
  1. 社会学家费孝通先生曾经提出作为一个世界大国和文明古国,中国应有这样的文化胸怀和文化志向:“各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,天下大同”。

    Noted sociologist Fei Xiaotong had said that as one of the major powers with ancient civilizations , China should have broad breadth of mind and cultural ambition .

  2. 两者应该而且能够在生态环境、世界和平、全球伦理等领域,进行对话,相互借鉴,取长补短,共存共荣,为全球化形势下构建美美与共,和而不同的人类文明新秩序做出应有的贡献。

    It is possible for the two civilizations to communicate with , learn from and co-exit with each other in terms of eco-environment , world peace , and global ethics so as to contribute to new world order of " co-existence with difference " in times of globalization .