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  • 网络Cuibi;Triplet
翠碧 [cuì bì]
  • [virid;jade green] 青翠碧绿

  • 翠碧的荷叶托起一朵朵娇嫩的荷花

  1. 翠碧1号烤烟品种密集烘烤技术研究

    Studies on the Bulk Curing Technology of Fen-flavor Flue-cured Tobacco Variety CB-1

  2. 变黄末期变黄程度对翠碧一号烤后烟叶香气成分的影响

    Effect of Leaf Yellowing Degree on Aroma Components of Flue-cured Tobacco Variety CB-1

  3. 研究了烘烤变黄期不同凋萎时机对烤烟翠碧1号中部叶香气成分的影响。

    The effect of4 wilting times during the yellowing stage on aroma components of CB-1 was studied .

  4. 结果表明,5个草种都有一定的抗盐能力,抗盐碱能力大小依次为:无芒雀麦、回报、交战Ⅱ、小野马、翠碧A。

    By analyzing the resistance of these 5 turf-grass species , the results indicated that , there was diversity between each grass , for resistant capability of salinity and alkalinity , from high to low was : Smooth bromegrass , Crossfire ⅱ, Mini mustang , Triple A , Reward .