
nài jiǔ
  • durable;lasting long;last long
耐久 [nài jiǔ]
  • [durable;last long] 能够存在很长的时间,并能保持其原来质量、能力或性能

耐久[nài jiǔ]
  1. 对掺入改性聚丙烯纤维混凝土的力学性能和耐久性能的试验结果进行了分析,并对施工操作提出建议,同时对在路桥工程中的应用做出展望。

    Analysis is made of the test results of the mechanical properties and lasting long properties of the concrete mixed with modified polypropylene fibre , put forward construction proposal and look forward to the apply for the road and bridge project .

  2. 基于GM(1,1)-Markov模型的桥梁耐久性预测

    Research on GM ( 1,1 ) - Markov Model for Prediction of Bridge Durable Condition

  3. 室相容性和喷注器耐久性包括对燃烧环境的控制。

    Chamber compatibility and injector durability involve the control of the combustion environment .

  4. 该图表展现的是1972-1983十一年间英国耐久消费品的拥有量

    The table below shows the consumer durables owned in Britain from 1972 to 1983 .

  5. 湿热环境对FRP加固混凝土结构耐久性能的影响

    The influence of wet-thermal condition on durability behavior of concrete structures strengthened by FRP

  6. 并且用BP网络预测钢筋混凝土构件中钢筋的锈蚀量,取得了较好的效果,并运用所得的结果进行分析,为评定结构耐久性提供了依据。

    The quantity of steel corrosion is predicted based on BP neural networks , and it provides foundation for structural durability prediction .

  7. EF填料对沥青道路混凝土耐久性的影响研究

    Effect of EF filler on the durability of asphalt pavement concrete

  8. 低掺量PA6短纤维水泥基材料的力学性能及耐久性

    Mechanical properties and durability of cement matrix material with low content of PA6 fiber

  9. 随着FRP加固结构的广泛应用,其耐久性问题也日益突出并受到关注。

    With the wide use of FRP strengthened structures , the problem of their durability has been highlighted and concerned .

  10. 本文对CUxS法导电PAN纤维的导电耐久性不理想的表现和原因进行了分析。

    In this paper , the phenomena and the reasons that the durability of electrically conductive polyacrylonitrile fiber was not satisfactory were analysed .

  11. 采用PA6短纤维在较低掺量情况下对水泥基材料力学性能及耐久性进行了研究,并与Nycon纤维进行对比。

    In this paper , the mechanical properties and durability of cement matrix material with low content of PA6 fiber were investigated .

  12. 而工程复合材料ECC的高延展性和抗裂性将大大改善混凝土结构的耐久性。

    The high ductility and cracking resistance of Engineered Cementitious Composites ( ECC ) may greatly enhance the durability of concrete structures .

  13. 本文介绍了对交流接触器按照UL认证标准,采用PLC进行过载耐久试验,提高了试验的可靠性和试验的自动化程度。

    This paper introduces the AC contactor overload endurance test with PLC according to UL authentication standard , and the reliability and automation extent are improved .

  14. 综合应用等价关系的动态聚类法和模糊c-均值聚类法对连云港某泊位构件进行了聚类分析,并利用MATLAB模糊工具箱实现了海工结构构件的耐久性模糊评估。

    The samples were analyses of clustering integrated application of dynamic equivalence relation clustering method and fuzzy c-means clustering method ; and the durability of marine structures was assessed using fuzzy toolbox of MATLAB .

  15. 活性粉末混凝土(简称为RPC)作为一种高强度、高韧性、高耐久性的超高性能混凝土,近年来在铁路桥梁上开始逐渐应用。

    RPC ( Reactive Powder Concrete ) has the property of high-strength , high-toughness and high-durability . Recently , the new material is beginning to be used in bridge construction .

  16. 从国内外对FRP加固钢结构的研究和应用来看,目前主要集中在对受弯构件、疲劳加固和耐久性修复上,对FRP加固受压构件的研究更少。

    From at home and abroad research and application of FRP reinforcement used in the steel structure , mainly concentrated on flexural members , fatigue reinforcement and durability repair , FRP reinforcement of compression members are less .

