
měi tǐ
  • beautify the body
  • body beautification
  1. 从“美体小铺”传来的消息令整个零售行业不安。

    The news from Body Shop rattled the rest of the retail sector

  2. 他们可能参与了以美体为目标的运动。

    They may be beauty-oriented sports participants .

  3. 摇柄代表着艾利-华盛顿,他主要教动感单车和塑身课程(也叫美体definition)。

    That means Avery Washington . He mainly teaches Spinning and body sculpt , which is also known as definition .

  4. 荷花梦&哈尔滨光谱SPA美容美体中心

    Harbin SPA Beauty Centre

  5. 奥普拉•温弗瑞已凭借个人名望建立了庞大的媒体王国,已故的美体小铺(BodyShop)创始人阿妮塔•罗迪克则证明,人们可以兼顾社会及环境责任和销售产品。

    Oprah Winfrey has leveraged her celebrity into a formidable media empire , and the late body shop founder Anita Roddick proved that you could market products by being socially and environmentally responsible .

  6. 鱼疗(fishpedicure)是一种美体方式,主要做法是将双脚浸在有墨头鱼(也称“医生鱼”)游弋的水池中,让这些小鱼啃食除去足部的死皮和老茧。

    Fish pedicure is a beauty treatment that involves immersing the feet in a tank of water containing Garra rufu fish , which nibble off dead and thickened skin .

  7. 医学和医疗保健产品管理机构(MHRA)在一种名叫OSAS的芦荟美体液中发现有激素,其自称他们的产品中含有天然成分。

    The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency ( MHRA ) has found steroids in an intensive body lotion with Aloe Vera called OSAS , which claimed to contain natural ingredients .

  8. 当一个孩子的父母亲用这种美体液治疗婴儿的湿疹时,引起了一位儿科皮肤科医生的关注,由此引起了MHRA的关注。

    The lotion was brought to the attention of the MHRA by a paediatric dermatologist who became concerned when the parent of a baby he was treating for eczema started to use this product on the baby .

  9. 第五部分,本章节对书籍设计艺术的形态美体系进行研究。

    Chapter five studies the configuration aesthetic system of book design .

  10. 论《红楼梦》的诗美体式

    On the Style of Poetry Beauty of A Dream of Red Mansion

  11. 第二个议题是美容与美体的问题。

    Second ( chapter 8 ), we discuss the cosmetology .

  12. 美体并育实施愉快教学

    Combining Aesthetic and Physical Education , Practicing Happy Teaching

  13. 是美容院、美体中心、健身中心的理想仪器!

    Be a beauty parlor , body-contouring centre , ideal body-building centre instrument !

  14. 调整型束裤服装压与舒适美体感相关关系研究

    Relation Between the Wearing Comfort , Artistic Sensation and Clothing Pressure of the Girdle

  15. 数据挖掘在美容美体中心的应用

    Application of Data Mining in Cosmetics Beauty Center

  16. 由于脂肪被分解代谢,因而达到瘦身美体的目的。

    Because the extra fat is decomposes , the figure will become modest and beautiful .

  17. 此外,尚有美体、美肤、保健及生活用品等。

    Besides , we have some body-beauty , skin-care , healthy and daily product , etc.

  18. 增强女性肌体再生活力和生殖系统的生理功能,更有助于美体、胸及各种问题性面部皮肤的治疗。

    Improve skin regeneration and physiological function , helpful for cure of body and skin .

  19. 独具美容美体、健养生之疗效。

    It serves beauty and health .

  20. 洗浴及美体物品交换:这种礼物交换,是每个人带来某类型的沐浴和美体的礼物。

    Body gift Exchange : For this gift exchange , everyone brings some type of bath and body gift .

  21. 在语言的运用上,语言的诗性美体现在她的儿童文学作品中温柔的语调,包含情思的语言。

    In the use of language , the language of poetry Shaping now her children literature gentle tone , including language .

  22. 课程简介:形体训练与舞蹈练习是现代人健身美体的重要途径。

    COURSE DESCRIPTION : For modern people body shape training and dancing practice are important approaches to healthy body and beautiful figure .

  23. 塑型美体的也算内衣,我承认,我以为Spanx牌子带来的折磨是值得的。

    While it 's true that support garments count as underwear , I thought the scourge of the Spanx deserved its own entry .

  24. 目前市场上最纯净的四种妇女美体产品,使妇女避免了任何危险。

    Four feminine body care products that are purer than anything on the market , so as not to put women at risk .

  25. 因此关于“美”的行业被大量衍生出来,比如:美容,美发,美体等等。

    Therefore , the industries related with " beauty " have sprung out , such as : cosmetology , hairdressing and body-fitting , etc.

  26. 最新一项调查显示,现代男性比以往任何时候都更注重自身形象,他们一生中有超过4年的时间花在美容美体上。

    New research reveals that the modern man is more image-obsessed than ever , spending over four years of his life perfecting his appearance .

  27. 针织内衣的功能性主要体现在保健、抗菌、保暖、导湿、抗辐射、塑形美体等方面。

    The functions of knitted underwear are mainly shown in health care , anti-bacteria , moisture conductivity , radiation resistance and keeping fit , etc.

  28. 摄影的美体现在光、影、形、神、意、趣等六个方面,而且这六个方面往往是相互交融的。

    The beauty of photography reflects in light , shadow , form , expression , meaning and interest , and the six aspects of photography is often intertwined .

  29. 日常做美体使用巩固疗效,且有防粗糙,润泽肌肤,缓解肌肉疲劳,痉挛的独特功效。

    Makes the US body use consolidated curative effect daily , and has against roughly , the favor flesh , alleviates the muscular fatigue , the convulsion unique effect .

  30. 依靠它的作用传达美体的另一种表达,一种人类对性感的自然流露和激情火花的再现。

    The action that relies on it communicates another kind of expression of beautiful body , a kind of mankind reveals the emersion with passionate scintilla to sexy nature .