
  • 网络Drug resistant bacteria;MRSA;superbugs;MDROs;PDR;MDRO
  1. 据美国疾病控制和预防中心(CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention)的数据显示,在美国,每年至少有200万人感染耐药菌,其中23000人因此死亡。

    Drug-resistant bacteria infect at least 2 million people a year in the United States and kill 23000 , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

  2. 本文报道了筛选方法、筛选结果和SP-9299代谢物的抗耐药菌活性。

    This paper reported the screening method , results and anti-MRSA activity of SP-9299 metabolites .

  3. 结果1994~1998年氨基糖苷类、硫霉素、多粘菌素B、克拉霉素、麦迪霉素均无耐药菌;

    RESULTS All of campylobacters were isolated from 1994 to 1998 . No strain was resistant to aminoglycosides , imipenem , polymycin B , clarithromycin , josamycin , midecamycin .

  4. 结论hβD3cDNA的克隆和原核表达载体的构建,为进一步制备抗耐药菌的肽类抗生素奠定了基础。

    Conclusion The cloning of cDNA encoding h β D 3 and construction of its prokaryotic expression vector provide evidence for the preparation of the antimicrobial peptide .

  5. 目的探讨北京和广州地区B组链球菌(GBS)抗生素耐药菌谱及对红霉素耐药机制。

    Objective To test the antibiotic susceptibility and study mechanisms of macrolide resistance in group B streptococcus isolates ( GBS ) .

  6. 目的获得在中国北京地区B组链球菌(GBS)血清学型分布特点和抗生素耐药菌谱情况。

    Objective To obtain information on the distribution of serotypes and antimicrobial agents susceptibilities to group B streptococcus ( GBS ) strains .

  7. ICU医院感染多重耐药菌类型、耐药性及感染相关因素研究Necroptosis克服肿瘤多药耐药性

    Analysis of bacterial type , drug resistance and infection related factor of multi-drug resistant strains of nosocomial infection in ICU patients

  8. Logistic回归分析表明只有院内感染、抗生素应用时间与发生多重耐药菌感染有关。

    By multivariable logistic regression analysis , We found only nosocomial infection and duration of antibiotic treatment before infection were the risk factors for antibiotic multi-resistance bacterial infection .

  9. 结果与结论:应根据当地CAP病原体及耐药菌流行病学资料,合理选择使用大环内酯类抗生素。

    RESULTS CONCLUSION : On the basis of local pathogens of CAP and epidemiological data of drug-resistance bacteria , macrolide antibiotics will be rationally chosen and used .

  10. 结论医院获得性MRSA是多重耐药菌,ICU的MRSA菌株主要基因型为A、B型。

    Conclusions Hospital acquired MRSA is multi-resistant to antibiotics . Genotypes A and B are prevalent MRSA in ICU .

  11. 结论产ESBLs鲍曼不动杆菌常为多重耐药菌,耐药率与产ESBLs密切相关;

    Conclusion ESBLs producing strains usually were muti-drug resistance and the drug resistant rate was closely associated with ESBLs .

  12. 目的确定潜在耐药菌所致呼吸机相关肺部感染(VAP)的发病率及危险因素。

    OBJECTIVE To determine the incidence and risk factors of ventilator associated pneumonia caused by potentially drug resistant bacteria .

  13. 了解晋中地区医院感染中革兰氏阴性耐药菌产AmpCβ-内酰胺酶的情况,以探讨本地区医院感染中的耐药机制。

    To explore the situation of nosocomial infection gram negative organisms producing AmpC β - lactamase in Jinzhong .

  14. 耐药菌的R质粒接合传递率为42.6%,对AP抗性的菌株,其R质粒传递率达75.0%。

    The R plasmids were demonstrated at a frequency of 42 . 6 % among these resistant strains . Strains earring AP-resistant , 75.0 % respectively , were found to carry R plasmid .

  15. 以抗生素为主的三联疗法具有费用高、患者依从性差、耐药菌增加及肠道菌群失调等缺点,难以应用于全球范围内的Hp控制。

    Current antibiotic-based triple therapies are not practical for global control due to the high cost , problems with patients ' compliance , the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains and disorder of intestinal flora .

  16. 结论EGS分子具有逆转临床耐药菌为敏感菌的能力。

    Conclusion EGS has the capability of converting the phenotype of clinical drug-resistant isolates to drug sensitivity .

  17. 结果ICUVAP获得性感染病原菌多为多重耐药菌,其中G-菌占56.3%,G+菌占23.0%,真菌占13.7%。

    RESULTS Pathogenic bacteria of VAP in ICU mostly were multidrug-resistant ones , of which the G-were 56.3 % , G + were 23 % and fungi were 13.7 % .

  18. 结论G-菌是多重耐药菌的主要构成菌,对常用抗菌药物几乎全部耐受,其耐药机制主要是细菌产生ESBLs和AmpC等灭活酶。

    Conclusion The major multiply drug-resistant bacteria were gram-negative bacilli , the most common mechanisms of resistance include production by bacteria of antimicrobial-inactivating enzymes , such as ESBLs and AmpC .

