
  • 网络career objective;Career Goal;Job Objective;Objective
  1. 没有人关心你的职业目标。

    No one cares about your career objective .

  2. 什么是你的职业目标,你在哪里看到自己在三到五年?

    What is your career objective and where do you see yourselves in three to five years ?

  3. 他们有非常明确的职业目标。

    They have very clear career aims in view

  4. 这只会让你减速,并且妨碍你的职业目标。

    It will only slow you down and hinder your career goals .

  5. 读研期间W同学职业目标渐趋明朗,规划做一名大学教师。

    He had an clear career goal during graduate school , planning to be a university teacher .

  6. 第二年暑假,这三名学生参加了由“大学之峰”(CollegeSummit)组织主办的讲座活动,学会了如何确定未来的职业目标,如何准备申请材料以及如何申请助学金。

    The next summer , the three attended workshops put on by the group College Summit and learned how to pinpoint their career goals , tackle college applications and qualify for financial assistance .

  7. 同样,他们的文化和你正在考虑的职位如何能让你在Scrum的职业目标上更进一步?

    And likewise , how could their culture and the position you are considering further your career goals with Scrum ?

  8. MydeveloperWorks完全面向用户:为您提供工具和社区服务,从而轻松地找到您实现职业目标所需的人员和知识。

    My developerWorks is all about you : giving you the tools and the community access to easily find the people and the knowledge you need to achieve your professional goals .

  9. 没有职业目标,我缺乏方向和动力。

    Without a career goal , I lacked direction and motivation .

  10. 设立符合现实的、能达到的个人和职业目标。

    Set personal and professional goals that are realistic and achievable .

  11. 达到你职业目标的主要阻碍是什么?

    What is the major obstacle to reach your career goal ?

  12. 你的短和长期职业目标是什么?

    What are your short & long term career objectives ?

  13. 你要能够自信地谈论你的工作热情和职业目标。

    Be able to discuss your passions and career goals with confidence .

  14. 预科学院将为您长期职业目标的确定提供指导。

    A foundation program offers guidance in determining your long-term career goals .

  15. 我对自己做的与职业目标相关的事情满意吗?

    Am I satisfied with what I did relative to my goals ?

  16. 一份描述你专业抱负或是职业目标的陈述报告。

    A statement which expresses your professional ambitions and / or career objectives .

  17. 期望小学生有清晰的职业目标是不现实的。

    It is unrealistic to expect grade-school children to have well-formulated career goals .

  18. 你的职业目标和行动计划是否可行?

    Are your career goals and action plans feasible ?

  19. 开诚布公和老板讨论你的职业目标。

    Explicitly discuss your career goals with your boss .

  20. 在给个人提供职业目标建议时,弗里德曼教授提出了3个挑战。

    When advising individuals on career goals , Prof Friedman poses three challenges .

  21. 您的职业目标和公共生活的幸福。

    Your professional goals and public life are blessed .

  22. 《华尔街日报》:你的下一个职业目标是什么?

    WSJ : What 's next for your career ?

  23. 最终的职业目标是什么?

    What can I be in the end ?

  24. 开始干吧准备好为自己想要的职业目标设想远景了吗?

    Are you ready to begin building a vision for your desired professional destination ?

  25. 在过去的一年里,有没有什么事情改变了我的职业目标?

    Did anything happen to change my goals over the course of the year ?

  26. 辅佐上级达成他自己的职业目标

    Assist and support your boss 's professional goals

  27. 但是从中得出的反馈意见对你将来的职业目标是很有益处的。

    However the feedback you get from these can be valuable for future career goals .

  28. 好好利用这些因素来实现你的财务与职业目标。

    Take advantage of it and work hard to achieve your financial and professional goals .

  29. 及学生所陈述的教育和职业目标。

    And stated educational and career objectives .

  30. 今年你有没有为自己定下过职业目标,无论是正式的还是非正式的?

    Did you set any goals for your career this year & formally or informally ?