
  • 网络macro-tax burden;macro tax burden
  1. 试析我国的宏观税负

    Try to Analyze the Macro-tax Burden of Our Country

  2. 中国转型期宏观税负与经济增长研究

    A Research about Macro-Tax Burden and Economic Growth in the Chinese Transition Period

  3. 税收收入、GDP及我国宏观税负分析

    On Tax , GDP and Tax Burden

  4. 我国宏观税负水平评析:基于IMF和OECD税收收入口径

    Macro Tax Burden in China : An Analysis on the Base of Tax Revenue Caliber of IMF and OECD

  5. 增税使宏观税负增加不超过22.9%,宏观税负与政府支出占GDP比重相差不超过3个百分点为宜;

    Adding tax puts the macro-tax ratio not up to 22.9 % and it should not lower 3 percent points than the ratio of government expenditure to GDP .

  6. 通过因素分析,将税收增量分解为实际GDP增加、物价上涨、宏观税负提高带来的税收增长。

    Through factor analysis , it separate the increase of tax revenue into tax revenue increase from growth of actual GDP and rise in price and macro tax burden .

  7. 通过对宏观税负的区间的分析,可见GDP增长与名义税负、实际税负均成负相关,在一定程度上印证了低税负高增长,高税负低增长的研究结论;

    We have come to the conclusion that low tax burdens can make high increase , and high tax burdens can make low increase by the analysis of macro - tax burdens .

  8. 宏观税负率是全部政府收入占GDP的比例,我国目前的宏观税负率高于30%,明显过高,应该降低税负水平。

    Macroscopic tax burden rate is the proportion of all government income occupying the GDP . Current macroscopic tax burden rate is higher than 30 % and obviously over high . The tax burden should be lowered .

  9. 宏观税负一般用税收收入占GDP的比重来反映,它表明了一定时期政府财力的集中程度,它是税收政策的核心。

    The proportion that takes GDP normally with the income of tax revenue reflects macroscopic tax burden , it has shown a certain period the concentration level of government financial resources , it is the core of the policy of tax revenue .

  10. 文章界定了宏观税负测度的指标和公式,评价了目前我国宏观税负的水平,通过计量模型分析,得出了宏负每提高一个百分点使GDP增速下降0.02个百分点的结论。

    This paper defines the objectives and formula for testing macro-tax-burden , assesses the current level of China 's macro-tax-burden , and , by mathematical model analysis , concludes that 1 percent increase of macro-tax-burden would cause 0.02 percent decline of GDP growth rate .

  11. 我国宏观税负若干问题探析

    Analysis on the Problems of Macro Tax - burden in China

  12. 从宏观税负率看减负

    Reducing Tax Burden from the View of Macroscopic Tax Burden Rate

  13. 中国区域宏观税负收敛性分析

    Analyzing on Regional Convergence of Macroeconomic Tax Burden in China

  14. 宏观税负影响因素分析

    An Analysis on the Respects of Macro - tax Burden

  15. 中国宏观税负结构模式研究

    Study on the Pattern of the Macroscopic Tax Burden Structure of China

  16. 美国宏观税负与经济增长问题研究

    Research into the Relationship between American Macro Tax Burden and Economic Growth

  17. 我国不同地区宏观税负差异分析

    Macro tax burden : analysis of difference across the regions of our country

  18. 重庆市宏观税负水平及其经济因素分析

    Analysis of the Level of Macro-tax Burden and Its Economic Factors in Chongqing

  19. 我国宏观税负的比较与分析

    Comparison and Analysis of China 's Macroscopic Tax Burden

  20. 我国宏观税负及企业纳税行为分析

    Analysis of the Macroscopical Burden of Taxation & the Behavior That Enterprise Pay Taxes

  21. 论我国宏观税负的形成机理

    On China 's Macro Tax Burden Formation Mechanism

  22. 最后探讨了界定合理宏观税负水平的理论标准。

    Finally , the author discusses academic criterion of rational level of macro-taxation burden .

  23. 中国宏观税负理论模式创新

    On Theoretical Model of Macro - tax Burden

  24. 的论断,揭示了宏观税负与弹性系数之间的关系。

    Thereby , the relationship between elasticity coefficient and macro tax burden become more clearly .

  25. 而宏观税负的结构,严格说来,主要是指宏观税负的地区结构,从不同侧面、多角度研究我国宏观税负的构成,能够为协调全国各地区间的经济均衡发展,提供有益的参考。

    The research of regional structure could offer helpful reference for coordinating the overall economy .

  26. 宏观税负下降与经济增长关系的理论解释与实证分析

    The Theoretical Interpretation and Positive Analysis about the Relationship in Declining Macro-tax Burden and Economic Growth

  27. 宏观税负与经济增长关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Relation between Macro Tax Burden and Economic Growth of Hebei Province

  28. 政府的职能范围和支出结构将影响宏观税负的高低以及微观主体对宏观税负水平的评价;

    The level and the evaluation of Macro-tax burden are also influenced by government functions and expenditure structure .

  29. 宏观税负水平是一国政府制定税收制度、调整税制结构的一个重要依据。

    Tax burden is an important factor for government to develop tax system and adjust the tax structure .

  30. 这种反映一国总体税收负担水平的指标,我们把它称之为宏观税负。

    The index , which reflects the overall tax burden in a country , is called macro tax burden .