
xiū chǐ
  • shame;ashamed;sense of shame;stigma;reproach
羞耻 [xiū chǐ]
  • [shame] 羞辱惭愧

羞耻[xiū chǐ]
  1. 你扯这种谎应该感到羞耻。

    You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies .

  2. 他深感羞耻。这种感觉一直萦绕在心头,并且自那以后他在教堂总是觉得不自在。

    He was ashamed . That feeling lingered , and he was never comfortable in church after that

  3. 你就不知道羞耻吗?

    Have you no shame ?

  4. 她不顾羞耻地哭了起来。

    She wept unashamedly .

  5. 他不是个不知羞耻的人,他只是个专业人士。

    He was not a dishonourable man , he was merely a professional .

  6. 他后来在地上跪了很久,为自己缺乏胆量而感到羞耻。

    He remained on his knees for a long time afterwards , ashamed by his failure of nerve .

  7. 你应当为自己的愚蠢行为而感到羞耻。

    You ought to be ashamed of your foolish behaviour .

  8. 你那样巴结董事,应该感到羞耻。

    You should be ashamed of yourself , crawling to the director like that .

  9. 他感到羞耻,丢尽了面子。

    He was ashamed and bitterly humiliated .

  10. 他缺乏羞耻心。

    He is void of shame .

  11. 我下定决心做我自己、勇往直前、丢掉羞耻和世俗的标签,现在可以称自己为“马拉松冠军”了。

    Determined to be myself , move forward , free of shame and worldly labels , I can now call myself a " marathon winner ".

  12. 在一些国家,有这种缺陷的儿童往往在出生时就被遗弃,因为他们的父母为他们感到羞耻或负担不起手术费用。

    In some countries , children with this defect are often abandoned at birth because their parents feel ashamed of them or cannot afford the operations .

  13. 目的:在大学生中尝试验证羞耻感对社交焦虑的影响作用

    Shame proneness as the independent variable was positively correlated with social anxiety .

  14. 我并未因为对你家人的顾虑而感到羞耻。这种感觉是自然而然的

    I 'm not ashamed of my scruples about your family . They were natural .

  15. 但是,在非裔美国人社区里,奥利奥却要为心怀白人价值观而感到羞耻。

    However , in the eyes of the dominant Black African American community , they are " guilty " of being " White " on the inside .

  16. 我要开诚布公的对那些行为表达不满,每天在游乐场和每个育儿微博评论栏里都会出现一些自鸣得意、消极攻击的“妈咪羞耻”行为。

    For example : I 'll take an honest expression of disapproval1 over the smug , passive-aggressive mom-shaming that goes on every day on the playground and in the comments sections of every parenting blog .

  17. 还有Greg你该感到羞耻

    And , Greg , you should be ashamed of yourself .

  18. 方法:52名核心神经症病人填写90项症状自评量表(SCL-90)、羞耻量表(ShameScale)和童年创伤经历量表(CTQ)。

    Method : 52 patients with nuclear neurosis were evaluated by SCL-90 , Shame Scale , and Children Trauma Questionnaire .

  19. 人物周刊:对中国的HIV感染者和艾滋病人,特别是还活在恐惧和羞耻中的人,您还有什么建议?

    Weekly figures : China 's HIV-infected people and AIDS , in particular , are also living in fear and shame in the people , you have any suggestions ?

  20. LouisaPate相信羞耻的力量。

    Louisa Pate believed in the power of shame .

  21. 羞耻就是一个小精灵,在你耳边说:“啊哦,你不够好。你从没拿到MBA学位。你妻子离开你了。

    shame is the gremlin who says , " Uh , uh . You 're not good enough . You never finished that MBA . Your wife left you .

  22. 那便是由,Thumos,所引起-,那应是你慢下观看时,感到羞耻的原因。

    It is the thumos that is the cause of & that should be the cause of your shame at slowing down to look .

  23. Spearman相关性检验提示HADS抑郁评分与PDQ39中情绪状态、羞耻感及总评分变化正相关(r分别为0.35、0.37、0.34,均P<0.05),与HY分期、UPDRSⅢ不相关。

    The score of HADS-Depression was correlated with emotional state , stigma and total score of PDQ-39 by test of Spearman ( r was 0.35 , 0.37 and 0.34 respectively , all P < 0.05 ), and it was not related with Hoehn & Yahr scale and UPDRS ⅲ .

  24. 她并没有觉得羞耻,自然也不会扫兴。

    No sentiment of shame gave a damp to her triumph .

  25. 羞耻易感性差异及对羞耻的应付

    The difference of shame proneness and coping style towards shame stories

  26. 现在她不知道该怎么办,所以他感到羞耻。

    Now no knowing how to do it he feels shamed .

  27. 所以,现在我知道爱情不是羞耻的事情。

    So I understood now that love is not something shameful .

  28. 真理年夜略会被责怪,但毫不会受羞耻。

    Truth may be blamed , but shall never be shamed .

  29. 性不再被认为是羞耻或难以说出口的事了。

    Sex need no longer be regarded as shameful or unmentionable .

  30. 不同场认知风格个体的羞耻与悲伤记忆差异

    Differences Between Field-dependent and Field-independent Individuals in Shame and Sad Memories