
zhí yè zī ɡé
  • Professional qualifications;vocational qualifications;occupational qualifications
  1. 一方面,应用科学大学提供大学级别的专业培训;另一方面,高等科技学校提供专业或职业资格。

    On the one hand , the universities of Applied Sciences offer professional training at University level ; on the other hand , the higher technical schools provide professional or occupational qualifications .

  2. 加快图书馆职业资格证书制度的建立

    Accelerating the Establishment of National Vocational Qualifications ( NVQ ) System in Library

  3. 我们的国家普通职业资格考试的通过率为90%。

    We have a 90 cent pass rate for GNVQs .

  4. 使用AutoCAD制图时的一些方法职业资格证书&辅助设计绘图员(级技能),熟练的CAD制图能力。

    Some methods of cartography by Auto CAD ; Professional Qualification of Computer Aid Design , proficient in AutoCAD .

  5. 社会是不会允许不具职业资格的人胆敢进行脑外科手术,想都不用想。而会很认真地提出,只有具备MBA学位才可以进入管理层。

    It is unthinkable that society would allow an unqualifiedperson to even attempt brain surgery , but nobody would seriously suggest thatan MBA be required for entry to management .

  6. 一种为学生的升学和就业做准备的课程&英国普通国家职业资格(GNVQ)课程述评

    A Kind of Curriculum for Students ' Entering Higher Schools and Obtaining Employment & Review on the Curriculum for General National and Vocational Qualification in UK

  7. 英国的普通国家职业资格(GNVQ)课程是一种能力本位课程,该课程旨在开发多种职业领域都需要的一般技能、知识和理解力。

    The curriculum for general national and vocational qualification is a kind of competent-based curriculum , which aims to develop students ' common skill , knowledge and understanding that are necessary to many occupations .

  8. 浅谈图书馆的职业资格制度

    A discussion on the system of the librarians ' occupation qualifications

  9. 关于我国建立图书馆职业资格制度的探讨

    Probe into Establishing Professional Qualification System of Library in Our Country

  10. 中英职业资格证书教育的比较与借鉴

    Comparative Study on the Professional Qualification Certificate between China and England

  11. 对高职院校推行职业资格证书制度的思考

    Thinking on Introducing the Professional Credential System in Higher Vocational School

  12. 立足本职贯彻执行好国家的职业资格证书制度

    Based on Own Duty Carrying Out the Vocational Qualification Certificate System

  13. 职业资格制度的发展:人力资本理论的观点

    The Development of Professional Qualification : the Perspective of Human Capital

  14. 《秘书国家职业资格培训教程》表现出明显的务实特征,为职业秘书的培养和选拔提供了可靠依据;

    Book of Secretary 's National Vocational Qualification has obvious Practicality .

  15. 国有资产所有权代理人职业资格制度初探

    Study on Professional Qualification Institution for Agent of the State-owed Property

  16. 日本汽车维修行业职业资格制度

    Vocational Qualification Appraisal System of Japan ′ s Automobile Maintenance Industries

  17. 我国职业资格证书制度的走向及其政策研究

    Study of the Trend and Policy of Our Professional Qualification Certificate

  18. 关于建立我国图书馆职业资格证书制度的可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis of Establish Library Vocational Qualification Certificate Institution in China

  19. 美、英图书馆员职业资格制度及其对我国的启示

    American and British Librarianship Accreditation Systems and Their Enlightenment to China

  20. 完善职业资格证书制度和就业准入制度。

    Perfecting the system of technical credential and the system of employment .

  21. 基于业绩评判的国际项目经理职业资格标准体系的研究

    Research on Competence-based Vocation Qualification Standard for International Site Managers

  22. 云南省心理咨询师职业资格培训班学员情况及分析

    Condition and analysis on mental counseling trainees in Yunnan Province

  23. 整合企业优质资源,发展职业资格远程教育培训体系

    Integrating Excellent Resources in Enterprises Developing Distance-training Career Certification System

  24. 就业导向与大学生职业资格证书制度

    Orientation of Employment and the Professional Qualification Certificate System of College Students

  25. 试论职业资格考试对教育供求的调节

    On the Adjustment of Educational Need-and-supply by way of Professional Qualification Tests

  26. 我国图书馆职业资格准入制度学术研究概况及其意义

    Academic Research on Library Professional Qualification System in China and its Meaning

  27. 秘书国家职业资格认证制度的研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Secretary 's National Vocational Qualification System

  28. 他奇怪为何很多经理没有职业资格都能得到雇佣。

    He asks how some managers have got their jobs without qualifications .

  29. 现在全是要经验和职业资格的。

    Now it 's all about experience and specialised qualifications .

  30. 实施大学生职业资格证书制度的实践与探索

    Implementation and Exploration of Professional Qualification Certificate System in Colleges and Universities