
  • 网络occupational health
  1. 多年以来,职业保健专家一直在苦苦研究办公室职员所反映的诸如头疼、恶心和疲劳等症状。

    For many years , experts in occupational health have puzzled over symptoms reported by office workers , including headache , nausea and fatigue .

  2. 国际职业保健委员会

    International Commission on Occupational Health Association on Occupational Health

  3. 劳工组织/卫生组织职业保健联合委员会

    Joint ILO / WHO Committee on Occupation Health

  4. 加拿大职业保健和安全中心

    Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

  5. 职业保健与安全百科全书

    Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety

  6. 这个领域的训练包括工效学,职业保健标准和指导检测技术和设备校准。

    Training for this field includes ergonomics , occupational health standards and regulations , monitoring techniques and equipment calibration .

  7. 用一般职业保健服务的观点代替以发现辐射效应和放射性禁忌症为目的的医学监护的观点;

    Replacement of medical surveillance , which is aimed at finding radiationeffects and contraindication , with general occupational health services ;

  8. 探讨脂肪肝在出租车司机中患病率及其危险因素,为其职业保健工作提供依据。

    To probe into the prevalence and risk factors for fatty liver in taxi drivers to improve occupational health care .

  9. 我决定从事医药方面的工作,并会侧重职业保健这个领域,希望能向劳动人民提供帮助。

    I have decided to pursue a career in medicine , focusing on the field of occupational health , in the hopes that I can help working people .

  10. 阿尔茨海默患者通常还有其他要求许多职业医疗保健人员提供服务的需求。

    People with Alzheimer 's often have other medical needs that require the services of numerous health care professionals .

  11. 职业安全保健管理局的噪音水平已成为许多液压控制器制造厂商关注与考虑的主要问题了。

    OSHA has quantified the noise level in industry which has become a major concern and consideration for many hydraulic controls manufacturers .

  12. 随着美国日益加剧人口老龄化和职业卫生保健的增长,这个领域的工作前景广阔。

    Due to the aging population of the United States and the rapid growth of professional health care , the job outlook for this field is excellent .

  13. 高校教师的职业倦怠与保健

    Job Burnout and Coping Strategy of the University Teachers

  14. 职业安全和保健公约

    Convention on Occupational Safety and Health

  15. 必须在人类与疾病的斗争中加强医务人员的职业防护与保健。

    We have to enhance the professional protection and health care in medical workers while fighting with diseases .

  16. 美国职业安全与保健管理局介绍说,四氢呋喃是一种易燃物质,发生火灾时它有可能导致一些有毒气体挥发。

    Tetrahydrofuran is highly flammable and may contribute to the release of toxic gases and vapors during a fire , according to the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration .

  17. 年职业安全与职业保健公约

    Occupational Safety and Health Convention , 1981 1981

  18. 该职业,甚至整个保健业应有的第二个响应是遵循一个循证医学的道路。

    The second response of the profession , and indeed the whole of healthcare , is to move along a path known as evidence-based practice .

  19. 它包括学校教育、职业培训、卫生保健、人力迁移等几种形式,其中学校教育是最主要的人力资本投资。

    It takes different forms including school education , vocational training , health care and human migration , among which school education is the principal aspect .

  20. 今天,多数女性选择的仍是典型的女性职业:在卫生保健及社会服务课程中,女学生占到90%。

    It is still the case today that most women choose typically female careers : female students take up 90 per cent of places on courses in healthcare and social work .

  21. 现在,国会中的某些人已经开始提议防止通过更大幅度的削减教育、职业培训、老年保健医疗体系和社会保险津贴的经费以削减国防经费。

    Now , some in Congress have proposed preventing only the defense cuts by making even bigger cuts to things like education and job training , Medicare and Social Security benefits .