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  1. 还有他随着微风飘动的长发乌黑水润,衬得他的面色越发白皙晶莹。

    Still have him float onward with the light breeze of long convey spurt black water flat , the Chen gets his complexion pile up pure white and luminous .

  2. 以新疆乌兰陵格膨润土为原材料,添加阴-阳离子表面活性剂制得一系列阴阳离子有机膨润土。

    With Xinjiang Wulanlinge bentonite as the raw material , a series of anionic and cationic organic betonites were prepared by adding anionic and cationic surfactants .

  3. 将有机膨润土应用于钻井油基泥浆中,各项指标均已达到要求,研究表明新疆乌兰陵格膨润土的高附加值开发是可行的。

    The result shows that the development of medium-low grade bentonite ore with high profit is feasible to be used in oil based mud for well drilling .