
míng chēng
  • name;designation;title;definition;nomenclature;appellation
名称 [míng chēng]
  • (1) [name;title]∶用以识别某一个体或一群体(人或事物)的专门称呼

  • 这种水果的名称叫苹果

  • (2) [designation]∶赢得或赠予的称号

  • 多年来林区所在地没有恰当的名称

名称[míng chēng]
  1. 这名称是从上个世纪流传下来的。

    The name has come down from the last century .

  2. 该公司的名称用烫金字母拼成。

    The company name was spelled out in gold letters .

  3. 进入系统请键入用户名称和密码。

    Enter a username and password to get into the system .

  4. 键入文件名称,再按“回车”键。

    Type the filename , then press ' Return ' .

  5. 关于名称,我们有几种想法。

    We 've got a few ideas for the title .

  6. 这家机构把它那复杂累赘的名称改得好记一些了。

    The organization changed its cumbersome title to something easier to remember .

  7. 这个职位的正式名称为“行政助理”。

    The official title of the job is ' Administrative Assistant ' .

  8. 我已经忘记他所在公司的名称。

    I 've forgotten what the firm he works for is called .

  9. 风疹只是德国麻疹的另一个名称。

    Rubella is just another name for German measles .

  10. 所有出版物都按学科和名称编索引。

    All publications are indexed by subject and title .

  11. 为完整起见,所有名称均用全名。

    For the sake of completeness , all names are given in full .

  12. 公司的名称是用白底红字写的。

    The name of the company is written in red on a white background .

  13. 泰晤士河畔金斯顿镇,正如其名称所示,位于泰晤士河畔。

    Kingston-upon-Thames , as the name indicates , is situated on the banks of the Thames .

  14. 含硫化合物的名称前通常有前缀thio。

    Sulphur-containing compounds are often prefixed by the term ' thio '

  15. 它以Tattle这一品牌名称在市场上出售。

    It 's marketed under the trade name ' Tattle ' .

  16. 由于一个排印错误,朗里奇镇的名称Longridge被拼为了Longbridge。

    Owing to a typographical error , the town of Longridge was spelt as Longbridge .

  17. 所有的建筑都有名称,连在一起构成了一个半圆。

    All the buildings have names and form a half circle .

  18. 标有印第安部落名称的马里兰州地图

    a map of Maryland marked with the names of Indian tribes .

  19. 只有名称与数目吻合,才能进行销售。

    The sale would only go ahead if the name and number matched

  20. 这种疾病更通俗的名称是疯牛病。

    The disease is more commonly known as Mad Cow Disease

  21. 福特在20世纪80年代废止了该名称和商标。

    Ford allowed the name and trademark to lapse during the Eighties .

  22. 有位朋友戏谑地称它为“避难所”,然后这个名称就沿用了下来。

    A friend dubbed it ' The Sanctuary ' and the name stuck .

  23. 这些名称是直接从汉语中舶来的。

    The names are direct borrowings from the Chinese .

  24. 他们把街道名称改了。

    They changed the name of the street .

  25. 通用汽车公司和福特公司都认为它们需要用更有气派的品牌名称销售高档车。

    Both GM and Ford believe they need classier brand names to sell upmarket cars .

  26. 他们使用了复杂的暗号,比如用树的名称代表字母。

    They used elaborate secret codes , as when the names of trees stood for letters

  27. 请写明如下信息:产品名称、类型、购买日期和价格。

    Write down the following information : name of product , type , date purchased and price

  28. 只要你能从这些单词中找到四种鸟的名称你就赢了。

    All you have to do to win is unscramble the words here to find four names of birds .

  29. “能告诉我您的正式职务名称吗?”——“数据处理部经理。”

    ' Could you tell me your official job title ? ' — ' It 's Data Processing Manager . '

  30. 在苏联时代和紧随其后的一段时期,该地区的官方名称为“中亚和哈萨克斯坦”。

    During the Soviet era and its immediate aftermath , the region was officially known as ' Middle Asia and Kazakhstan ' .