
  1. 美国军事战略调整对西欧的影响

    The Impact of U.S. Military Strategic Adjustment on Western Europe

  2. 美国军事战略的基石是核威慑。

    The cornerstone of American military strategy was nuclear intimidation .

  3. 美国军事战略的变化也影响到了美国的军事思想。

    Changes in U.S. military strategy also affected the U.S. military thinking .

  4. 美国军事战略调整的新动向

    New trends of the readjustment of the U.S. military strategy

  5. 美国军事战略调整与日美同盟体制

    The adjustment of U.S. military strategy and nippon-u.s.alliance system

  6. 反恐,防止大规模杀伤性武器扩散等问题成为美国军事战略的首要议题。

    Counter-terrorism and preventing WMD proliferation ranked top in the agenda of U.S. military strategy .

  7. 美国军事战略的经济特性

    Economic Characteristics of the U.S. Military Strategy

  8. 美国军事战略将有重大调整

    Significant Adjustments in US Defense Strategy

  9. 浅析2020年前美军事战略重点的转变&从装备发展看美国军事战略重点可能的变化

    Analysis of the Change of U.S. Military Strategy Before 2020 & View on the Transformation of the Emphases of U.S. Military Strategy

  10. 再次,以罗素和爱因斯坦倡导的反核反战运动在一定程度上推动了美国军事战略的转变;

    Third , the anti-nuclear and anti-war movement advocated by Russell and Einstein promoted the changes of A - merican military strategy .

  11. 美国军事战略调整的主要方面是:防范的重点转为对付不确定的地区冲突;

    The main aspects of such readjustment are : shift the priority of defense onto coping with " uncertain " regional conflicts ;

  12. 预防性防务代表着美国军事战略未来的发展趋向,并在美国对华政策中占有特殊地位。

    Preventive defense represents the future trend of the U. S. military strategy and is playing an important role in American policy toward China .

  13. 二战结束到1997年,美国军事战略经历了由全球遏制、威慑向全球进攻的演变;

    From the end of the World War ⅱ to 1997 , American military strategy underwent the evolution from global containment and deterrence to global attack .

  14. 冷战时期美国的军事战略与军备建设

    American Military Strategies and Armament Construction in Cold War Period

  15. 美国的军事战略一直处在不断调整之中,其军事战略与经济有着千丝万缕的联系。

    The US has constantly adjusted its military strategy which always relates to its economy .

  16. 主要表现在:美国的军事战略思想向着全方位的全球战略转变,全球战略初具框架。

    Main features : the U.S. military strategy toward a comprehensive global strategy thinking of changing global strategic framework for early days .

  17. 既是冷战后美国新军事战略的体现,又是因应当前朝核危机的产物。

    It is not only the embodiment of Washington 's new military strategy , but the outcome of dealing with the current nuclear problem .

  18. 本文就美国现行军事战略的基本内容,美国国内关于军事战略争论的几个重要问题,以及新一届美国政府可能对军事战略做出的重大调整作了简要评析。

    The article will briefly discuss main contents of US ' current defense strategy , key controversies regarding defense strategy , and possible major adjustments in defense strategy expected from the new presidency in the US .

  19. 同时探讨了美国亚太地区军事战略的意图及其特点。

    The paper explores the characteristics and the intentions of the American Asia-Pacific military strategies .

  20. 文章第一部分为太平洋战争爆发前美国对日军事战略的演变。

    Part I introduce the evolution of American strategy against Japan before the Pacific War .

  21. 科索沃战争作为美国推行其全球战略的一个重大步骤,从一个侧面反映了冷战后美国军事战略的内容与实质。

    The Kosovo War , a major step taken by the United States at the key link of its global strategy , reflected to some extent the contents and essence of its military strategy ln the post-cold war era .