
  • 网络professional beggars
  1. 针对有劳动能力的职业乞丐,可以开展相应的就业援助、就业指导。

    For able-bodied professional beggars , they can conduct the appropriate employment assistance , career guidance .

  2. 职业乞丐的社会治理工作,关系着社会的稳定和谐和政治文明建设,具有很强的政治性。

    Social Governance professional beggars , the relationship between political stability and building is a harmonious society , civilization , and highly political .

  3. 职业乞丐问题已经成为城市化进程中一个比较突出的社会问题。

    Professional beggar urbanization has become more prominent as a social problem .

  4. 职业乞丐是乞丐群体的主体,其中许多人加入乞丐组织。

    Occupation beggar is the subject , many of whom joined the beggar organization .

  5. 遇到要钱的职业乞丐,最该做的就是直接走开。

    When the professionals beggars ask for money , better just give them the kiss-off .

  6. 在中国近代社会中,职业乞丐众多,是有其客观背景和主观因素的。

    There are both objective and subjective factors behind a large number of career beggars in modern Chinese society .

  7. 当代流浪乞讨群体数量呈上升趋势,乞讨方式呈多样化发展,职业乞丐、儿童乞丐大量涌现。

    Contemporary population beggars shows ascendant trend , begging are diversified development way , professional beggar , child beggars springing .

  8. 就城乡比例来说,80%的职业乞丐来自农村,尤其是偏远地区的农村。

    The proportion of urban and rural areas , 80 % of professional beggars from rural areas , especially in rural areas of these provinces .

  9. 因此,研究职业乞丐政府职能的社会治理问题,完善流浪乞讨人员的社会救助制度是十分有必要切意义重大的。

    Therefore , the study of professional beggars social governance issues of government functions , improve the social assistance system begging staff is very necessary cut significant .

  10. 职业乞丐问题,逐渐成为媒体关注的焦点,引发了公众深入的思考,自然也成为了笔者所要讨论的重点。

    Professional beggars , has become the focus of media hot spot , triggered a public deep thinking , naturally became the theme of this paper is to speech .

  11. 据城管部门调查,在深圳街头行乞的职业乞丐,月收入竟然高达3000元。

    According to a survey performed by the city administration section , a professional beggar who went begging in the streets of Shenzhen could secure a monthly earning up to ¥ 3000 .

  12. 这也反映了一个问题,进城务工的农民工,在遭到城市不公平待遇,或者说是在市场竞争中失败的时候,似乎顺其自然地就堕入了职业乞丐的群体中。

    It also reflects a problem of migrant workers , the city suffered unfair treatment , or that the failure of competition in the market , it seems it comes naturally fall into a professional beggar population .

  13. 我认为应该逐步完善救助管理制度、健全相关法律法规、加强对职业乞丐的管理、保障救助经费等方面进行改进,更好的解决流浪乞讨问题,构建社会主义和谐社会。

    I think it should be perfected gradually assistance management system , and perfecting relevant laws and regulations , strengthen the management of professional beggars , security assistance funds are improved , better solve the beggars and constructing socialist harmonious society .

  14. 针对大量流浪儿童,心理辅导和家庭干预不仅可以帮助他们摆脱职业乞丐的人生轨迹,乃至可以帮助他们树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。

    For a large number of street children , psychological counseling and family intervention can not only help them get rid of professional beggars in life , and can even help them to establish a correct outlook on life and values .

  15. 面对越来越多的职业乞丐,在实际的救助管理过程中,各地方纷纷出台地方性法规、因地制宜的以各种方式展开管理工作,以维护正常百姓的公众利益。

    The face of a growing number of professional beggars , the actual aid management process , the local laws and regulations have been introduced , according to local conditions in various ways to start the management to safeguard the public interest to normal people .

  16. 根据当地的议员透露,英国伍尔弗汉普顿一位职业街头乞丐一天的收入最高可达500英磅。

    A professional street beggar in Wolverhampton , Britain , is earning up to 500 pounds a day , according to a local councillor .

  17. 按其是否以乞讨为职业分成两类:职业乞丐和流动乞丐。

    According to whether they begged for occupation beggar is divided into two categories : occupation beggar and the flowing beggar .