
  • 网络coupling;coupled
  1. 玉米素对叶绿体耦联因子Mg~(2+)-ATPase活力的调节

    Regulating Effect of Zeatin on ATPase Activity of Chloroplast Coupling Factor 1

  2. 兴奋收缩耦联(ECC)的变化。

    Alteration in excitation - contraction coupling ( ECC ) .

  3. G蛋白耦联受体激酶2在心力衰竭中的意义

    Significance of G-protein Coupled Receptor Kinase 2 in Heart Failure

  4. 黑素皮质素受体是G蛋白耦联受体超家族成员。

    The melanocortin receptors are members of the super-family of G-protein coupled receptors .

  5. MR阻尼器耦联的带裙房高层建筑的半主动逻辑控制方法

    Semi-active logic control method of seismic response of tall buildings with podium structure using an MR damper

  6. 同时对方程离散、方程组的耦联求解及SIMPLE算法等数值计算以及湍流及其模型等问题进行了论述。

    Governing equation discrete , solving of the conjugated algebraic equation set and SIMPLE method are also discussed in this paper .

  7. 小G蛋白耦联受体介导的信号转导是一种重要的信号转导途径。

    The small GTPase coupled receptor mediated signal transduction is an important signal transduction pathway .

  8. 一种新的哮喘易感性基因哮喘易感性G蛋白耦联受体

    A new susceptivity gene of asthma-GPRA

  9. 成瘾性药物对大鼠脑内G蛋白耦联受体激酶5mRNA和蛋白水平的调控

    Regulation of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5 mRNA and protein level in rat brain by addictive drugs

  10. klebsiellapneumoniae合成1,3-丙二醇过程中的生长与催化耦联

    Biocatalysis-coupled cell growth process in 1,3-propanediol production by Klebsiella pneumoniae

  11. 哮喘易感性G蛋白耦联受体(GProtein-coupledreceptorforasthmasusceptibility,GPRA)是新近发现的一种与哮喘易感性相关的候选基因。

    G protein-coupled receptor for asthma susceptibility ( GPRA ) is a new candidate gene of asthma .

  12. 蛋白耦联受体自身结构中没有离子通道;它们通过激活中间分子G蛋白而对离子通道产生影响。

    G-protein coupled receptors do not have ion channels as part of their structure ; they affect channels by activation of intermediate molecules called G proteins .

  13. 目的:心肌细胞膜上的β-肾上腺素受体的激活对兴奋-收缩耦联(ECC)过程有重要的调节作用。

    AIM : β - Adrenergic receptor stimulation exerts important regulation on cardiac excitation-contraction coupling .

  14. 利用自组装技术,将不同浓度比例的对巯基苯胺和N,N'-二苯基硫脲为功能耦联分子,在光滑银基底表面组装不同表面密度的二维银纳米粒子阵列。

    Different surface density of silver nanoparticles have been assembled on the smooth silver surface by adjusting the ratio of4-aminothiophenol and N , N ' - diphenylthiourea as coupling molecules .

  15. 随着年龄的增长,心血管系统鸟苷酸结合蛋白(简称G蛋白)耦联受体介导的反应性也发生了改变。

    Alterations in responsiveness to stimulation of G protein-coupled receptors in the cardiovascular system have been noted during aging and may be due to changes in the G proteins .

  16. GHS-R1a是具有七次跨膜结构的G蛋白耦联的受体。

    GHS-Rla is a number of G-protein coupled receptor with seven transmembrane-spanning domains .

  17. 结论耦联抗CD19的免疫脂质体可特异性地识别B淋巴瘤细胞,并作为良好载体将无毒绿脓杆菌外毒素单元Ⅲ带入细胞。

    Conclusion Anti-CD19-immunoliposomes , as drug carriers , can specifically recognize B lymphoma cells and deliver non-toxic domain HI into the tumor cells .

