
  1. 已经消散了千百春之美神的苍白光线,

    had scattered the pale light of thousands of spring beauties ,

  2. 希腊神话中的爱神,美神,欲望之神。

    The Greek goddess of love , lust , and beauty .

  3. 华夏民族的爱神、美神崇拜

    Chinese nation 's worship of the love and beauty goddess

  4. 对美神有更进一步的了解。

    Subscribe to my RSS feed and get loads more !

  5. 我很害怕人们会把我看作“美神”的化身。

    I 'm afraid people will think I 'm the god of beauty .

  6. 然而美神向我展示之物竟如此精美绝伦。

    But the loveliest things of beauty God ever has showed to me .

  7. 决没有一位美神的千金能有这样的魅力;

    There be none of Beauty 's daughters With a allure like thee ;

  8. 故事要从美神维纳斯说起。

    The story of Pisces started from Venus , the Queen of Love .

  9. 死亡情结&小说的美神

    Death Complex-the Aesthetic Goddess of the Novel

  10. 但神可以给他的儿女们能力,让他们在逼迫中欢赞美神。

    God can give His children power to rejoice and praise Him even in persecution .

  11. 美神阿芙罗狄蒂的信仰者。

    A votary of Aphrodite .

  12. 无暇为了美神的一瞥而回顾,观看她的双足跳出曼妙的舞步;

    No time to turn at Beauty 's glance , And watch her feet , how they can dance .

  13. 他所宠爱的情妇竟偏巧是美神,在她的怀抱里,这位武士得到了安宁。

    His loved one and mistress is the goddess of beauty herself . In her arms the warrior finds repose .

  14. 老麦哲(他一直被这样称呼,尽管他在参加展览时用的名字是“威灵顿美神”)

    Old Major ( so he was always called , though the name under which he had been exhibited was Willingdon Beauty )

  15. 我是美神维纳斯,我的儿子丘比特已经射穿了你和宙斯的心,把你带到这里来的正是宙斯本人。

    I am Venus and my son Cupid has shot through your heart and Zeus ' . It is Zeus that took you here .

  16. 奥林匹亚城曾经拥有众多教派,多年以来,从克罗诺斯,泰坦之王,到欲望美神——阿佛洛狄忒女神,居民们一直崇拜着好几种不同的神。

    Olympia has been occupied by several different cults over the years who worshiped several different gods , from Kronos , the King of Titans , to the goddess of lust and beauty , Aphrodite .

  17. 联系郭沫若的自传和他的人生历程,可以认为,这篇作品抒写了郭沫若的青春梦,他为自己孕藏多年的美神和爱神雕塑了一座丰碑。

    In accordance with Guo Mo-ruo 's autobiography and his life experience , we may conclude that this novel describes his dream about youth , and he established a great monument for the god of beauty and love that was cherished in his heart for years .