
  • 网络coupling relationship;coupled relation;coupling relation
  1. 南海表层水温的长周期变化及其与埃尔尼诺的耦合关系

    Long Periods Variance of South China Sea 's Sea Surface Temperature and Its Coupling Relation with El Nino

  2. 基于GIS的重矿物空间分布特征及原生矿耦合关系研究

    The coupling relationship between spatial distributive characteristics of heavy minerals and primary ores

  3. 静电放电与PCB能量耦合关系的实验研究

    Study on the Energy Coupling Relationship between ESD and PCB

  4. 碳纤维增强塑料(CFRP)拉挤成型过程中固化度和温度变化为强耦合关系。

    The degree of cure and temperature are coupled during the pultrusion of carbon fiber reinforced plastics ( CFRP ) .

  5. 干旱区山地绿洲荒漠系统(MODS)的耦合关系,通过系统之间以及要素之间界面的过程表现出来。

    The interface process of the systems and factors represents the coupling relationship of MODS in arid zone .

  6. 南沙暖水变化及其与ENSO和西太副高的耦合关系

    On the coupling oscillation between the Nansha warm water , the Western Pacific subtropical high and ENSO

  7. 在上面的每篇文章中,我都在尝试说明面向服务的体系结构(Service-OrientedArchitectures,SOA)如何与WebServices及其他交互软件代理间的松散耦合关系。

    In each of these , I 've attempted to show how Service-Oriented Architectures ( SOAs ) are associated with loose coupling among Web services and other interacting software agents .

  8. 建立了双破坏面之间的耦合关系,从而推导出混凝土的割线模量E及泊桑比μ,进而可计算复杂受力状态下的应力&应变关系。

    Aces is established . After deriving the secant value of young 's modulus E and Poisson ratio μ the stress-strain relation under complex stress conditions is capable of being determined .

  9. 然而,在Peer-to-Peer环境下,节点间的松耦合关系导致了大量的安全隐患。

    However , in Peer-to-Peer environment , the loosely coupled relationship between the nodes has also led to many security risks .

  10. 塔里木盆地南缘与西昆仑构造带间呈V型盆山耦合关系,其下方恰好是莫霍面上隆区。

    The V shape coupling relationship between the basin and the range is located between the Tarim basin and the West Kunlun tectonic belt , just above the upwarped area of Moho .

  11. 本文依据分形理论,在建立小流域概化模型基础上,采用模拟降雨试验、高精度摄影测量和GIS技术,对流域模型地貌形态分形特征与侵蚀产沙定量耦合关系进行了研究。

    Based on fractal theory and the general model of small watershed quantitative coupling relationship between topographic fractal feature and sediment yield was studied by simulation rainfall experiment , high precise photogrammetry and GIS technology .

  12. 如果以区域内不同城镇构成的空间样本来测算城市化与生态环境之间的耦合关系,其耦合曲线通常有以下5种型式:下降、正U、上升、倒U和再下降。

    This coupling curve has five spatial types when using spatial samples to measure , i.e. descending type , U type , ascending type , invert-U type and another descending type .

  13. 在植被定量遥感研究中,植被冠层的反射率与LAI之间的定量耦合关系的探讨是其中的核心问题之一。

    In the study of quantitative remote sensing of vegetation , exploring the relationship between vegetation canopy reflectance and LAI is one of the key issues .

  14. 基于Mediator模式的参数控制法分离了参数表示和逻辑控制,它让每个参数专心处理自身表示,由中介者控制显示逻辑,解除了参数间的耦合关系。

    Mediator based parameter controlling method separates parameter 's visualization from logical control and each parameter concentrates on its UI , while mediator focus on logical relationships .

  15. 针对带子星航天器总体参数多学科设计优化(MDO)问题,进行系统任务分析和学科耦合关系分析。

    For the multidisciplinary design optimization ( MDO ) of spacecraft with sub-vehicles , system mission requirements and disciplinary coupling relations are analyzed .

  16. Web服务是一种基于服务提供者和服务请求者之间的松耦合关系的方式,服务是自描述、平台中立的计算元素,可以支持低成本、快速的、很容易组合的松耦合的分布式应用。

    Web services is loose coupling distributed application that is able to support low-cost , fast , easily assembled , on the basis of loose coupling relationship between services providers and services requesters , with the case that service is computing elements of self-description and neutral platform .

