
zhì yā hé tonɡ
  • contract of pledge
  1. 论质押合同的性质和形式

    On the Properties and Forms of Pledge Contract

  2. 浅谈质押合同生效要件

    On the Execution Requisites of Pledge Contract

  3. 股权质押合同。

    First , Equity mortgage contract .

  4. 质押合同可以是单独订立的合同,也可以是主合同中的担保条款。

    A pledge contract could be a separately concluded contract or a pledge clause of the master contract .

  5. 质押合同不完全具备前款规定内容的,可以补正。

    If a pledge contract has the contents incompletely prescribed in the proceeding paragraph , it may be supplemented .

  6. 首先,应收账款质押合同须满足形式要件和实质要件。

    First , the contract on the pledge of accounts receivable shall meet the formal requirements and essential requirements .

  7. 质押合同自质物移交于质权人占有时生效。

    A pledge contract shall become effective upon the delivery of the pledged property to the possession of the pledgee .

  8. 质押合同自股份出质记载于股东名册之日起生效。

    The pledge contract shall become effective on the date on which the pledge of shares is written into the shareholders ' name-list .

  9. 区分原则强调股权出质登记是股权质权的生效要件而非股权质押合同的生效要件。

    According to the trennungsprinzip , it is-emphasised that registered pledge is essential for the pledge instead of the equity pledge agreement have the validity .

  10. 签订质押合同但出质人进行的是转让背书而未记载质押字句是否构成质押的问题。

    The pledger makes the pledge contract , but makes transfer endorsement not the pledge endorsement , whether the bill hypothecation is established under this condition .

  11. 公司法对股权转让与出质的规定直接影响股权质押合同效力及股权质权的取得。

    It has a direct impact to obtain validity of equity pledge agreement and to obtain pledge that the restrictions of share transfer and pledge by Company law .

  12. 笔者认为一般债权的设质必须以书面方式确定,即当事人必须签订书面质押合同;公证方式应为一般债权设质最合理的公示手段。

    The writer believe the set of general creditors right should be defined in written form , in other words , the parties should sign a written pledge contract .

  13. 其次,就股权质押合同的效力而言,笔者着重梳理担保法、担保法解释以及物权法中的相关规定,并强调了物权法纠正了担保法中关于质押合同生效和质权设立相混淆的错误。

    Secondly , the author focuses on combing security law , as well as the relevant provisions in the Property Law and stressed the security law to correct the error .

  14. 股权相关贷款是指可转换为股权的贷款,或可以以股权作抵押的贷款。质押合同自权利凭证交付之日起生效。

    Equity related loans are loans convertible into equity ownership or loans collateralized with equity positions . The pledge contract shall become effective upon the delivery of the document of title .

  15. 自公告发布之日起,所有计算机软件著作权质押合同必须到中国软件登记中心办理质押合同登记手续,质押合同自登记之同起生效。

    Fromsince the date of promulgatingissuing the announcement , all the pledge contracts of computer software copyright must be registered at China software registration center and the pledge contracts shall become effective on the date of registration .

  16. 安全价值从企业信用体系的建立、严格设质前的审查、合理设计质押合同、明确对次债务人的通知、完善登记公示制度以及设质后的监管六方面来实现。

    Safety value in enterprise credit system is established , a strict quality before the review , reasonable design of the pledge contract , to clear the secondary obligor notice , perfect registration system of public and quality supervision of a after six realization .

  17. 从应收账款的不确定性出发,《物权法》在制度设计上规定质押合同必须以书面合同而为之,这是降低法律风险,保护当事人的合法权益的强制性规定。

    Accounts receivable from the uncertainty of " property rights " in the system design contract provisions must pledge to a written contract to do this , this is to reduce legal risk and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties to the mandatory provisions .

  18. 贷款人对借款人的借款申请审查同意后,根据有关法规与借款人签订质押贷款合同。

    After examining and approving the loan application by the borrower , the lender shall sign the contract of pledged loan in accordance with pertinent regulations with the borrower .

  19. 借款人和贷款人签订质押贷款合同后,双方应同时在证券登记机构办理出质登记。

    After signing the contract of the pledged loan by and between the lender and the borrower , both parties shall concurrently go through pledge registration at the securities registry institution .

  20. 在价值范围内,公路收费权可以多次质押。公路收费权质押合同由省级交通主管部门进行登记,自登记之日起生效。

    Among the range of price , it can be pledged many times , and the moment the contract is enrolled by the provincial traffic department it comes into effect .