
  1. 当代市政办公建筑艺术风格与美学形式设计的内容趋向和设计方法。

    And art style 、 aesthetic form 、 content and design of contemporary municipal office building .

  2. 这些新的美学形式从此被当作资本主义社会后期典型的离经叛道而被一笔勾销了。

    The new aesthetic forms were thenceforward written off as typical aberrations of late capitalism society .

  3. 只有在历史的发展中摧毁压抑现实理性内容对美学形式的压抑,艺术才能真正成为现实的形式。

    Only when the restriction of reason to an aesthetic form is broken , can art really become the form of reality .

  4. 美学形式涵盖范围很广,其中有三个因素与校歌的歌词关系最为紧密,即押韵、节奏和修辞手法。

    The aesthetic form contains many factors , in which the rhyme , rhythm and figures of speech are most closely related to the lyrics of Alma Mater .

  5. 在本文的第三章,主要从穹顶形态的影响因素着手,对穹顶的基本构成进行了研究,并探讨了其深层次的美学形式要素的组织。

    In the third part , according to the factors of dome form , I research the basic components of dome , and discussed the deeper elements of the aesthetic form of organization .

  6. 艺术的“美学形式”具有“疏隔”和“超越”的功能,它通过社会现实的物质力量发挥革命功能。

    The " aesthetic form " of art is imbued with " distancing " and " transcending " functions , and by way of the material force of social reality comes to pass its revolutionary function .

  7. 针对这一现象,有人把它看为一种和后现代主义或解构主义相似的建筑思潮;有人则把其看作一种新的美学形式风格。

    In response to this phenomenon , some people see it as a kind of post-modernism and deconstruction , or the construction of similar ideas , some put it as a new form of aesthetic style .

  8. 妙语这一有意味的美学形式的诞生的前提条件是建立在观念相似性上的同一。其深层心理发生机制在于逻辑与旧逻辑或错误逻辑的某种匹配关系。

    Showing a certain form of aesthetics , the use of witty remarks establishes its basis on the similarities of conceptions , its deeper psychological mechanism lies in the matching relationship between logic and out-dated logic or logic and wrong logic .

  9. 首先,对城市公共空间和节庆装饰的概念系统进行基础研究,强调环境知觉体验及节庆装饰美学形式特征的研究,侧重于人与装饰环境之间的互动关系。

    First , the basic researching on the concept system of urban public space and the festive decorations , emphasis on environmental consciousness experience and aesthetic form characteristics of the festive decorations , focusing on the interaction between people and the decoration environment .

  10. 由于弗朗索瓦·特吕弗的《四百击》、让-吕克·戈达尔的《筋疲力尽》等一批影片以全新的电影观念和美学形式在电影节上纷纷获奖,新浪潮电影震惊了世界。

    Francois Truffaut as the " four hundred attack ", Jean-Luc Godard " exhausted " and a number of films to a new form of film concepts and aesthetics have award-winning in film festival . " New Wave " Movie shocked the world .

  11. 根据科技期刊的版式美学形式与绘画构图法则的一致性原理,论述科技期刊版式设计美学特征和科学技术论文结构要素美学特征。

    Based on the principle that the printed page aesthetic form and composition rule of drawing should be consistent , the paper discusses the aesthetic feature of sci tech periodicals printed page design and the aesthetic feature of key elements of sci tech paper structure .

  12. 西方哲学美学古代形式观念综论

    Summary of the ancient concept of form in western philosophical aesthetics

  13. 论诗歌的美学表现形式

    On Aes the tic Expression of Poetry

  14. 康德美学并非形式主义

    Kant 's Aesthetics is not Formalistic

  15. 按照他的观点,伦理学的形式先于美学的形式,这对恢复平衡是必要的。

    In his view the primacy of the ethical over the aesthetic mode was necessary to restore the balance .

  16. 再其次,独特美学在形式美、雕塑美等方面的多角度运用,构成盖派艺术浓厚特色。

    Thirdly , the paper explains the multi angle use of unique aesthetics in form and sculpture beauty that makes up the individual artistic features of Gai 's style .

  17. 符号论美学:艺术形式的诗学研究

    Semiotic Aesthetics : Poetic Study on Forms of Art

  18. 形式美学与文学形式研究

    On formal aesthetics and literary form

  19. 环境美学的主要形式是表现环境外观特征的色彩、线条和形体。

    Main form is about color , line and body that which can be appearing environmental outward feature .

  20. 现代派艺术为工业设计提供了美学基础和形式表现的方法,解决了工业产品的造型难题。

    Modern art has provided the aesthetics foundation and the way of drawing for industrial design , which solved the problem of the shape of the industrial products .

  21. 然后,通过对闻一多部分诗歌译文的分析,凸现出其译文的美学特征:形式美、音乐美、绘画美、诗的语言、注意炼字。

    The aesthetic features showed in his Chinese version of English poems can be described as : beauty in music , beauty in form , beauty in painting and the poetic language .

  22. 在中国关于形式的美学理论中,形式A与形式B的概念常被混合使用。2.音乐内容的概念。

    In the Chinese aesthetic theories of form , these two senses have more than often been mixed . Second , the concept of content in music .

  23. 分形美学&超越传统形式美的全新美学

    Fractal Aesthetics & The New Aesthetics Surpassing Traditional Beauty in Form

  24. 西方哲学美学中的实体形式观念

    Entelechy in Western Philosophy Aesthetics

  25. 建筑,是一种造型艺术,它具有一定的美学规律,建筑形式美的规律是多样统一,任何优秀的建筑都存在这种规律。

    Variety and unity can find its expression in any remarkable architecture , as it is the basic principle of formal beauty in architecture .

  26. 外倾式钢箱肋拱桥是一种极具美学价值的桥梁形式,因此多被应用于城市景观桥梁。

    An arch bridge with two independent inclined steel box ribs , with a great of aesthetic value , is largely used to be the landscape of urban .

  27. 较之西方美学推崇的外在形式和谐,发源于天人合一的深远背景、以自然、社会、人生的和谐为基础的中国艺术的和谐之美,更加深入地触及到了“和”的本质。

    The beauty of harmony of Chinese art , based on unity of men and nature , characterized with the harmony of the nature , society and life , strikes the essence of harmony .

  28. 拱桥是一种极具美学价值的桥梁形式,也是基本桥型之一,在我国又有深厚的历史渊源,在工程中得到了广泛应用,是我国建造较多的桥型。

    Arch bridge , with extremely high aesthetic value , acting as one of the fundamental bridge types and possessing a profound historical origin , is widely applied in engineering and is a popular bridge type in our nation 's construction .

  29. 魏晋南北朝诗歌在中国古典诗歌史上具有转折的意义,不管是美学风范还是诗歌形式,都为之后古典诗歌的发展奠定了基础。

    Poetry in the Wei and Jin , Southern and Northern Dynasties get important turning significance in the history of Chinese classical poetry , and it lays the foundation for the development of classical poetry in Aesthetic model and Poetry form .

  30. 合唱艺术因其丰富的表现力、感染力和广阔的表现范围,不仅具有极高的审美价值,而且是具有较高层次美学内涵的艺术形式。

    Chorus art has not only the very high appreciation value for the beautiful , but also a very high level artistic form with aesthetics connotation , as for its abundant manifestation power , plentiful affecting power and wide range of manifestation .