
nài yán xìng
  • salt tolerance
耐盐性[nài yán xìng]
  1. 结果表明,RI群体的耐盐性出现超亲分离。

    Transgressive segregations were observed for salt tolerance in the RI population .

  2. 转Bt基因抗虫棉和有色棉苗期耐盐性差异研究

    A Comparative Study on Salt Tolerance between Bt Transgenic Cotton and Naturally Coloured Cotton during Seedling Stage

  3. NaCl胁迫对油豆角幼苗耐盐性生理指标的影响

    Effect of NaCl Stress on Salt-tolerance Physiological Indicators of Snap Bean Seedlings

  4. 不同耐盐性的黄瓜接穗嫁接后在NaCl胁迫下的生理响应

    Physiological Response of Two Grafted Cucumber Scion under NaCl Stress

  5. NaCl胁迫下不同番茄品种萌芽期耐盐性评价

    Evaluation of Salt Tolerance of Different Tomato Varieties at Germination Stage under NaCl Stress

  6. EMS处理对草莓离体叶片再生植株耐盐性的影响

    The effects of EMS on salt tolerance of regenerated plants from strawberry leaf in vitro

  7. 在供试菌株中只有CG菌同时具有耐盐性和耐碱性。

    Only CG has both salt and alkali resistance among the tested strains .

  8. 利福平对诱抗剂HI诱导水稻R6耐盐性的增效作用

    Effect of Rifampicin on salt-tolerance of rice R6 induced by elicitor HI

  9. 接种AM真菌能够提高植物保护酶系统活性,调节SOD、POD同工酶向利于提高植物耐盐性方向表达。

    AM fungi can raise activity of protective enzymes and modulate isozymes of SOD and POD to express in salt tolerance .

  10. 通过对导入外源DNA的小麦变异后代进行抗旱性和耐盐性的鉴定,筛选到四个抗旱耐盐性较好的小麦新品系。

    By the test of salt and drought resistance of wheat variation offspring produced by exogenous DNA introduction , four variation offspring strains were screened with better salt and drought resistance .

  11. 经~(60)Co-γ辐射和EMS双因素诱变处理的变异细胞系耐盐性高于经EMS单因素处理的变异细胞系。

    The variant cell lines after 60Co - and EMS induction treatment had higher salt tolerance than EMS treatment variants .

  12. SOS基因家族与植物耐盐性

    SOS Genes Family and Plant Salt Tolerance

  13. 因而,在F2代选择改良棉花的耐盐性是可能的。

    Suggesting that rapid improvement in salinity tolerance is possible using high selection pressures in F2 population .

  14. MDA含量随NaCl胁迫时间的延长呈现出先升高后下降的趋势,耐盐性差的增加幅度较大。

    The content of MDA decreased after increasing with NaCl-stress time prolonging , and the smaller the salt tolerance was , the bigger increased extent was .

  15. Na2SO4和CaCl2胁迫下不同黄瓜品种幼苗期的耐盐性

    Tolerance of Seedlings of Three Cucumber Cultivars to Stress of Na_2SO_4 and CaCl_2

  16. 同化脯氨酸、可溶性糖、MDA含量及SOD活性、POD活性可以作为鉴定番茄幼苗耐盐性的生理指标。

    The contents of proline , soluble sugar , MDA and SOD , POD activities were taken as the physiology index of tomato resistance to salt stress .

  17. 采用NaCl型盐渍土浸提液,对19种苹果砧木进行了耐盐性测定。

    Salt tolerance of 19 species or genotypes of apple rootstocks , including 2 new clones was measured with salt solu-tion extracted from NaCl-typed salt soil .

  18. 现在在那些遭受海啸破坏的农田里已经开始使用耐盐性的水稻物种,以此恢复农业生产(参见遭受海啸打击的农民将种植耐盐性水稻(seeTsunami-hitfarmerstogrowsalt-tolerantrice)。

    Salt-tolerant varieties of rice have already been used to restore agriculture to lands that were destroyed by the tsunami ( see Tsunami-hit farmers to grow salt-tolerant rice ) .

