
mào dié zhī nián
  • old age
  1. 公司治理研究机构BHJPartners合伙人保罗•霍奇森说,对于CEO已到耄耋之年的公司来说,最大的挑战是制定继任计划。

    The biggest challenge for companies with CEOs in their 80s or 90s is succession planning , says Paul Hodgson of governance and research firm BHJ partners .

  2. 纽约苏富比首饰拍卖主管弗兰克埃弗雷特(FrankEverett)说:“上世纪70年代首饰的那些收藏者如今已届耄耋之年,他们开始出手这些藏品;更多人家里还收藏有上世纪70年代的物件。”

    Frank Everett , sales director of jewellery at Sotheby 's New York , says : " People collecting jewellery in the 1970s are now in their 80s and 90s and are selling now . And there are more estates with 1970s pieces . "

  3. 他活到了耄耋之年。

    He lived to a ripe old age .

  4. 然后很贴心的抓了只老鼠带回家孝敬他耄耋之年的老主人南希。

    He killed a mouse , whose carcass he thoughtfully broughthome to his octogenarian owner , Nancy .

  5. 该饭店著名的老年爵士乐队仍在演奏战前人们最喜爱的歌曲,一些元老级乐师已是耄耋之年。

    Its signature old jazz band was still playing pre-war favourites , with some of the original octogenarian musicians .

  6. 在你耄耋之年若还没见过自己那全部潜力释放的美丽,这将是个耻辱。

    It would be a disgrace for you to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of your full potential .

  7. 耄耋之年,除坚持自己的科研外,还带领同志从事规模宏大的文化积累工程。

    In his later years , besides keeping his own study , he guided his colleagues to undertake the large projects of culture accumulation .

  8. 在香港,耄耋之年的亿万富翁们有一项特殊的名声,那便是在行将走向生命尽头之时,他们会愈发握紧对自己企业帝国的控制权。

    Hong Kong ' s80-plus-year-old billionaires have a reputation for maintaining an iron grip on their business empires well into the twilight of their careers .

  9. 尽管多数爱侣等不了那么久,但耄耋之年的萨丽和克林说不算晚。

    While most couples wouldn 't wait that long , Sally and Colin , both in their 80s , say it 's never too late .

  10. 丹尼尔。尤金:直到哈耶克到了耄耋之年他的思想才开始流行,而世界也开始改变了。

    Daniel yergin : it was only when Hayek was a very old man that his ideas began to prevail and the world began to change .

  11. 80年代一批步入耄耋之年的老作家,在比较明确的记录历史的意识和浓重的历史理性精神指引下创作了大量的忆旧散文。

    In the 1980s a batch of veteran writers created large amount of reminiscent proses with explicit awareness and rational spirit to record the historical events .

  12. 尽管迪奥的关注重点一直是年轻人,但如今已是耄耋之年的老佛爷仍是迪奥男装的忠实拥趸。

    And although the label is known for its emphasis on youth , Lagerfeld , now in his eighties , remains one of Dior Homme 's most visible clients .

  13. 只要得到政府或非盈利机构的独立基金,教授们常常会不断地工作下去,维持实验室运转,带学生,直到健康地步入耄耋之年。

    Professors often keep working and maintain their own lab and students until they are well into their80s , so long as they obtain independent funding from government or non-profit agencies .