
  • 网络occupational mobility;job mobility;Career Mobility;job transfer
  1. 社会网络分析方法是由社会学家根据数学法、图论等发展起来的计量分析方法,近年来该方法在Internet、职业流动、世界政治和经济体系等领域广泛应用,并发挥重要作用。

    The method of Social Network Analysis is developed by sociologist based on mathematical method and graph theory . Recently , the method are widely used and importance in the fields that includes Internet Technology , Occupational mobility , World political and economic systems and so on .

  2. 当前我国城市职业流动的障碍分析

    On the Obstacles to Occupational Mobility in Urban China

  3. 有植被明渠纵向流速垂向分布特性的PIV试验分析横向和纵向职业流动

    Experimental analysis of vertical profiles of stream-wise velocities in flows through vegetation with PIV

  4. 中国农村女性职业流动过程中的不和谐因素分析

    Disharmonious Factors of Rural Women in the Course of Occupational Mobility

  5. 职业流动是市场经济的重要特征。

    Job mobility is the important characterristic of the market economy .

  6. 浅论青年人才的职业流动

    A Brief Discussion On the profession Flow of Young Talents

  7. 城镇化进程中的农村劳动力职业流动分析

    Mobility of the Rural Labor Force in the Process of Rural Urbanization

  8. 广西区职业流动中社会排斥的表现。

    The performance of social exclusion in Guangxi occupation flow .

  9. 外来农村妇女职业流动机制研究

    Research on the Mechanism of the Foreign Village Women 's Occupation Flows

  10. 我国农民的职业流动及择业期望

    Chinese Farmers ' Occupation Change and Expectations in Career Choice

  11. 职业流动中社会资本的效用和局限

    The Effect and Limit of Social Capital in Occupation Flows

  12. 两种不同经济类型村庄农民职业流动的比较研究

    Comparative Study to Peasant ' Occupation Mobility of Two Kinds of Countries

  13. 提出了以新的个人发展账户为核心的运行思路,旨在通过社会保障增加职工经济资本促进职业流动。

    Advocate to increase economic support for flow employee by individual develop account .

  14. 农民工再次职业流动中的社会资本分析

    Analysis on Social Capital During the Course of Occupation Re-mobility of Peasant Worker

  15. 外来人口的职业流动与就业适应&以武汉市为例的实证研究

    Mobility and Adjustability in Professional Occupation of Floating People : Evidence from Wuhan

  16. 论农民工再次职业流动中的关系强度

    Discussion on Tie Strength during the Course of Occupation Re-mobility of Peasant Worker

  17. 近几年来,我国学术界出现了一股研究职业流动的热潮。

    A study of university faculties job mobility from the career development perspective ;

  18. 研究发现职业流动对劳动力的收入有显著正向影响。

    The study finds that job mobility has a significant positive effect on income .

  19. 人力资本、社会资本与中国人的职业流动

    Human Capital , Social Capital and Occupational Mobility

  20. 后致性规则是当前我国职业流动机制的规则。

    The obtained rule is the current mechanism for the rules of occupational mobility .

  21. 第二部分是对相关人力资本理论和职业流动理论的文献综述。

    Part two is literature review about theory of human capital and occupational mobility .

  22. 研究机构科技工作者职业流动成因与前景

    Cause and Prospect of Occupation Mobility of Science and Technology Worker of Research Institution

  23. 人才职业流动是一个动态概念,会随经济、社会的发展和个人主观选择的不同而发生变动。

    Talents occupational mobility always varies with the development of economy and society and subjective selection .

  24. 从职业流动看失业阻滞与再就业机制

    On the Hindrance to the Unemployment and the Mechanisms of Re Employment in the View of Occupational Mobility

  25. 第二部分,是对农民职业流动的一个整体概述,为文中的第三章。

    The second part ( chapter 3 ) is the whole describe to the occupation migration of farmer .

  26. 目的考察并比较不同职业流动人口的社会适应状况。

    Objective : To investigate and compare the level of social adaptation among rural-to-urban migrants with different careers .

  27. 在人力资本相同的流动人口选择职业流动时,其社会资本作用发挥的更加明显。

    When the same population of human capital selected occupational mobility , social capital plays a more role significant .

  28. 职业流动的途径及其相关因素对上海市劳动力市场的实证分析

    Paths of Job Mobility and Their Predictors : Results from an Empirical Analysis of the Chinese Urban Labor Market

  29. 我们对于职业流动和工资的发现也说明了劳动力市场上的技能比以前研究所认为的具有更强的转移功能。

    Our results on occupational mobility and wages show that labor market skills are more portable than previously considered .

  30. 基于经济学视角对社会资本在社会流动中的作用的分析&以职业流动为例

    The Social Capital 's Role in Social Mobility : an Economic Analysis & As An Example in Occupational Mobility