  19. 方差分析和变异度分析表明在进行耐盐性鉴定时,0.5%和0.8%是比较适宜的NaCl胁迫浓度。

    ANOVA and analysis of variability showed that two ( 0.5 % and 0.8 % ) NaCl concentrations were proper when identified salt tolerance of rice seedlings .

  20. PCR阳性的抗除草剂的转化小芽在分别含有1.5%、2.0%、2.5%和3.0%NaCl的培养基上进行耐盐性检测,其存活率和生物量大幅度高于未转基因的对照小芽。

    On the media supplemented with 1.5 % , 2.0 % , 2.5 % or 3.0 % NaCl , PCR-positive buds of herbicide tolerance showed much higher survival percentage and biomass than controls .

  21. 耐盐性诱导率的广义遗传力为97.9%,说明F1的耐盐突变体诱导率的变异,是以遗传变异为主,受环境影响甚微;

    Hereditary capacity in a broad sense of salt-tolerant induction rate is 97.9 % , showing that the variation of induction rate for salt-tolerant mutants mainly depended on genetic variation with less influence of environment .

  22. 供试菌株的最佳生长温度为28℃,所有菌株在pH值5.5-7.5范围内能够生长,能耐受0.5%的NaCl,表现出较强的耐盐性;

    The optimum growth temperature of these strains was at 28 ℃ . All strains grew with initial PH from 5.5 to 7.5 and were tolerant to salt on medium containing 0.5 % NaCl .

  23. 上述结果表明IrrE可能作为一个全局性调控蛋白增强E.coli的耐盐性。

    Those results indicated IrrE may play a global regulator role in salt tolerance in E. coli .

  24. 转胆碱单氧化物酶(CMO)基因棉花的耐盐性

    Increased Tolerance of Seedling Plants to NaCl Stress in Transgenic CMO ( Choline Monooxygenase ) Cotton

  25. 通过检测喹吖咽荧光猝灭和恢复,测定了盐胁迫下不同耐盐性的大麦品种根系液泡膜微囊质子泵活性(ΔPH)和Na+/H+逆向运输活性。

    Measurement of quinacrine fluoresence was used to estimate activities of H + - transPOrt ( pH ) and Na + / H + antiport of tonoplast vesicles isolated from different salt-tolerance barley roots under salt stress .

  26. 近滨海区鲁梅克斯K-1杂交酸模的引种及耐盐性研究

    Study on the introduction and salt tolerance of Rumex K 1 hybrid sorrel near coastal area

  27. 三亲本杂交将完整的relA基因转入突变株W11中,使突变株恢复耐盐性,进一步表明relA基因是一种重要的与耐盐有关的基因。

    The salt-tolerance of Wll was recovered and it was indicated that the relA gene was an important gene involved in salt tolerance .

  28. MDA含量可以作为不同南瓜品种耐盐性的鉴定指标。而根系活力、可溶性糖、脯氨酸和叶绿素含量不宜作为耐盐性鉴定指标。

    It was proposed that salt injury index , electrolytic leakage and MDA content could be suitable for selecting salt-tolerant pumpkin variety except root activity , soluble sugar , Pro and Chl . content .

  29. 应用X-射线显微分析技术比较了基本性状相似、但耐盐性显著不同的3组共6个水稻基因型的根内Na+和Cl-分布情况。

    The X ray microanalysis technique was employed to compare Na + and Cl - distribution in the roots of six different rice genotypes which had similar general characters but marked differences in salt tolerance .

  30. 含ACC脱氨酶菌株Rs-5对棉苗生长及其耐盐性的影响

    Effect of strain Rs-5 containing ACC deaminase on growth and salt-tolerance of cotton seedling under salt stress