
  1. 中华山水又一景,百里伏牛老界岭。

    Chinese scenery another scenery , hundred mile Fu Niulao range .

  2. 老界岭,八百里蜿蜒在心中。

    The old range , 800 miles wind in the heart .

  3. 蜿蜒百里伏牛山,魅力无穷老界岭。

    Winds hundred mile Funiu Mountain , the charm infinite old range .

  4. 游百里老界岭,观千年恐龙蛋。

    Tours hundred mile old range , observes the millennium dinosaur egg .

  5. 河南省西峡老界岭自然保护区植物区系及珍稀植物资源研究

    Study on the flora and the rare precious plants in the natural reserve of Laojie rance of Xixia County in Henan

  6. 与龙潭沟瀑布群、耍孩关峡谷、老界岭风景区等重要景点形成黄金旅游环线。

    Ditch and the Longtan waterfall group , playing child Commissioner Gorge , the old sector Ridge Scenic Area , and other important tourist attractions formation of gold Link .