  17. L上的关系(?)三峡库区城市化与生态环境耦合关系定量辨识

    The relation (?) quantitative research on the relationships between urbanization and eco-environment & case of the Three Gorges Area

  18. 比较区域应力场和GPS测量结果,得出云南地区浅部和深部物质运动模式有所不同,但同时也存在着某种复杂的耦合关系,有待进一步研究。

    Comparation with stress filed and the metrical result of GPS , it shows hat , while the movement modes of the shallow and the deep are different beneath Yunnan , synchronously there exists complex coupling effect between crustal block and upper mantle .

  19. 从dp轴上的方程分析,发现了dp轴上的电流之间的存在耦合关系,对其解耦并在dp轴上对电流进行PI控制以提高谐波补偿效果。

    By model analysis on dp axis , we found coupling between currents on dp axis . We then uncoupled the currents and add PI control on dp axis to improve the compensation effect .

  20. 此外,为实现温室主要环境因子的优化调控,本文对温室控制系统进行了整体结构设计并对其硬件进行选型。本文依据对温湿度耦合关系的分析,设计了基于模糊PID温湿度控制器。

    For optimizing greenhouse control a structure of the greenhouse control system has been designed and hardware has been selected . Second , according to analysis of coupling relationship of temperature and humidity , controller of temperature and humidity based on fuzzy PID are designed .

  21. 最后文中还给出了在这种循环中,燃气轮机排气流量、汽化的LNG流量和循环工质流量三者之间的定量耦合关系。

    At the same time , the quantitative relation , in the proposed cycle , among the gas turbine exhaust flow , the vaporized LNG flow and the CO2 working medium flow , is shown in this paper .

  22. Cevennes盆地北坳陷区独特的沉积与构造演化的耦合关系

    Sedimentary and tectonic evolution of the North Depression in the Cevennes coal basin , France

  23. 分析了卫星总体设计中轨道设计、卫星设计和发射选择间的耦合关系与协同效应,建立了MDO的简化模型。

    The coupling relationship and associated effect among orbit design , satellite design and launch determination in the satellite system design were analyzed , and the simplified MDO module was founded .

  24. 在EMS型磁浮列车模块结构中,由于位移传感器与电磁力等效作用点偏移一定距离,传感器检测的位移信号并不是所要控制的电磁铁位移值,传感器信号之间具有耦合关系。

    In the modular of EMS maglev , displacement sensor signals are coupled because of the interval between the sensor and equivalent action-point of the attractive force . The values detected by sensors are not the real magnet displacements .

  25. 干旱区一定土地利用与覆盖变化条件下,SPAC中水分的变化与水热耦合关系,成为MODS时空特征与过程模拟研究的重要方向。

    The moisture variation and coupling relationship of water and heat in SPAC become important research aspect of spatial-temporal characteristics and process simulation of MODS under some condition of LUCC in arid zone .

  26. 以一台同步发电机的d-q旋转轴为参考轴,分析各电气设备之间的耦合关系,从而建立了完整的船舶电力系统整体数学模型。

    The d-q rotary shaft in a synchronous generator is used as a reference shaft , and the coupling relations of different electric devices in the marine power station are analyzed .

  27. 同时,1HNMR的峰形自双自旋系向单自旋系转化。证实合成红色绿柱石中通道水分子与碱金属离子之间存在明显的耦合关系。

    At the same time , 1 H NMR peak shape is transformed from the bi spin system into the mono spin system , indicating a conspicuous coupling relationship between the channel water molecules and alkaline metal ions of the synthetic red beryl .

  28. 因此,鲤鱼耳石Micro-CT特征与水环境中重金属元素存在一定的耦合关系,可作为标型特征指示水体中重金属元素信息。

    Therefore , there is the coupling relationship between Micro-CT character of carp otolith and the heavy metals in waters , which can be used to direct the information of the heavy metals in waters as typomorphic character .

  29. 该方法将励磁调节器的影响和与系统的耦合关系包含在可测扰动变量中,使得控制器的设计只与本地发电机及其调速系统的参数有关,GAHC是一种设计简单、安装方便的分散控制器。

    The design of the controller is simple , because the effect of the exciter and the complex relation with system are included in the measurable disturbance .

  30. 对于倾斜转弯(BTT)导弹而言,现有的自动驾驶仅三通道独立设计方法都是在忽略通道间耦合关系前提下根据经典控制理论的单变量频域方法设计的。

    For Bank-to-turn ( BTT ) missiles , all the autopilot 3-channel independence design methods having presented are single input frequency methods based on the classical control theory , which need omit all the coupling relationship among the three channels of an autopilot .