
lián yīn
  • unite by marriage;be related by marriage;connections through marriages
联姻 [lián yīn]
  • [be related by marriage] 通婚结成姻亲关系。喻指两个部门或单位之间的携手合作

  • 表厂与钢铁公司联姻

联姻[lián yīn]
  1. 他们的联姻被宣扬成当年的豪门良缘。

    Their marriage was trumpeted as the society wedding of the year .

  2. 他们已联姻。

    They are connected by marriage .

  3. 由此观之,摄影与诗歌、散文牵手较易和谐,而摄影与小说的联姻则困难重重。

    Thus it can be seen that it is easy for photography and poetry and proses to produce a harmonious effect but difficult for photography and novels .

  4. 婚姻让两个人走到一起,不过这种联姻源自于一个词:mother(母亲)。

    Matrimony joins two people , but that pairing is rooted in one word : mother .

  5. 联合王国(UnitedKingdom)是史上最成功的联姻之一。

    The United Kingdom ranks as one of the most successful marriages in history .

  6. 而苹果与Facebook的战略联姻似乎解决了这个问题。

    This development appears to address this problem .

  7. 提出一种基于联姻策略的梯度并行遗传算法的DS/SS信号的PN码估

    A PN code sequence estimation of DS / SS signal based on the improved

  8. 手机普及及3G电信技术的应用使手机阅读成为新时尚,小小说以其小而精天然地与手机阅读联姻。

    Thanks to the popularization of cell-phones and the application of3G telecom technologies , cell-phone reading has become an updating vogue nowadays .

  9. 因此,也就没有理由认为iPhone与中国移动的联姻会很快实现。

    Thus , no reason to think there will be a deal to put the iPhone on China Mobile anytime soon .

  10. 中国农村跨省联姻的特征&以黄梅县Z村为例的分析

    Ecdemic wives , native husbands : Feature analysis of cross-province marriage in rural area & Take the case of village A of Huangmei county

  11. 网易联姻MSN:内容合作还是进军移动领域?

    Headline : NetEase Collaborates with MSN : Content Cooperation Or Entry into Mobile Sector ?

  12. 然而,这次善意联姻被法国竞争对手bnp对这两家公司发起的恶意收购给拆散了。

    However , this friendly alliance had been unsoldered by a hostile bid for both companies by BNP , a French rival .

  13. 过去几年,全美汽车租赁公司(National)收购了阿拉莫(Alamo),安飞士租车(Avis)与巴吉(Budget)合并,Thrifty与Dollar成功联姻,而赫兹则收购了优势租车公司(Advantage)。

    In the last few years national bought Alamo , Avis merged with budget , thrifty hooked up with dollar ( DTG ) and Hertz acquired advantage .

  14. 当然,Facebook与Instagram的联姻最终能否顺利完成目前并没有任何保证,因为美国监管部门仍在调查可能存在的反垄断问题。

    Of course , there remains no guarantee that the facebook-instagram marriage will even be consummated , as federal regulators continue to explore possible anti-trust ramifications .

  15. 在美国,康纳和石油(Conoco)牵手菲利普斯石油(Phillips),雪佛兰石油(Chevron)与德士古(Texaco)合并,埃克森石油(Exxon)与美孚石油(Mobil)联姻。

    In the United States , Conoco merged with Phillips , Chevron merged with Texaco and Exxon merged with Mobil .

  16. 新兴且流行的数据即平台(Data-as-a-platform)Hadoop与一定程度上失宠的SOA的联姻,可能么?

    Is it possible to marry the new favorite data-as-a-platform , Hadoop , with SOA , which is somewhat falling out of favor ?

  17. 他坚持认为,与3i的联姻从长远来看将是有益的,能让这家建筑事务所获得海外金融方面的专长。

    He maintains that the relationship with 3i will prove beneficial in the long term by giving the architectural practice access to expertise in foreign finance .

  18. 加快CUBA产业化步伐,积极实行校企联姻。一方面,提高自身水平,吸引观众,积极抢占篮球市场;

    To step up the industrialization of CUBA and make it cooperated with professional companies , on one hand , it should improve their own level and attract more audience ;

  19. 《华尔街日报》同时指出,有报道称总部位于美国马萨诸塞州霍普金顿的EMC公司还与戴尔(Dell)进行了合并谈判。另外,思科系统公司和甲骨文公司也曾被指有意跟EMC联姻。

    EMC has also reportedly held deal talks with Dell , while Cisco Systems and Oracle Corporation have also been cited as potential suitors for the Hopkinton , Massachusetts-based company , WSJ says .

  20. TCL是首批收购海外资产的中国企业之一,通过将本土低成本制造优势与国际知名品牌联姻,实现自己走出国门的目标。

    TCL was among the first Chinese companies to acquire overseas assets in a push to become global by marrying low-cost manufacturing at home with well-known international brands .

  21. CAA棒球业务的负责人之一布罗迪•范华格纳帮助促成了这次联姻,看来两家经纪公司将合力负责某些客户的工作,分担应履行的职责。

    CAA baseball co-head Brodie van Wagenen helped set up the joint venture ; it appears the agencies will work together with certain clients , sharing duties .

  22. Manganese的老板JohnRussel说吉利同ManganeseBronze的联姻并不能产生什么实质的经济利益,但是有很多更加广泛的好处,比如说获得机械方面知识和一个有很多优秀传统的品牌。

    Its tie-up with Manganese Bronze has yielded few hard financial benefits , says John Russell , Manganese 's boss , but lots of broader advantages such as access to engineering know-how and a brand with plenty of heritage .

  23. CIFA同中联的联姻也使它得以进入中联在非洲和中东的分销网。

    CIFA 's partnership with Zoomlion has given it access to the Chinese firm 's distribution networks in Africa and the Middle East .

  24. 将联姻策略应用在粒子群算法中,提出一种并行粒子群算法(PPSO)。

    The allied strategy is introduced into PSO ( Particle Swarm Optmization ) and a parallel particle swarm optimization ( PPSO ) is proposed .

  25. 但若猜得不错,从分手费额度来看,HP-Autonomy联姻的胜率要比谷歌-摩托罗拉移动联姻的胜率更高。

    But if I were an odds-maker , the breakup fees suggest that google-motorola is lower on the board than hp-autonomy .

  26. 大众和铃木本该想一想以往汽车企业联姻失败的例子,应该想到雄心勃勃的费迪南德皮耶希(ferdinandpich)领导下的大众公司、与铃木修这种家长做派领导下的铃木之间,很有可能是格格不入的。

    VW and Suzuki should have considered the wreckage of past automotive alliances and the potential incompatibility of the German company , under the ambitious Ferdinand PI ch , and the Japanese one under a protective patriarch such as Mr Suzuki .

  27. 双方的“联姻”受到了地产分析师的欢迎,其中许多人曾批评Quintain在开发伦敦格林尼治的这个地块方面进度缓慢。该公司获得这个地块已有10年。

    The tie-up was well received by property analysts , many of whom have been critical about the slow progress Quintain was making on developing the Greenwich site , which it has held for 10 years .

  28. 玛丽很幸运与贵族成员联姻了。

    Mary is lucky that she has married into the nobility .

  29. 我试图找出是谁撮合了联姻。

    I 'm trying to find out who brokered the marriage .

  30. 中国传统文化中的生态智慧与科学的联姻&和谐一体的科学体系的建构

    The Unity of Science and Ecosystem Wisdom in Chinese Traditional Culture