇剧院出演角色的比例约为3%。

    Between the 2006-07 and 2012-13 theater seasons , Asian-Americans filled about 3 percent of the roles on Broadway and at major Off Broadway theaters , according to a new study by Asian American Performers Action Coalition , an advocacy group .

  18. 这两个公司都有待于在美国采取行动。

    Both companies also have actions pending in the United States .

  19. 而现在他也许要对袭击美国的行动负责?

    And now he may be responsible for bombing america .

  20. 他不是反对美国军事行动的唯一一位世界领袖。

    He 's not the only world leader arguing against U.S. military action .

  21. 而这个周末发生的两次美国军事行动还没有结束。

    Two U.S.military operations that happened this weekend show it 's not over .

  22. 美国采取行动解决互联网问题

    America Takes Action to Solve the Internet Problems

  23. 随着冷战格局的变化,美国隐蔽行动的发展大体经历了四个阶段。

    With the change of situation , the Covert Action roughly underwent four phases .

  24. 该名中国学生又称,她在美国的行动已在中国国内产生后果。

    The student said there have also been consequences for her actions in China .

  25. 诸位听好了:如果他们不采取行动,美国将行动了。

    And make no mistake : If they do not act , America will .

  26. 他呼吁美国采取行动,阻止叙利亚在将来使用化学武器。

    He called for American action to prevent future use of chemical weapons in Syria .

  27. 美国独自行动不能带来和平。

    America alone cannot secure the peace .

  28. 美国的行动目的很明确。

    The American reaction was unequivocal .

  29. 不像在冷战时期,现在的东亚不会积极参与美国的行动。

    Unlike the Cold War era , now East Asia will not actively engage in U.S.operations .

  30. 布什总统警告说,气候变化是个全球性的问题,仅靠美国的行动是不够的。

    The president warns climate change is a global problem , and U.S. action alone is not enough .