
  • 网络American Soldiers
  1. 她问,作为美国战士,你最怕什麽?

    She asked if , as an American fighting man , anything scared him .

  2. 几个月过后,摄影师大为克诺沃在为《北方人》杂志拍摄服务于美国战士的妇女时,无意间发现了诺玛。

    Several months later , photographer David Conover saw her while taking pictures of women contributing to the war effort for Yank magazine .

  3. 在这本题为《勇气的肖像画:一名总司令对美国战士的颂歌》画册中,小布什介绍了每一幅肖像画所描绘的主人公。

    In the book , entitled Portraits of Courage : A commander in chief 's tribute to America 's warriors , Mr Bush writes about each of the soldiers he depicted .

  4. 思索前方的路,我们无时无刻不在铭记那些远征沙漠和偏远山区的英勇美国战士,对他们充满了感激之情,他们和那些安息在阿灵顿国家公墓之下的战争英雄们一样,给与我们启示。

    As we consider the road that unfolds before us , we remember with humble gratitude those brave Americans who , at this very hour , patrol far-off deserts and distant mountains . They have something to tell us today , just as the fallen heroes who lie in Arlington whisper through the ages .

  5. 而此刻,美国的战士们正在为这个不算好的理由牺牲。

    Meanwhile , American soldiers die for no good cause .

  6. 我是一名美国的战士。

    I am an American fighting man .

  7. 华林是美国首位环保战士

    Waring is America 's first eco-warrior .

  8. 我想谢谢我的朋友,我过去四年的搭档。美国的快乐战士,乔拜登能有他做副总统,夫复何求。

    I want to thank my friend and partner of the last four years , America 's happy warrior , the best vice president anybody could ever hope for , Joe Biden .

  9. 今年可谓“续集”年,许多电影的续集纷纷登上大荧幕:《美国队长2:冬日战士》,《超凡蜘蛛侠2》,《X战警2:逆转未来》都是不错的大片。

    It 's been a year of movie sequels , with Captain America : The Winter Soldier , The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and X-Men : Days of Future Past all hitting theaters .

  10. 这些是美国内战期间黑人战士的面孔。

    These are the faces of black soldiers during the American Civil War .

  11. 电话中,总统再次强调了美国人民对服役战士和他们家人的支持。

    In the calls , the president reaffirmed the support of the American people for service members and their families .

  12. 他们的第一次北京之旅是在2014年,那次是为了宣传《美国队长:冬日战士》这部电影。

    They made their first trip to Beijing in 2014 , promoting " Captain America : The Winter Solider . "

  13. 余首愿确告诸君,美国人民对于分布全球各地之美国战士实足以自豪。

    First of all , I want to assure you that the American people have every right to be proud of their fighting men in so many parts of the world .