
měi jiǔ
  • fine wine;good wine
美酒 [měi jiǔ]
  • [good wine] 色、香、味俱佳的酒;好酒

  • 美酒佳肴

美酒[měi jiǔ]
  1. 佳肴佐以美酒,可称完美无缺。

    The excellent menu is complemented by a good wine list .

  2. 他们坐在那里开怀痛饮美酒。

    They sat there , lapping up the good wine .

  3. 他年轻时曾经开怀畅饮过不少香槟美酒。

    He 's quaffed many a glass of champagne in his time .

  4. 他们的客人在游廊里浅酌着美酒。

    Their guests sipped drinks on the veranda .

  5. 我喜欢意大利的食物、美酒和人们那种天塌当被盖的心态。

    I love Italian food and wine and the devil-may-care attitude of the people .

  6. 有哪个国家的美酒能和法国的相比?

    Can any country match France for good wine ?

  7. 我所爱的美丽的姑娘像乳汁一样纯洁,蜂蜜一样甜蜜,美酒一样迷人;她的绛唇像清晨时开放的玫瑰,她的眼睛像蜂儿般漆黑。

    The beauty I loved was like milk and honey and wine , her lips like the rose of the dawn , her eyes bee-black .

  8. 回到营地,你可以脱下靴子,享受美食和美酒。

    Back at the camp you can kick off your boots and enjoy excellent food and wine .

  9. 她会让我和我哥哥出去采花,然后把它们变成可口的美酒。

    She would send me and my brother out to pick flowers and would then turn them into delicious wine .

  10. 真爱似美酒,愈久愈醇。

    True love is like a fine wine , the older the better .

  11. 斟满美酒,递上面包,把心交还其身,

    Give wine . Give bread . Give back your heart to itself ,

  12. 因为他的灵魂会记住你内心的真话,正如美酒的味道会被记住而颜色却会被淡忘一样。

    His soul will keep the truth of your heart , just as the taste of the wine is remembered when its colour is forgotten .

  13. 在女人这方面,他也许会朝三暮四,但是谈及美食与美酒时,他却深知自己的喜好,并且一成不变。

    He may chop and change when it comes to women , but when it comes to food and drink , he knows what he likes and sticks to it .

  14. Max'sMcCalmanCheeseandWine:什么样的奶酪和什么样的美酒才是绝配呢?

    Max 's McCalman Cheese and Wine : But which wines go best with which cheeses ?

  15. 如果你祝福某人,让他去做CEO,友谊、美酒和庆典会充盈他的内心。

    If you blessing someone , let him to be CEO , friendship , good wine and celebrations would fill his heart ;

  16. 尽管Jack顺从老友对葡萄酒的热情,但是更想最大限度的尽情享受一下作为单身汉的最后一周的生活。然而相继而来的则是女人和葡萄美酒交织在一起的种种麻烦。

    Jack indulges his best friend 's passion for the grape but is mainly interested in living his last week of bachelorhood to the hilt .

  17. 我是美酒佳肴杂志的编辑RuthSpungen

    This is Ruth Spungen , I 'm an editor at Food & Wine Magazine .

  18. 去年九月,我与同事葡萄酒大师朱丽亚哈丁(juliahardingmw)品鉴了近200种美酒,发现有好几款的口感超过了某些一级酒庄酒。

    My colleague Julia Harding MW and I tasted nearly 200 of them last September and found several that outperformed some of the classed growths .

  19. 近日在著名的加泰罗尼亚葡萄酒生产商桃乐丝(Torres)在巴塞罗那举办的美食美酒大会上,他是最为激进的代表。

    His was the most stimulating presentation at a recent conference in Barcelona on wine and food organised by canny Catalan wine producer Torres .

  20. 因拥有欧洲最古老、规模最大的圣诞市场之一而自称“圣诞之都”(ChristmasCapital)的斯特拉斯堡向各方游客张开臂膀,欢迎大家探访12月遍及全城的礼品集市、音乐演出、圣诞灯光和香浓美酒,不管你是好孩子还是坏孩子。

    A self-proclaimed " Christmas Capital " - thanks to one of the oldest and largest Christmas markets in Europe - Strasbourg welcomes the virtuous and vice-loving alike to its December citywide extravaganza of gift bazaars , concerts , lights and mulled wine .

  21. MBL诚邀葡萄酒爱好者和葡萄酒鉴赏家到马伯乐新地标-新蒲岗葡萄酒中心免费品尝美酒;

    MBL invites you , all wine lovers and wine connoisseurs , to join the event of free tasting merit wine and viewing of the new cellar exhibit .

  22. 晚餐是在一家铺着雪白桌布、菜单上有法国美酒和牛排、每张餐桌上都摆着《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)里那种纯银餐具的餐厅。

    Dinner at the restaurant was a white-tablecloth and French-wine affair with steak on the menu and a " Downton Abbey " - worthy array of silverware at each place setting .

  23. 酿酒大师吉安尼森米纳瑞(gianniseminari)计划从法国、意大利和美国进口冷冻鲜榨葡萄,然后在香港将其酿制成美酒。

    Gianni SEMINARI , the wine master , plans to import frozen crushed grapes from France , Italy and the US , and turn them into wine in Hong Kong .

  24. 美酒佳肴,爽而不腻;

    Good wine and delicacies , is refreshing but no meticulous ;

  25. 他们共喝的美酒将把他们的希望联结。

    The wine they will share binds all their hopes together .

  26. 对于使用中微子探测器的实验工作者,这是令人兴奋的美酒。

    This is heady wine for experimenters using these neutrino detectors .

  27. 他从美食和美酒中获得极大快乐。

    He took great pleasure in sharing good food and wine .

  28. 一顿美餐辅以美酒,便相得益彰。

    A fine wine is a complement to a good meal .

  29. 所以我们决定去…美酒之乡

    So we 're gonna go ... To the wine country !

  30. 就我而言,葡萄酒意味着发现和享受美酒的过程。

    For me , wine has been about discovery and enjoyment .