
  1. 用流式细胞仪快速筛查2名有白介素-1受体相关激酶-4缺乏的同胞的脐带脱落延迟

    Delayed separation of the umbilical cord in two siblings with Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 deficiency : Rapid screening by flow cytometer

  2. 这个公司声称从大小上来看,这颗钻石在已发现的大钻的历史上和特殊性上能够排名第15名的白钻。

    The company called the stone exceptional and historic in size , ranking it the15th largest white diamond ever to be recovered .

  3. 这起事件的起因是,城管队员发现一名身穿白衬衫的男子在拍摄他们的行动,之后试图夺走该男子的手机时开始殴打此人。

    The incident was touched off when chengguan , China 's urban para-police , began beating a man in a white shirt while trying to take away his cellphone after they spotted him photographing them .

  4. 中国泸沽湖——一名身穿白衬衫、黑裤子和红腰带的年轻男子突然沿着木屋侧面爬上去,从二层的花格窗跃入房间。

    LUGU LAKE , China - A young man clad in a white shirt , black pants and red belt suddenly scrambled up the side of a log house and slid feet first into a second-story latticed window .

  5. 一对英国黑人夫妇昨日产下一名婴儿-白皮肤,蓝眼睛的金发小孩。

    BLACK couple coo over their new baby yesterday-a white , blue-eyed BLONDE .

  6. DTI纤维追踪法定量分析90名正常国人脑白质老化

    White matter fiber tracking method for the study of aging-quantitative diffusion tensor imaging analysis of ninety healthy adult Chinese

  7. 近三十年来最有影响力、最受欢迎的音乐组合之一蠢朋克乐队2月22日早上发布了一个名为《收场白》的告别视频,宣布解散。

    Daft Punk , one of the most influential and popular groups to emerge in the past 30 years , have announced their retirement via a video titled " Epilogue " posted Monday morning .

  8. 三名中的两名裁判员必须给白灯信号,表示他们批准这次试举。

    Two of the three referees must approve the lift by signaling with a white light .

  9. 该院的几十名职工对张的行径表示愤慨,曾多次联名对张提出批评。三名中的两名裁判员必须给白灯信号,表示他们批准这次试举。

    Dozens of staff members expressed their indignation and jointly criticized her several times . Two of the three referees must approve the lift by signaling with a white light .