  19. BPI(m23)-Fcγ1重组抗菌蛋白在CHO细胞中的表达及其对耐药菌的作用

    Expression of BPI_ ( m23 ) - Fc γ 1 Recombinant Bactericidal Protein in CHO Cell and Primary Study of Its Effect on Drug Resistance Bacteria

  20. SICU多重耐药菌定植感染监测及传播动力学研究空间扩散的传染病动力系统行波解研究

    Transmission Dynamics and Monitoring of Multi-drug-resistant Bacteria Colonization and Infection in a SICU The Studies of Travelling Wave Solutions in Epidemic Dynamics System with Diffusion

  21. 将诱导出的耐药菌接种在无抗菌药物的MH肉汤中,35℃培养,每24h转种一次,连续培养5天。用纸片确证试验测定临床分离菌株和实验菌株的ESBLs。

    The induced resistance strains were incubated drug-free MH broth per day , for five continuous days at 35 ℃ . The ESBLs of clinical isolated strains and test strains were measured with confirmatory test .

  22. 结论在监护病室耐药菌引发的VAP已日趋严重,应重视并强调对抗菌药物的合理应用。

    CONCLUSIONS VAP caused by potentially drug resistant bacteria becomes more and more serious , to which should be paid more attention and more reasonable strategy of antibiotic use must be instituted .

  23. 纸片法活性检测表明S227-4具有抗耐药菌活性。采用MIC测定法对该样品抗耐药活性进行研究。

    The anti-drug resistant activity of S227-4 was tested in vitro by MICs assay using different drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated clinically .

  24. 因此,监测院内感染(nosocomialinfection)耐药菌的发展趋势,探讨耐药机制,对预防和控制耐药菌的扩散,开发新的抗生素有重要价值,也是医学领域的一个重要课题。

    Therefore , nosocomial infection surveillance of the drug resistant bacteria and study of the drug resistant mechanism may help prevent the dissemination , control drug resistant pathogen and accelerate the development of new antibiotics . It has been a important task in the medical field .

  25. 产超广谱β内酰胺酶(ESBL)菌株、耐青霉素的肺炎链球菌(PRP)及耐甲氧西林的葡萄球菌(MRS)等特殊耐药菌在下呼吸道感染病原菌已占有相当比例。

    Extended spectrum beta lactamase producing strains ( ESBLs ), methicillin resistant Staphylococcus ( MRS ) and Penicillin resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae ( PRP ) covered large proportions in pathogenic bacteria causing lower respiratory tract infection .

  26. 抗菌药物敏感性试验:用MIC法(微量稀释法)对耐药菌选用8种β-内酰胺类抗生素进行药敏试验,统计多重耐药情况、各种抗生素的耐药率及何种菌株为主。

    Antimicrobial susceptibility test : MIC method ( broth microdilution method ) of the resistant selected eight kinds of β - lactam antibiotics susceptibility test , statistical multi-drug resistance , resistance rates to antibiotics and how strains dominated .

  27. 方法:应用双纸片协同试验法对从临床感染标本中分离出的215株革兰氏阴性菌作ESBL的检测,比较亚胺培南等14种抗生素对产ESBL耐药菌体外抗菌作用。

    Methods : 215 isolates of gram-negative bacilli from clinical infectious specimens were determined for the strains producing ESBL by double-disk synergy tests and antibiotic susceptibility test by Kirby-Bauer test .

  28. 对36株临床分离的OFLX耐药菌的PCR-SSCP合并Southern杂交检测结果显示,对比标准株H37Ra,在临床分离的耐OFLX菌株间观察到了类似的因单链构象变化而引起的单链位移的结果。

    Compared with the H_ ( 37 ) Ra , the similar single-stranded shift caused by the single-stranded conformation change was viewed in the 36 clinical isolated OFLX-resistant strains by PCR-SSCP combined with Southern hybridization .

  29. 然而,目前国内外抗菌药物滥用的问题十分突出,导致耐药菌急剧增多,其中耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(Methicillin-resistantstaphylococcusaureus,MRSA)是一种引起医院内获得性感染的多重耐药菌。

    However , it is very outstanding at present that antibiotic is abused in domestic and abroad , which results the antibiotic-resistant bacteria to increase sharply . Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ) is one of the most important multidrug-resistant bacterium in the hospital .

  30. 同时还测定了Aztreonam对81株多重耐药菌的抗菌作用,其中只有13株菌的MIC大于8μg/ml,总抑菌率为84.0%。本研究为Aztreonam的临床应用提供了参考。

    The antibacterial activity of aztreonam against 81 multiresistant Gram-negative bacilli was quite good , the MICs of only 13 strains were > 8 μ g / ml and 84.0 % of strains were susceptible to aztreonam .