
ɡēnɡ tián
  • Farming;plow, till
耕田 [gēng tián]
  • [till the field;engage in farming] 犁地,耕种田地

  1. 农夫用锄耕田。

    Farmers cultivate their farms with spade .

  2. 农夫用牛耕田。

    Farmers cultivate their farms with cows .

  3. 大家都很忙,男的耕田,女的织布

    All were busily engaged , men at their ploughs , women at their looms .

  4. 一个正在耕田的农夫看见它们趴在那儿一动不动,走过去就将猎狗和兔子拎回家里,美美地享用了一顿。

    A passing-by farmer espird them lying on the ground without a move and went up to pick them up home and had a nice meal .

  5. 最后一场霜过后,我们将马上耕田。

    We will plow the field soon after the last frost .

  6. 他做化学实验,实验用蒸汽耕田。

    He experimented in chemistry , in ploughing by steam power .

  7. 我们耕田锄地直到胳膊酸痛肿大。

    We plowed and hoed till our arms were sore .

  8. 但我现在所做的只有耕田。

    But all I 'm doing now is plowing fields .

  9. 农民耕田播种,瞩望于收获。

    Farmers plough and sow in prospect of the harvest .

  10. 正如耕田而不播种,皆是空过因缘。

    There is no harvest to reap , letting opportunity pass us by .

  11. 这里的人一边耕田一边读书。

    The people here study while they 're farming .

  12. 陶令不知何处去,桃花源里可耕田?

    Now that he can till fields in the Land of Peach Blooming ?

  13. 但我不惜要一个猎杀野猪或者耕田的男人。

    But I don 't need a guy to hunt boar or plant potatoes .

  14. 拿犁或锹耕田。

    Putting plough or spade to the earth .

  15. 它从兄弟分家讲起,以弟弟分得的狗能耕田创造奇迹为核心母题。

    Which belongs to the little brother after family division , creates miracles by ploughing .

  16. 届时我不当武士,当农民好了,耕田比较适合我。

    When they do , I 'll give up samurai status and be a farmer .

  17. 他父亲以耕田维持生活。

    Her father farms for a living .

  18. 为了耕田把地弄成梯田。

    Make into terraces as for cultivation .

  19. 耕田种地,开辟了葡萄园,因此收获果实,丰富出产。

    They planted vineyards , they sowed fields , and from them got fruitful harvests .

  20. 当然,你可以用骡子来耕田,没问题。

    Sure , you can use a mule to plow a field , it works .

  21. 掌管耕田种地的是基绿的儿子以斯利。

    Ezri son of Kelub was in charge of the field workers who farmed the land .

  22. 耕田就是用犁翻田中的土壤。

    To plough a field is to turn over the soil in it with a plough .

  23. 单从人类的角度来看,或许把它变成木材和耕田会更有用。

    From a people perspective , maybe it 's more useful turned into lumber and cropland .

  24. 我要使以法莲拉套(作被骑)犹大必耕田,雅各必耙地。

    I will drive Ephraim , Judah must plow , and Jacob must break up the ground .

  25. 为了耕田把地弄成梯田。农田水利建设得到加强。

    Make into terraces as for cultivation . Construction of farmland irrigation and water conservancy was enhanced .

  26. 两人结婚后,牛郎耕田种地,织女纺线织衣,恩恩爱爱。

    After their marriage , the Cowherd ploughed and the Girl Weaver wove and they loved each other .

  27. 如今耕田耘地多换上了机械,养骡喂马的把式早已派不上用场。

    Now the fields are ploughed by machine , and the horses and the mules are of no use .

  28. 他们不耕田,不航海,没有痛苦的泪水,也没有沉重的叹息。

    They did not till ground and plough the sea . They shed no tears and heaved no sigh .

  29. 与我们一同去耕田,或与我们的兄弟一同去海上撒网;

    Come with us to the field , or go with our brothers to the sea and cast your net ;

  30. 他们或是在田地里耕田,或是去建筑工地打工,或者去喂猪&我的家乡年复一年地重复着这样的故事。

    They plough the fields , build bungalows and feed pigs – the things that go on in my hometown .