
lóng zi
  • a deaf person;deaf
聋子 [lóng zi]
  • [a deaf person] 耳聋的人

聋子[lóng zi]
  1. 一个不能说话的聋子。

    A deaf person who is unable to speak .

  2. 跟在一个聋子后面大喊。

    Yelling at the back of a deaf person .

  3. 我走过那扇曾经是很精致但是现在已经摇摇欲坠的大铁门,里面竟然安静得连一点声音都没有,以至于我不得不吹了个口哨来提醒自己并没变成了聋子。

    As I passed through the creaky , wrought6 iron gate , I couldn 't help but notice how silent the place was . I had to whistle to reassure7 myself that I hadn 't gone deaf .

  4. AlexanderGrahamBell曾告诉家人,他更愿意让后人记住他是聋子的老师,而非电话的发明者。

    Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf than as the inventor of the telephone .

  5. 帕特是天生的聋子,但她快活地忍受了她的不幸。

    Pat was born deaf but she bears her cross cheerfully .

  6. 我不是聋子,用不着大叫大嚷。

    I can hear you , don 't have to shout .

  7. 聋子还是可以懂得人家在说什麽。

    A deaf person may still understand what is being said .

  8. 好了,聋子西斯,你被处以25盾。

    Well , deaf cis , you 're fined twenty-five guilders .

  9. 那么我和你是聋子静音和我们失明。

    This is a school for the deaf and the mute .

  10. 多数演员都是聋子。

    Most of the actors in this group are deaf .

  11. 你要是聋子,就去找个助听器吧!

    You 're deaf , you get a hearing aid !

  12. 别对我大喊大叫,我不是聋子。

    You don 't have to shout ; I 'm not deaf .

  13. 聋子有时很难使陌生人理解他们。

    Deaf peple sometimes find it hard to get through to strangers .

  14. 我是聋子,也听不到你在丝柏树下唱起的歌;

    I am deaf with the song you sing under the cypress ;

  15. 他听不见的,他是聋子。

    He can 't hear you , he 's deaf .

  16. 他五岁发生了一场病,变成了聋子。

    He became deaf after an attack of illness at5 .

  17. 你想让家里所有人都变成聋子?!?

    You trying to make everyone in the house deaf ?

  18. 你想让家里所有人都变成聋子?!

    Drew You trying to make everybody in the house go deaf ?

  19. 他是一个有着聋子需求的聋子。

    He was another deaf guy with a deaf guy 's needs .

  20. 原来,获胜的青蛙是个聋子。

    It turned out that the winning frog was deaf .

  21. 我是在看比赛,但我不是聋子。

    I 'm watching the game , but I 'm not deaf .

  22. 他那样给我说话,就像我是聋子似的。

    He spoke to me as if I were deaf .

  23. 难道您不知道大名鼎鼎的音乐家贝多芬是个聋子吗?

    Don 't you know that the famous musician Beethoven was deaf ?

  24. 请不要喊叫,我不是聋子。

    Please don 't shout . I 'm not hard of hearing .

  25. 盲人看不见正如聋子听不见一样。

    The blind can no more see than the deaf can hear .

  26. 吉姆不会耍咋,他不是聋子。

    Jim won 't cheat . he 's not deaf .

  27. 你点头了,如果你是聋子,就算说话了

    You nodded , if you were deaf that would be talking .

  28. 聋子的感觉是什么?

    What does it feel like to be deaf ?

  29. 喂,你们怎么向一个聋子推销鸡呢?

    Hey , how do you sell a chicken to a deaf man ?

  30. 后来,我意识到了他是聋子。

    And then I realize that he is deaf .