
  1. 厦门翔安隧道陆域浅滩段CRD工法施工步距和工序沉降控制作用研究

    Study on CRD Construction Space and Procedure of Controlling the Subsidence over Shoal in Landside Section of Xiamen Xiang ' an Subsea Tunnel

  2. 锁脚锚杆作用机理及其在厦门翔安隧道中的应用研究

    Feet-lock Bolt Mechanism and its Application in Xiamen Xiang ' an Tunnel

  3. 海底隧道突水分析及其在翔安隧道中的应用

    Analysis of Water Inrush in Undersea Tunnel and Its Application in Xiang'an Tunnel

  4. 翔安隧道强风化层施工的风险管理

    Risk Management for the Construction Through Zones of Weathered Rock of Extremely Poor Quality in Xiang'an Tunnel

  5. 厦门翔安隧道进口段管棚支护参数优化分析

    Analysis of Optimizing Parameters for Pipe Roof Construction to the Portal Section of Xiang'an Submarine Tunnel in Xiamen

  6. 厦门翔安隧道五通端陆域全强风化层施工风险分析

    Analysis of Construction Risk on Fully Strong Weathered Layer on Land at Wutong End of Xiamen Xiang'an Tunnel

  7. 厦门东通道(翔安隧道)是我国第一座海底隧道,确保海水不进入隧道是工程施工的重点,也是难点,特别是安全穿越海底风化深槽,是此隧道成败的关键之一。

    Xiamen east channels is the first seabed tunnel in our country , insuring the seawater out of the tunnel is the keystone and the difficulty of construction , especially crossing the deep weathering slot safely is one of the key of success or failure of the tunnel 's construction .

  8. 厦门翔安海底隧道右线A2标需要穿越F1风化槽段,制定切实可行的穿越F1风化槽段施工方案显得尤其关键。

    In Tender A2 of right line of Xiamen Xiang ′ an subsea tunnel , weathered slot F1 is needed to cross through .

  9. 厦门翔安海底隧道土建结构维修养护计算机管理系统

    The Computer Management System of Xia'Men Subsea Tunnel 's Maintainence

  10. 厦门翔安海底隧道中风化槽地段施工工法

    Construction Method of Weathered Trough Section in Xiang'an Undersea Tunnel of Xiamen

  11. 厦门翔安海底隧道施工关键技术研究

    Study on key construction technologies of Xiamen Xiang'an subsea tunnel

  12. 计算结果表明:翔安海底隧道的衬砌结构设计安全可靠。

    The results demonstrate that the supporting design is safe and reliable .

  13. 施工工法在翔安海底隧道中的应用研究

    Application and Research on Excavation Method in Xiang'an Subsea Tunnel

  14. 厦门翔安海底隧道在施工中应注意的几个方面

    Several Aspects to Which Attention should be Paid during Construction of Xiang'an Sub-sea Tunnel in Xiamen

  15. 厦门市东通道翔安海底隧道是我国在建的首条海底城市道路隧道。

    Xia'men east passage Xiang'an undersea tunnel is the first being constructed urban domestic undersea road tunnel .

  16. 海底隧道防排水技术浅析&以厦门翔安海底隧道为例

    Discussion on the technology of waterproof and drain of the subsea tunnel & in case of Xiamen Xiang'an subsea tunnel

  17. 厦门翔安海底隧道浅埋段软弱围岩加固施工技术研究

    The Construction Technology Study of Weak Surrounding Rock Reinforcement in the Shallow-bedded Section of Xiamen Xiang ' an Sub-sea Tunnel

  18. 厦门翔安海底隧道土石交界软弱地层全断面注浆试验研究

    Experimental Research on the Full Face Grouting for Weak Stratum in Soil and Rock Boundary for Xiamen Xiang ′ an Submarine Service Tunnel

  19. 地质灾害的治理部分,针对翔安海底隧道出现的几次地质灾害,分析了地质灾害产生的原因,总结了地质灾害的治理措施,为以后的灾害预防工作提供了有益的借鉴。

    As for geological disaster treatment , based on some geological disasters of the Xiang ' an sub-sea tunnel , the reasons of the geological disaster and the treatment measures are analyzed , which offers important reference for tunnel geological disaster preventing and treating in the future .

  20. 随着国家现代化建设的高速发展,我国有多条海峡海底隧道正在规划和建设之中,其中正在建设的厦门翔安海底隧道和青岛胶州湾海底公路隧道均采用钻爆法施工。

    With the development of the country , lots of sub-sea tunnels are planning to built , others are constructing . XIANG ' AN sub-sea tunnel in XIAMEN and JIAOZHOU bay sub-sea tunnel in QINGDAO are constructing now , both of them are built by drill and blast method .

  21. 本基准已在厦门东通道(翔安)海底隧道获得有效的实施。

    This criterion has been implemented in Xiamen East Passage subsea tunnel .