  17. 基于给定的耐久性失效准则,结合相关影响因素的统计概率分布,通过MonteCarlo随机模拟,开展氯盐环境下普通混凝土结构的可靠性分析。

    Based on the given durability failure criterion , in conjunction with the relevant statistical probability distribution of influencing factors , the reliability analysis of ordinary concrete structure was conducted in the chloride environment through the Monte Carlo random simulation .

  18. 在论文的最后,对HPC的耐久性等其他桥用性能及经济性进行了分析探讨。

    Height of plate and quantity of prestressing reinforcement . At the end of the paper , other bridge 's performances such as the durability of HPC and economy is analyzed and discussed .

  19. 用模拟的废TBP溶剂和联邦德国WAK后处理厂的真实废TBP溶剂制备了固化样品,测定了它们的抗浸出性能、耐辐照性、热稳定性和贮存耐久性。

    The resistance to leach , and to radiation , thermostability and durability of storage for products made from simulated and real TBP-solvents were measured .

  20. 基于ANSYS有限元软件,完成了从动盘超速旋转疲劳破坏模拟试验、离合器总成动力学有限元仿真试验、离合器稳定工作状态模拟试验以及基于LS-DYNA分析模块的离合器动态接合&轴向压缩耐久仿真试验。

    Based on ANSYS , completing the ultra-speed spin simulation test of the automobile clutch spider , clutch-assembly dynamics finite element simulation test , stable working state simulation test of clutch and clutch dynamic axial compression simulation test based on the LS-DYNA module .

  21. 作者阐述了CEA膨胀剂混凝土的膨胀量较大,干缩小,抗裂性能良好的特性,CEA与粉煤灰掺用提高强度,改善界面过渡层的性质,提高耐久性;

    This paper describes the properties of Concrete added CEA expansion admixture , include larger expansion rate , small dry shrinkage and good cracking resistance . Adding fly ash and CEA can improve concrete strength and property of interface intermediate layer , permeability .

  22. PTT织物具有舒适性,耐久性和易保养性,优越的冲击韧性,高弹力且手感柔软的特性满足了当今纺织品市场的需求,很适合于制作泳装、内衣和其它高档服装。

    Meanwhile , comfort , ease care and durability , good impact strength , high elastic recovery and soft hand meet the demands of textile markets , so PTT fabrics are suitable to make swimming coats , underwear and top grade costumes .

  23. 其次,根据JTG/D62-2004规范中构件截面承载力计算公式构造出考虑耐久性损伤的截面抗力概率模型。

    Secondly , section resistance probability models based on durability damage are deduced according to the members bearing capacity calculation formula in the JTG / D62-2004 specification .

  24. 钢锚箱锚固区部位所处环境复杂,为确保其耐久性,制备了专用高性能纤维混凝土(HPFRC)。

    Concerning the complexity of durability of concrete in anchorage zone between Steel anchorage box and cable in bridge tower , special high performance fiber reinforced concrete ( HPFRC ) was introduced in the tower construction .

  25. 由混凝土结构耐久性定义入手,首先评述现有的混凝土结构耐久性设计方法,提出耐久性设计的发展应结合结构全生命周期成本(SLCC)的理念;

    This paper starts with the definition of concrete-structural durability . Then it presents that durability design method should be combined with the theory of Structural Life-Cycle Cost ( SLCC ) based on the survey of the recent durability design theories .

  26. 高支棉耐久压烫易去污整理

    Permanent Press and Soil Release Finishing of High Counts Cotton Fabric

  27. 应用调整呼吸法,提高耐久跑教学成效

    Improve the Performance of Middle Distance Running by Breath Adjusting Method

  28. 新型复合矿物掺合料对混凝土耐久性影响的研究

    Research on the durability of concrete with new complex mineral admixtures

  29. 水工混凝土结构耐久性的影响因素与提高措施

    Influential Factors and Improving Measures of the Endurance of Hydro-concrete Structure

  30. 试验轮胎的耐久性能及累计平均磨耗里程均较生产轮胎有所提高;

    The endurance and average tread wear of test tire improved ;