
  1. 通过对宏观税负的区间的分析,可见GDP增长与名义税负、实际税负均成负相关,在一定程度上印证了低税负高增长,高税负低增长的研究结论;

    We have come to the conclusion that low tax burdens can make high increase , and high tax burdens can make low increase by the analysis of macro - tax burdens .

  2. 据介绍,外资企业的名义税负为15%,实际税负水平为11%,远远低于法定的33%。

    According to reports , Nominal Tax Burden is15 % , and Real Tax Burden which was much lower than the33 % of the legal was11 % .

  3. 本文利用投入产出表和统计年鉴相关数据,在结合房地产业实际的基础上,将名义税负分解为税率带来的增税效应和抵扣带来的减税效应,并对房地产业中间投入水平进行重构。

    Based on a combination of actual situation of the real estate and input-output tables , the nominal tax rate of VAT can be interpreted by tax increases and deductible effects .

  4. 无论是印花税名义税率还是实际税负,各国(地区)之间相差很大,而中国大陆地区都偏低。

    Both the nominal and real rate of stamp tax varies greatly among countries and regions , and both are quite low in Chinese mainland .