
  • 网络Lao-Tzu Said;Lao Zi;I said
  1. 商容又点点头,然后张开口问道:“我的舌头还在吗?”老子说:“在”。

    Shang Rong nodded again , and opened his mouth and asked , " Is my tongue still there ? " " Yes " , Laizi repled .

  2. 治大国若烹小鲜。(这是老子说的,我又给翻回来了)

    Governing a large country is like frying a small fish .

  3. 老子说:“没有了。”

    Laozi said : " There are no teeth . "

  4. 老子说,生命是一连串的自然和自发的变化。

    Lao Tzu said , 'life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes .

  5. 老子说,当坚硬的牙齿脱落时,柔软的舌头还在。

    Laozi said , when the hard teeth lost , the soft tongue was still there .

  6. 将自己整装起来,早早地准备好,有备无患,就是老子说的早服。

    People equip and prepare themselves early to wait the coming opportunity , which is the forestallment mentioned by Laotse .

  7. 想想老子说的这句话,(也许并非老子的话)道家的创始人:怎样才能做到这一点?

    Consider the above quote from Lao Tzu ,( perhaps mythical ) father of Taoism : how can it be true ?

  8. 然而正如老子说的,它却是天下莫不知,莫能行。

    Nevertheless , as Laotse say , everyone in the world knows it but no one is able to carry it out in practice .

  9. 老子说:“经过大树就着小步快快地走,不是说尊敬年长的人吗?”

    Laozi said : " One should hasten with small steps when passing a mighty tree , is that not to say one pays respect to what is aged ?"

  10. 老子说,坚强者,死之徒,柔弱者,生之徒。这一点与我们一般的常识相较是大相径庭的。

    Laotse said that " Therefore hardness and stiffness are the companions of death , and softness and gentleness are the companions of life ", which is opposite to our common sense .

  11. 老子说以饱腹而食的人会使身体得到滋养,而以满足眼睛而食的人免不了会伤害自己的身体。

    Laozi said that those who eat to satisfy the stomach intend to nourish their body , while those that eat whatever that pleases their eyes are bound to do it harm .

  12. 老子说:不敢为天下先,故能成器长,不违反道,保持谦虚的态度,依道而行,才成为天下的首领。

    Me said : " do not dare for the world first , so it can be long " does not violate the " Dao ", keep a modest attitude , according to Tao , to become the world leader .

  13. 商容点点头,又说经过高大的老树要小步快走,老子回答说:“你的意思是说一定要尊敬老人?”

    Shang Rong nodded and added that when he passed an old tall tree he should walk fast in small paces . Laozi said , " Do you mean we should respect seniors ? "

  14. 老子曾说,千里之行始于足下,就是这个道理。

    As Lao Tzu said , even a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step .

  15. 老子所说的“无为”是积极的,毕竟是治天下的一种手段,而庄子所说的“无为”是消极避世的清静无为,以养生全年。

    The " doing nothing " said by Laozi is active , and a way of governing , but Zhuangzi 's " doing nothing " is passive , meaning evasion from the world to keep a quite life .

  16. 老子道德经说:万物负阴而抱阳,冲气以为和。

    As LaoZi said , everything has the negative in and contains the positive , they are in the harmony .

  17. 老子不仅是在说古,也是在论今。

    Laozi is not only telling the ancient , but also talking about the modern society .

  18. 老子、庄子所说的“通为一”,指的就是如何整合一部机器的各个零件,并使其正常运作的协调性而言。

    " Harmony as integration " by Laotse and Chuang Tzu means the harmony of each parts of a machine for normal operation .