  18. 试验结果表明:用MR阻尼器耦联主楼与裙房,采用半主动逻辑控制方法进行控制,能有效抑制主楼的鞭梢效应并使主楼和裙房的地震反应减小。

    The experimental results show that the MR damper with the semi-active logic control algorithm could significantly mitigate the seismic whipping effect and reduce the seismic responses of both the tall building and the podium structure .

  19. 以上结果表明:亮啡肽诱导〔Ca2+〕i升高是通过δ受体与百日咳毒素敏感的G蛋白耦联并诱导心肌细胞内钙释放所引起。

    The results suggest that the LEK effect is mediated by coupling of G-protein with δ - receptor that induced Ca2 + release from the intracellular pool in myocytes .

  20. 最后,仿真分析了AMD控制结构平动-扭转耦联振动的控制效果。

    At last , the control of torsion vibration coupled by in - plane vibration was simulated with double AMD subsystems .

  21. 本文建立了用ER/MR智能阻尼器耦联的带裙房高层建筑结构地震反应半主动控制的设计计算方法。

    This paper presents an analytical method for semi-active control of seismic responses of tall building , whose tower structure and skirt structure are connected to each other with ER / MR dampers .

  22. 目的为探讨心室颤动时正交心电图(ECG)相位耦联程度与心室电除颤结果之间的相关性。

    Objective To investigate the correlation between the degree of phase coupling among orthogonal electrocardiogram ( ECG ) during ventricular fibrillation ( VF ) and the defibrillation shock outcome .

  23. 有文献报道LPA的类似物通过拮抗LPA对G蛋白耦联受体(GPCRs)的激活作用,而抑制前列腺癌细胞的增殖。

    Previous studies reported LPA analogues inhibited prostate cancer cells proliferation through antagonizing LPA activate G protein coupling receptor ( GPCRs ) .

  24. 棕色脂肪细胞里装载着线粒体,但它们中产生ATP的各种酶彼此互不耦联。

    Brown fat cells are loaded with mitochondria , but in them the various enzymes that lead to the production of ATP are " uncoupled " from each other .

  25. 锌指转录因子Egr-1在将细胞外信号和胞内基因表达的变化相耦联过程中发挥重要的作用。

    The zinc finger transcription factor Egr-1 is critical for coupling extracellular signals to changes in cellular gene expression .

  26. 扯断伸长率增加了30%.用改性后的硅氧烷聚合物材料封装光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)压力传感器,可有效改善封装材料与光纤光栅的耦联性能;

    Adopting property-improved siloxane polymer material to coat the optical fibre Bragg grating pressure sensor , the coupling behavior between coated material and optical fibre Bragg grating can be effectively upgraded .

  27. 以上结果表明,组胺H3受体参与调节心交感神经冲动的传递,H3受体可能与G0/Gi蛋白相耦联,内源性组胺经H3受体介导参与调节心交感神经冲动的传递。

    Our findings indicate that the endogenous histamine might be involved in the modulation of cardiac sympathetic neurotransmission by interacting with histamine H3-receptors and the receptors are probably coupled to a G0 / Gi protein .

  28. 针对结构控制中耦联现象及解Riccati方程的大难度,提出解耦控制的理论;

    Be aimed at the couple phenomenon of structural control and the difficult of solving Riccati equation , this paper presents the theory of " decoupling control ";

  29. 目的探索G蛋白耦联受体激酶结合蛋白1(GITI)在成骨细胞迁移中的作用,并分析其机理。

    Objective To study the function and mechanism of GIT1 ( G protein coupled receptor kinase interacting protein 1 ) in osteoblast migration .

  30. 从三广义位移理论出发,采用文[1]提出的简化的三个边界条件,解去F、f的耦联,从而使问题得到圆满解决。

    Three simplified boundary conditions on free edges have been derived for removing the coupling of the functions F and f , so this paper gives a satisfactory method for solving the problem of thick plate on unilateral Winkler Foundations .