
  1. 通过通讯过程调试,单机、联动试车,成功地完成了PLC对该生产线的自动控制。

    The aim of auto-control is also achieved by communication testing , stand-along , linkage debugging by using PLC .

  2. 在乙烯装置预试车中用乙烷代替乙烯进行联动试车的实践

    Practice of using ethane in lieu of ethylene for system combined combined test in the precommissioning of an ethylene plant

  3. 尖山铁矿自1991年开工建设以来,采选系统现已负荷联动试车。

    Since the construction of Jianshan Iron Mine started in1991 , the test running of mining-concentration system had been carried out .

  4. 岳阳石油化工总厂催化裂化装置主风机烟气轮机机组联动试车时主风机振动值严重超标(达120μm),根本原因是机组对中不良。

    Vibrations in the coupled main air blower flue gas expander of FCCU of Yueyang General Petrochemical Works were so heavily beyond the standard values due to imperfect alignment of the units , even reached 120 μ m.

  5. 提出了新建聚酯装置投产前工作准备和试车工作的要点,包括网络计划的编制,设备及管道系统的清洗,装置的标定,泄漏试验,联动试车及投料试车。

    Put forward the emphasis of preparing work and trial run before a new built PET plant start-up , including working out the network plan , washing the equipment and pipe system , calibrating the plant , and making the leakage test , the linkage and feeding trial run .