
jīn yín cái bǎo
  • gold, silver and precious things;money and treasure;treasure
金银财宝[jīn yín cái bǎo]
  1. 他积累了大量的金银财宝。

    He amassed great treasure .

  2. 那个强盗看到金银财宝,顿时产生了罪恶的念头,手持凶器,准备抢劫。

    When the bandit saw the gold , silver and other treasures , an evil thought occurred to him . Holding a weapon in his hand , he intended to rob her .

  3. 几个儿子以为父亲说的是他藏着什么金银财宝。

    The sons supposed that he referred to some hidden treasure .

  4. 例如:“金银财宝滚进来”啦!

    For example : " the gold and silver get "!

  5. 窃贼破门进入宫殿偷走了国王的金银财宝。

    Thieves broke into the palace and stole the king 's treasure .

  6. 哈里波特不慎进入迷宫,里面好多金银财宝。

    Harry inadvertently enter the maze , where many gold and silver treasures .

  7. 据说海盗把他们的金银财宝埋藏在这个岛上。

    It was said that the pirate buried their treasure on this island .

  8. 当然啰,一点都没错。我是坐在金银财宝上头。

    Why , yes , I am . I am sitting upon a treasure .

  9. 你现在金银财宝不少,说说吧。

    Tell me how you have come by all these goods you now possess .

  10. 他们挖出那些金银财宝,遗下一个个空落的洞穴。

    They 'd dig for silver and for gold , And leave the empty holes .

  11. 顺着这条线过去就能找到我们的幸运之星,找到那些金银财宝。

    Right up there is our line for the Pole Star and the jolly dollars .

  12. 尸体做了防腐处理,可永久保存,另外还有许多金银财宝陪葬。

    His body was preserved to last forever , and many treasures were buried with him .

  13. 农夫不仅得到金银财宝,全国最会耍花招的人这样的名声也跟著不胫而走。

    The farmer got his treasure and his reputation grew as the best trickster in the land .

  14. 他的金银财宝在1922年被人发现时,全世界都很振奋呢!

    He was the boy king whose treasures have excited the world since they were found in1922 .

  15. 当一个人发达了,家里金银财宝一大堆时,他的心也就开始忧虑、担心起来。

    Once a man gets rich and his house is full of treasure , he starts to worry .

  16. 要是让我们碰到一个烂箱子,里面全是金银财宝,诸位会作何感想?

    How 'd you feel to light on a rotten chest full of gold and silver & hey ?

  17. 他看到一捆捆的丝和大批的金银财宝,还有一袋袋的钱。

    He saw rich bales of silk , plenty of gold and silver , and bags of money .

  18. 如果你答应不管这片农田生产什麽作物都给我一半,那金银财宝就归你。

    You can have the treasure if you promise to give me half of whatever this field produces .

  19. 主人的越神秘的金银财宝就会越珍惜的放在秘密的夹层里。

    Money and jewels as well as other secrets of the owners were stored safely in the hidden compartments .

  20. 那个强盗看到金银财宝,顿时产生了罪恶的念头。

    When the bandit saw the gold , silver and other treasures , an evil thought occurred to him .

  21. 古代的埃及国王为了死后尸体不被盗窃,金银财宝得以保全,建筑了坚固的墓穴。

    The kings of ancient Egypt planned strong tombs to keep their bodies safe after death and to hold their treasures .

  22. 我不祈求有仆人为我送来食物,不求屋舍、金银财宝、爱情、健康、小的胜利、名誉、成功或者幸福。

    Never will I seek delivery of gold , love , good health , petty victories , fame , success , or happiness .

  23. 据说黑山姆的船&维达号的上头载了约四吨半的金银财宝。

    It is said that Black Sam 's ship , the Whydah , held about four and a half tons of silver and gold .

  24. 这次旅行让他们悟出了一个道理:比起丛林中的金银财宝,朋友间的友谊才是最珍贵的财富。

    This journey gives them a lesson : compared to the treasure in the woods , the friendship among friends is the most precious fortune .

  25. 花园里是人间的乐园,有的是吃不完的大米白面,穿不完的绫罗绸缎,花不完的金银财宝。

    The garden was the paradise on earth , with more food and clothes than could be consumed , and more money than could be spent .

  26. 富有回答说:“不行,我的船上载满金银财宝,没有你的地方。”

    Richness answered , " No , I can 't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat . There is no place here for you . "

  27. 他必把持埃及的金银财宝和各样的宝物。吕彼亚人和古实人都必跟从他。

    But he will have power over the stores of gold and silver , and over all the valued things of the south : and the Libyans and the Ethiopians will be at his steps .

  28. 说来也奇怪,送礼呢他们也不送金银财宝,名烟名酒什么的,他们就时髦送南京的盐水鸭,南京板鸭。

    Mentions also strangely , gives a present they not to deliver the wealth , famous smoke famous name wine anything , they on deliver Nanjing 's salty wild duck fashionably , the Nanjing pressed salted duck .

  29. 如果地下室堆满金银财宝、所罗门王又是守门人的话,每当吉姆路过那儿,准会摸出金表,好让那所罗门王嫉妒得吹胡子瞪眼睛。

    Had King Solomon been the janitor , with all his treasures piled up in the basement , Jim would have pulled out his watch every time he passed , just to see him pluck at his beard from envy .

  30. 他毫无疑问更乐于同海盗们一起满载金银财宝逍遥法外,而他们寄托在我们这边的希望只是免去上绞架而已。

    He had still a foot in either camp , and there was no doubt he would prefer wealth and freedom with the pirates to a bare escape from hanging , which was the best he had to hope on our side .