
zhí ɡōnɡ dà xué
  • workers' university;college for Worker and Staff Members
  1. 简要介绍北京市西城区职工大学校园内的办公楼、教学楼综合布线系统的规划设计及实施方案。

    The paper briefly introduced the design and implementation solution of Structured Connectivity Solution Project Design of the Compus Network of the Beijing Xichengqu Stafi and Workers University .

  2. 黑龙江电力职工大学建校20周年工作回顾

    Review universitys work of the past 20 years for Heilongjiang Electric Power Staff University

  3. 长江职工大学图书馆自动化系统建设

    Construction of Automatic System in Our Library

  4. 回顾了黑龙江电力职工大学20年的历程,总结了学校在教学、培训和管理等方面的工作经验,分析了当前学校所面临的形势和今后工作方向。

    Looking back on the courses of 20 anniversary of Heilongjiang Electric Power Staff University . It is summarized that we have working experiences in education , training and management , the present situation that the university is facing and the working direction in the future is analyzed in paper .

  5. 大多数职工是大学毕业生。

    Most of the staff is graduate .

  6. 工科大学生每天得做大量的作业。大多数职工是大学毕业生。

    A college student has to do a host of assignments every day . Most of the staff is graduate .

  7. 我毕业于天津市职工科技大学,计算机信息管理专业,现在在设备课化验室进行水质化验工作。

    I graduate from the University of Science and Technology of the worker of Tianjin , the information management speciality of the computer , carry on water quality to test and work in the lesson laboratory of the equipment now .

  8. 高素质的教职工队伍是研究型大学发展最重要的资源,也是研究型大学核心竞争力的关键所在。

    The faculty with high quality is the most important resource for the development of the research-oriented university and is where the key competitive force lies .