
rónɡ zī zū lìn hé tonɡ
  • Finance lease contract;contract for financial leasing
  1. 租赁物的使用地为融资租赁合同的履行地。

    The place where the leased property is used shall be deemed to be the place of the performance of the contract for financial leasing .

  2. 涉外融资租赁合同纠纷案件的当事人可以协议选择处理合同争议所适用的法律;

    Article 4 The litigants in the disputed case for the contract for financial leasing relating to the foreign interests may choose through negotiation the law applicable to the dispute over the contract .

  3. 本论文以融资租赁合同法律关系为研究对象。

    This thesis regards financing lease contract as the research object .

  4. 融资租赁合同中承租人索赔权研究

    On the lessee Right to Claim in the Lease Contract of Financing

  5. 第二章对国际融资租赁合同的法律特点进行了分析。

    Chapter Two analyses the legal nature of the international financial leasing contract .

  6. 融资租赁合同应当采用书面形式。

    A financial leasing contract shall be in writing .

  7. 融资租赁合同法律性质探究

    On the Legal Nature of Financial Leasing Contracts

  8. 第二部分:融资租赁合同。

    Part II : Financial leasing contracts .

  9. 融资租赁合同的成立和生效中论述了其中的一些特殊问题。

    In the part of the establishing and becoming effective of financial lease contracts it expounds some special problems .

  10. 在确立这个观点的基础上,就可以清晰地分别分析融资租赁合同双方当事人各自所负担的违约责任以及融资租赁合同中特殊的救济措施了。

    Based on this acknowledge , we could analyze the duty of breach of contract and special remedies more easily .

  11. (三)以融资租赁合同形式规避国家有关法律、法规的;

    The contract sidesteps the law and regulations of the State in the form of the contract for financial leasing ;

  12. 船舶融资租赁合同纠纷案件的审判和实体法律适用存在误区。

    Case of shipping finance lease contract can not avoid certain misinterpretations in the process of trial and application of law .

  13. 第三部分对融资租赁合同法律关系的客体进行了分析,论述了融资租赁合同的客体的特殊性问题。

    Section Three deals with the object of legal relations of the financing lease contract and the special features of the object .

  14. 第一部分对融资租赁合同的概念进行界定,并从一般和特殊两方面探讨其法律特征,以解决对融资租赁合同的基本定位和把握。

    The thesis divides into four parts : Part ⅰ: Defines the concept of the financial leasing contract and probes into its legal characteristics .

  15. 租赁合同与供货合同的特殊关系是国际融资租赁合同的一个显著特点,其突破了合同相对性的理论,对于整个交易有重要影响。

    The extraordinary relationship between the leasing contract and the supply contract breaches the theory of relativity of the contract and is important to the whole trade .

  16. 融资租赁合同具有全额清偿性与不可解除性。

    Financial leasing contract can 't be relieved and all rental should be paid even if lessee don 't use leasehold before the period of lease finished .

  17. 第三章对国际融资租赁合同中与商业交易有关的内容进行了法律分析:关于租赁物的有关规定是合同的重要内容。

    Chapter Three discusses the legal problems relating to the bargaining of international financial leasing trade , including : The leased asset These provisions play an important role in the contract .

  18. 本文还针对船舶扣押制度中的热点问题,如融资租赁合同中的船舶扣押问题等展开论述,指出船舶融资租赁合同不等同于光船租赁合同而不能够被扣押。

    In this chapter , some popular problems are discussed , for instance , the arrest of ships under a financing-lease contract consumes several pages and finally concludes with a negative answer .

  19. 第四部分对融资租赁合同法律关系的内容进行了详细地论述。主要分析了融资租赁合同的主要条款及当事人各方的权利义务。

    Section Four analyzes the content of legal relations of the financing lease contract major provisions of the financing lease contract and the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract .

  20. 本文对国际融资租赁合同的若干法律问题进行了研究和探讨,以期能对我国国际融资租赁的实践有所裨益。

    This dissertation will discuss several legal problems in order that it might be helpful to the further development of international financing leasing . The dissertation is composed of three parts : foreword .

  21. 融资租赁合同所涉及的项目应当报经有关部门批准而未经批准的,应认定融资租赁合同不生效。

    Article 5 If the items involved in the contract for financial leasing shall have been approved by the related authorities but actually have not been approved , such contract shall be held null and void .

  22. 融资租赁合同是促进融资租赁交易的重要私法工具,我国合同法已有相应的规定,但仍存在不足,有待完善。

    The financial lease contract is an important means of financial lease , which has been provided for by the Contract Law of People 's Republic of China but is still imperfect and necessary to be perfected .

  23. 融资租赁合同纠纷案件的当事人,可以协议选择与争议有实际联系地点的法院管辖。

    Article 3 The litigants in the disputed case over the contract for financial leasing , may choose through negotiation the court in the place substantially associating to the controversy to have the jurisdiction over the case .

  24. 文章的第四部分引用了一个实际的飞机融资租赁合同案例,根据这个案例中给出的数据,套用融资租赁模型估算该融资租赁租金定价的上下限,对实际合同执行时租金的合理性进行分析。

    The fourth part of the paper includes an airplane-leasing contract case , which offers data for rental pricing model of financial leasing . When price interval is set , analysis on rationality of contract execution is examined .

  25. 九、租赁物从境外购买的,融资租赁合同当事人约定用外币支付租金,应认定为有效。

    Article 9 The leased property purchased from foreign countries and for which the litigants in the contract for financial leasing agreed in the contract to pay the rent in foreign currency , such contract shall be deemed valid .

  26. 由于国际融资租赁合同涉及多方当事人,任何一方违约都会对另外一方或多方的利益造成影响,融资租赁合同中当事人的违约较传统租赁合同更具复杂性。

    As the international financial leasing contract involves multi-party , that any one violates the contract will affect the interests of the other party or parties , so the party breach of financial leasing contract is more complex than the traditional one .

  27. 融资租赁合同实质上是基于信用而建立起来的具有金融性质的以租赁为表现形式的债权债务关系,即融资租赁合同是一种金融信用租赁契约。

    In essence , financial leasing contract makes clear the relationship of creditor 's rights and liabilities in the form of leasing based on credit of financial nature , namely , financial leasing contract is in essence that of finance credit leasing .

  28. 船舶融资租赁合同是由三方当事人订立的船舶买卖合同和租赁合同共同构成的整体,内容上包括船舶买卖合同和船舶租赁合同。

    Ship finance lease contract is entered into by the three parties to the sale of the ship and together constitute a lease contract as a whole , Shipping finance lease contracts including the sale of the ship and ship leasing contract .

  29. 近两年,我国融资租赁发展迅速。融资租赁合同是融资租赁交易的产物,更好的研究融资租赁合同,对于促进融资租赁的发展具有重要的价值。

    Nearly two years , with rapid development of financing lease in China , the financial leasing contract as a financial leasing transaction product , to research financing lease contract better , will have important value to promote the development of the financing lease business .

  30. 在民商法层面,主要评论《国际融资租赁公约》和我国《合同法》融资租赁合同章等。

    Furthermore , it discusses the private law mainly on the UNIDROIT Convention on International Financial Leasing and the Financial Leasing Contract ' chapter of China Contract Law , ect .