
  • 网络american underground
  1. 玛雅·黛润被誉为美国地下电影之母,她的影片《对暴力的反思》直接取材于中国武当与少林武术。

    Maya Deren is reputed as the mother of American underground films .

  2. 自1900年起,美国从地下蓄水层抽的水足够填满两个伊利湖。

    Since 1900 , the U.S. has pulled enough water from underground aquifers to fill two Lake Eries .

  3. Abo小学是美国第一所地下学校,他们以此为傲。

    Abo Elementary School takes pride in being the first underground school in the United States .

  4. 美国内华达州地下核试验基地的地壳结构;

    The crustal structure of the underground nuclear test base of Nevada , USA ;

  5. 远未达到最终资源边界的美国,在地下发现了新的资源。

    Far from reaching its final frontier , America has discovered new ones under the ground .

  6. 这次袭击的策划者拥有详细的美国地图,地下基地以及隧道网络地图,并且保证,为了阻止这项屠杀85%人口的邪恶计划,将在必要时进行更多对抗黑暗势力的袭击。

    The people behind this attack have detailed maps of the US underground base and tunnel network and have promised more attacks if necessary to prevent the planned murder of85 % of humanity .