
gēng zuò
  • farming;cultivation;tillage;tilth
耕作 [gēng zuò]
  • (1) [tillage;farming]∶耕种田地

  • (2) [geoponics]∶耕种土地的技艺或科学

耕作[gēng zuò]
  1. 较传统耕作而言,其他保护性耕作措施均能显著提高根际土壤中速效P的含量。

    Compared to conventional tillage , conservation tillage significantly increased available phosphorus content in the rhizospheric soil .

  2. 免耕覆盖处理中由于作物秸秆中养分的分解,N、K的淋失比例高于常规耕作。

    No-tillage with stubble mulch had a lager N and K leaching ration than the conventional tillage .

  3. 现代农业耕作方法可能对环境造成负面影响。

    Modern farming methods can have an adverse effect on the environment .

  4. 耕作方法的改变严重影响了这个地区的就业。

    Changes in farming methods have badly affected employment in the area .

  5. 农场已改用有机肥料的耕作方法。

    The farm has changed over to organic methods .

  6. 由于土地贫瘠而无法耕作。

    The poorness of the land makes farming impossible .

  7. 查尔斯对耕作几乎一无所知。

    Charles knew next to nothing about farming .

  8. 政府确实坚信有机耕作切实可行。

    The government most assuredly does believe in organic farming .

  9. 农业部委托对低投入耕作进行研究。

    The Ministry of Agriculture commissioned a study into low-input farming

  10. 他已在此地生活耕作了46年。

    He has lived and farmed in the area for 46 years .

  11. 乍一看,有机耕作对农民而言似乎花费大多了。

    At first glance , organic farming looks much more expensive for the farmer .

  12. 中国农民在他们自己的土地上耕作。

    Chinese peasants farm their own plots .

  13. 穷人们被迫在山峦更高处的更为贫瘠的土地上耕作。

    The poor are forced to farm in more marginal lands higher up the mountains .

  14. 大农场主正在不断涌进来,不是为了耕作,而是要利用不断上涨的地价进行投机。

    Big farmers are moving in , not in order to farm , but in order to speculate with rising land prices

  15. 农民懂得如何耕作。

    Farmers understand farming .

  16. 这种耕作方法省力不少。

    This method of farming saves a lot of labour .

  17. 我的父亲一生都在耕作。

    My father has farmed all his life .

  18. 有一段时期,我的全部兴趣集中在研究他们的耕作方法上。

    For some time all my interest has centred in their methods of agriculture .

  19. 虽然25%的土地是农村,但新的耕作方法意味着,在田里生活的鸟类和小动物比以往任何时候都少。

    Although 25 percent of land is countryside , new methods of farming mean that there are fewer birds and small animals living in fields than ever before .

  20. 第三十二条县级以上地方人民政府可以要求占用耕地的单位将所占用耕地耕作层的土壤用于新开垦耕地、劣质地或者其他耕地的土壤改良。

    Article 32 The local people 's governments at and above the county level may demand units which occupy cultivated land to use the topsoil of the land occupied for use in the newly reclaimed land , poor land or other cultivated land for soil amelioration .

  21. 耕作制度对川中丘陵区冬灌田CH4和N2O排放的影响

    Effects of Tillage-Cropping Systems on Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Permanently Flooded Rice Fields in a Central Sichuan Hilly Area of Southwest China

  22. 干旱区土壤小麦根系界面Pb、Ni行为的环境影响&以甘肃省白银市区污灌耕作土为例

    Influence of Soil Properties on the Behavior of Pb and Ni in Soil-Root System Irrigated with Waste Water in Arid Zone - Taking the Baiyin Region as Example

  23. 免耕覆盖试验结果表明,免耕覆盖玉米秸秆4500kg/hm~2以上的处理比传统耕作玉米增产22.15%~25.65%,土壤水分利用效率提高2.9625kg/hm~2·mm。

    Under the condition of no-tillage with more than 4500kg / hm2 of maize stalk mulched , increments of maize yields was 22.15 % - 25.65 % , water use efficiency of soil moisture increased 2.9625kg / hm2 · mm .

  24. 保护性耕作可明显地提高起沙风速,减少农田土壤损失,当秸秆高度为30cm时,风蚀量仅为传统耕地的1/4左右。

    Compared with conventional moldboard plough practice , the conservation tillage with 30 cm height stubble could remarkably increase threshold velocity and reduce the soil loss by about 3 / 4 .

  25. SGTN系列旋耕机采用中间齿轮传动结构,是为12~80马力拖拉机配套的耕作机械。

    SGTN series Rotary Tiller is adopted middle gear transmission system , mounted with the tractor of12-80HP .

  26. 2覆盖量为1.62t/hm~2时,保护性耕作农田的土壤温度比传统翻耕低。

    When residue cover maintained at 1.62t / hm2 , soil temperature of conservation tillage was lower than conventional tillage all the time .

  27. NTS播前与常规耕作(T)、传统耕作结合秸秆还田(TS)、免耕地膜覆盖(NTP)的0~5㎝土层全碳含量差异极显著。

    The total organic carbon in NTS is extremely significant difference in 0 ~ 5 ㎝ layer with conventional tillage with no straw ( T ), conventional tillage with straw incorporated ( TS ), no - till with plastic mulch ( NTP ) before sowing .

  28. 主要结果如下:湖南宁乡烟区烟草PVY病发生与栽种品种、耕作制度、烟田环境、烟草生长时期及蚜虫数量等因素有着密切的关系。

    The main results are as follows : The occurrences of tobacco PVY diseases in Ningxiang has a close relationship to the plant varieties , cropping systems , the environment of tobacco fields , tobacco growth period , the number of aphids and other factors .

  29. 由于直立残茬和植被覆盖的共同作用结果,风洞集沙仪收集的保护性耕作农田最大土壤风蚀量集中在距地表18~40cm的高度范围内。

    As the result of the co-action of the erect stubble and vegetation cover , The position that the maximum soil wind erosion amount for conservation tillage farmland measured by sand sampler located in the height range of 18 ~ 40cm .

  30. 采用Bowman和Cole提出的有机磷分级体系,对陇中黄土高原0~5cm、5~10cm、10~30cm不同耕作方式下土壤有机磷的组成变化进行了研究。

    Variation of soil organic phosphorus fractions and contents under different tillages for long term was studied in the layer of 0 ~ 5 cm , 5 ~ 10 cm , 10 ~ 30 cm of calcareous soil in the Loess Plateau of central Gansu with the Bowman-Cole method .