
hàn lín
  • Hanlin;member of the Imperial Academy
翰林 [hàn lín]
  • [member of the Imperial Academy] 皇帝的文学侍从官,唐朝以后始设,明、清改从进士中选拔

  • 翰林天台陶先生。-- 明. 高启《书博鸡者事》

翰林[hàn lín]
  1. 唐代自进入中后期,翰林学士的政治角色日形重要。

    HAN-Lin played a major political role in the late Tang Dynasty .

  2. 清嘉庆十四年(1809)进士,朝考改翰林院庶吉士,散馆,授检讨。

    In Qing Dynasty the 14th year of Jiaqing ( 1809 ) doctorate .

  3. 乙已年的秋天,翰林已经卧床不起。

    By the autumn of the year of snake , the Hanlin was dying .

  4. 翰林画廊欢迎社会各界朋友参观指导,洽谈合作。

    Hanlin Gallery welcomes the visit , comments and partnership from all over the society .

  5. 相对于其他地区,明初吴中文学对明朝翰林院文学创作的影响甚微。

    Comparatively , Wuzhong School made little influence on Hanlin Academy in early Ming Dynasty .

  6. 公元960年,宋王朝统一中国后,继续设立画院并加以扩大,成立了翰林图画院。

    The Song Dynasty united China again in 960 and expanded the imperial painting academy .

  7. 翰林、盈字款白瓷研究

    A study of white porcelain bearing the " Hanlin " and " Ying " marks

  8. 第二部分考察五代翰林学士的主要职能,进而分析了它在中枢政治中的地位。

    In second part , it probed into Imperial Academicians'responsibility and rank in the central institution .

  9. “翰林”、“盈”字款白瓷是研究唐代邢窑生产性质及唐代社会政治、经济的重要实物资料。

    Wares bearing these marks are important for studying the sociopolitical and economic history of the Tang .

  10. 元立翰林国史院,其职责变为以修撰国史为主。

    Yuan Li the academician national history courtyard , its responsibility becomes composes the national history primarily .

  11. 王安石建立了民兵制度,改造了翰林院,调整了科举考试。

    He established a village militia system , reorganized the Hanlin Academy , and restructured the civil service examinations .

  12. 932至953年间,《九经》的第一部由翰林院出版。

    During the period 932 to 953 the first of the Nine Confucian Classics was published by the Imperial Academy .

  13. 唐以后流传至今的大量古代典籍,多数都出自翰林之手。

    Tang will later spread until now massive ancient times ancient book , stemmed from hand of most the academician .

  14. 文章的首先介绍文学侍从官员的演变过程,这分为三个一阶段:弘文馆学士阶段、集贤院学士阶段、翰林学士阶段。

    First , the essay introduces the changing story of the literary Retinue Officers , which can be divided into three periods .

  15. 另外,翰林学士与君主近臣也对五代宰相权力予以分割、削弱。

    In addition , the members of Imperial Hanlin Academy bachelor and servitors nearly emperor also weakened the prime minister 's power .

  16. 统治者在宋初,就成立了翰林图画院,广招名士,规模庞大,体制完备。

    In the Song Dynasty , on the establishment of the Imperial Court picture , wide strokes celebrities , large-scale , comprehensive system .

  17. 作为皇帝的高级秘书和私人顾问,唐代翰林学士的甄选具有特殊的素质要求。

    As the senior secretary and personal consultant of the Emperor , they had to meet the special quality demanded in the selection .

  18. 她想,自从春月带着翰林那个野性难驯的外孙女回来以后,这几个月尽是灾难。

    Disaster , she thought , had been coming for months , ever since Spring Moon returned with that incorrigible grandchild of Hanlin .

  19. 由唐至宋,中书舍人的职权呈上升趋势,而翰林学士呈下降趋势。

    From Tang to Song dynasty , Secretary present an upward trend and Hanlin Bachelor present a declining trend in the terms of reference .

  20. 翰林的诗歌具有明显的抒情特色,这是由其内在的诗人气质决定的。

    The poetries of Han Lin have distinctively Lyric feature , and it 's decided by the author 's inside qualities of a poet .

  21. 翰林院官职是庶吉士散馆后的主要流向,其次是在京各种官职,外放为官者人数比较少。

    Hanlin Bachelors were mainly awarded to the positions in Hanlin Academy and officials in Beijing , a few of them were awarded the local posts .

  22. 翰林学士始设于唐玄宗开元二十六年(738),掌重要诏令的起草并参内议。

    Hanlin Academician , first established in the 26th year of Tang Xuanzong ( A.D.738 ), was in charge of important imperial edicts and participated in confidential meetings .

  23. 历代翰林还编撰各类书籍典册,直接担当起整理、保存与传承封建文化的责任。

    All previous dynasties academician also compiles each kind of books books and records , takes on the reorganization , preserved and the inheritance feudalism culture responsibility directly .

  24. 唐五代翰林学士,其主要职掌是草拟诏令和参谋顾问,也偶有出现兼职的现象。

    Tang Dynasty Imperial Academicians , the main particular portfolio is the drafting of the decree and staff advisers , but also occur infrequently , the phenomenon of part-time .

  25. 座落在集旅游观光、商业购物的清式风貌街&翰林街(建新街)。

    It is in the Hanlin ( Jianxin ) Street that is built to represent a typical architectural style of the Qing Dynasty and that combines shopping and sightseeing .

  26. 入宋以后,翰林学士除继续拥有这两大职能外,经常担任朝官,并充当主考官&知贡举。

    To Song after the Imperial Academicians in addition to continuing with these two functions , often as court officials , and serves as the interviewer ( known Imperial Examination ) .

  27. 本文从几个方面进行考证,认为元翰林国史院的位置应在高梁河东支的南岸。

    This paper subjects this view to careful scrutiny and gives a supposition that the Imperial Academy in the Yuan Dynasty lie in the south bank of the east branch of the Gaoling river .

  28. 晚清期间,张槎朗边村出了一位翰林,名叫江孔殷,膝下一子一女,颇具才情。

    The late Qing period , Zhangcha Long out of one side of the village Hanlin , named Jiang Kong Yin , lives and living with a son and a woman , quite talented .

  29. 在北宋前期机构调整的过程中,翰林学士职责变化不大,但其机构逐步健全,在中枢运行体制中作用日益增大。

    In the process of restructuring the early Song Dynasty , the Imperial Academy duties changed little , but gradually improve their institutions and in the central operating system , play an increasing role .

  30. 正德五年(1510)恢复翰林院原职,先后充经筵讲学官,及右俞德、翰林院侍讲等职。

    Masanori five years ( 1510 ) Restoration of Imperial Academy of the original post has filled Jing Yan lecture officer , and right Yu De , Imperial Academy , Shi Jiang and other staff .