
  • 网络Yantian district
  1. 梧桐山宾馆位于盐田区梧桐路,在梧桐山国家森林公园入口处。

    Wutongshan Hotel is the only Star-garden Hotel which is located at Wutong Road , Yantian District , and near he entrance of Wutongshan National Forest Park .

  2. 张春丽就职于盐田区的中显微电子有限公司,经过四年的自学,从一名生产线工人成为公司人力资源部门的管理人员。

    In Yantian District , moved from production line worker to a senior staff member of the company 's human resources department after teaching herself for four years .

  3. 深圳市盐田区外国语学校是盐田区人民政府投资兴办的一所高点、高标准全日制完全中学。

    Shenzhen Yantian Foreign Languages School is an integrated middle school founded by the municipal government of Yantian district , which has high beginnings and high standards .

  4. 东部华侨城位于深圳盐田区,占地近9平方公里,是由华侨城集团建造的集休闲度假、户外运动、生态探险等主题于一体的大型综合性生态旅游区。

    The OCT East , covering an area of9 square km , was operated by the OCT Enterprises Co , a large state-owned enterprise in real estate and hotel development , tourism and electronic manufacturing .

  5. 盐田制卤区改建对虾养殖池,进行大面积养虾和小面积精养高产试验,取得了良好的试验结果和明显的经济效益。

    The experiments of P. orientalis culture in large and small scale have been carried out and have got a satisfactory result and an obviously economic benefit .

  6. 对传统的四阶段预测方法进行适当的调整,根据盐田港保税区仓储处理能力进行交通生成预测,根据保税区货物装卸流程和各交通小区的仓储能力进行交通分布预测;

    Traditional four-stage forecasting method is revised in this paper : trip generation forecasting is based on storage disposal capability of the zone ; traffic distribution forecasting is based on load and unload flow of freight in the zone and storage capacity of each traffic zone ;